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Thread: the adl and muslims, blacks, the poor, your hood, crack and uzi's

  1. #1

    Default the adl & crack:the killing of muslims, blacks, natives, the poor & your hood

    the adl & crackhe killing of muslims, blacks, natives, the poor & your hood

    tricks and lies:

    the below article sons the adl b.u.t. give a listen and read ashahed
    m. muhammad -- synagogue of satan -- for more knowledge on the adl and
    their hush/hush armed wing the jdl (jewish defense league) -- right
    now/this minute they are hard at work with csis, THE RCMP, INSET = the
    rcmp/fbi -- in this new COINTELPRO -- in destroying hoods in the u.s.
    and kkkanada -- especially the target of hoods in victoria, bc.

    an article:

    Islamic rights group CAIR says "ADL Seeks to Hinder Legal Rights of
    U.S. Muslims"
    Jewish Voices for Peace

    It's clear why the folks at CAIR, the country's largest Islamic civil
    rights group, finally decided they've had enough. It's impossible to
    argue with their recent press statement accusing

    the Anti-Defamation League (ADL http://www.adl.org/) of seeking to
    hinder the due process rights of American Muslims by using "smears and
    exclusionary tactics" that exploit growing Islamophobia in American

    CAIR went on:

    … those smears appeared in a recent ADL news release targeting members
    of a coalition defending the legal rights of officials of the Holy
    Land Foundation (HLF) Muslim charity currently on trial in Texas. In
    its release, the ADL falsely claimed that members of the coalition
    have been "tainted by their own murky associations with radical
    organizations and individuals."

    (As the Los Angeles Times just reported, an Israeli intelligence
    officer testified that "none of the overseas charities [The Holy Land
    Foundation] supported has appeared among hundreds of names on U.S.
    government terrorist lists." This severely weakened the government's
    case against the Holy Land Foundation).

    Much of Abe Foxman's press release features unsubstantiated innuendo
    more worthy of a tabloid than a civil rights organization (which,
    again, is a terrible waste, because it makes it impossible to separate
    the valuable things the ADL says about genuine hate groups from this
    sort of blatant propaganda).

    Foxman said

    "These groups are tainted by their own murky associations with radical
    organizations and individuals and, in some cases, expressions of
    solidarity with terrorist groups targeting Israelis."

    Foxman offers little evidence for his accusations. But in the current
    climate, simply accusing a person or group of sanctioning terrorism
    has the same effect that tossing around accusations of communism did
    fifty years ago.

    The ADL backgrounder on CAIR on which the press release is based is
    even worse.

    Filled with chains of associated people and controversial issues on
    which CAIR takes "the wrong side," the list is long and, in fairness,
    certainly does show that CAIR, reflecting much of the Muslim
    community, is deeply critical of Israel and its practices. This will
    fill many with a feeling that, yes, CAIR does condone terrorism or
    does not object to targeting Israeli civilians, despite the clear
    stances by CAIR opposing such things. At no point, however, does the
    ADL backgrounder offer a shred of evidence to support the accusation
    that CAIR is anti-Semitic, that CAIR supports terrorism, or even that
    CAIR questions Israel's right to exist.

    The backgrounder features such shocking revelations like:

    April 2007: Hussam Ayloush told In Focus, a CAIR affiliated
    publication, that “there is a well-coordinated attempt by extremist
    pro-Israel circles to silence American Muslims.� The article,
    “Pro-Israel groups target American Muslims,� argued that criticism
    of CAIR by “right-wing pro-Israeli groups� is motivated by a
    desire to prevent all Muslims from acquiring “influence in the
    political and social arenas.� According to In Focus, “CAIR
    officials say such attacks seek to marginalize the American Muslim
    voice and disenfranchise this minority.�

    February 2007: CAIR began actively promoting President Carter’s book
    Palestine: Peace not Apartheid,sending complimentary copies to public

    August 28, 2006: CAIR hosted professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen
    Walt for a discussion about the “Israel Lobby� and the war in
    Lebanon at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. CAIR’s
    director, Nihad Awad, argued that the “American government offers
    unconditional support for Israel and its occupation and humiliation of
    its neighbors.� He further claimed that “our one-sided support for
    Israel is a liability in the war on terror…America’s Middle East
    policy should be based on our nation’s interests, not on those of a
    powerful domestic lobby for a foreign government.�

    The ADL's deliberate conflation of criticism of Israel, and
    anti-Semitism, validates CAIR's charges that this is not a civil
    rights issue but a political one.

    The ADL won't get very far saying "We hate CAIR because we disagree
    with their political analysis," but they will get far using the
    ultimate weapon at their disposal: calling them terrorists.

    And this is terrible for everyone, when people of all faiths and
    ethnicities should be working together to root out all forms of brutal
    killing of civilians, whether by individuals, groups or states.

    To be sure the United States is at war and sensitivities are
    justifiably high in the post 9/11 era. And, it is a war we have in
    large part exacerbated through bringing chaos to Iraq, and our
    tendency to demonize Muslims, who comprise some 1.5 billion people
    throughout the world.

    The desire to create a false consensus on Israeli policy has led to
    numerous efforts to silence dissent–we at Jewish Voice for Peace know
    this because it has happened to us repeatedly, and in ways we never

    But efforts to silence Muslims and people of Arab descent who refuse
    to toe the party line reach an order of a completely different
    magnitude: they are not just silenced, but criminalized. At stake is
    not just free speech, but actual lives and livelihoods.

    As we've noted before- the ADL does valuable work against bigotry, and
    they also see themselves as a pro-Israel organization. They were vocal
    defenders of Arab school principal Debbie Almontaser, who is Muslim,
    by attacks from right-wing groups. They also have a long history of
    exposing hate groups and not only those that target Jews.

    But when dealing with civil or human rights issues that come into
    conflict with ADL's support of Israel "right or wrong," the latter
    wins out. The irony, of course, is that this kind of simplistic
    thinking and narrow definition of protecting Israel's interests
    actually harms Israel, and puts Jews at risk.

    ADL says it wants to protect civil liberties. ADL says it wants to
    fight against bigotry. The ADL once linked Jewish liberation to the
    liberation of all peoples. The ADL says it stands against the harming
    of civilians. And when they and the many good staff members and
    supporters do this work, we give them a standing applause.

    But for an increasing majority worldwide that refuses to close our
    eyes to the extraordinary suffering of Palestinians, and the ongoing
    conflict which continues to take Israeli and Palestinian lives, it's
    hard to maintain respect for an organization when, as CAIR says

    "CAIR and other American Muslim organizations have consistently
    condemned terrorism, including attacks on Israeli civilians, while the
    ADL has remained silent about the abuses suffered by the Palestinian
    people under occupation.

    CAIR continues

    "For too long, the ADL has allowed its blind support for Israel's
    brutal policies toward the Palestinians and its zero-sum approach to
    public debate on the Middle East conflict to unnecessarily poison
    relations between the Jewish and American Muslim communities.

    "We call on the ADL to end its campaign of exclusion and to join with
    American Muslims in seeking to make our nation one that is both safe
    and free of intolerance and hatred."

    Including American Muslims in coalitions working towards justice and
    fairness for all, and not demonizing them because they might criticize
    Israeli policy, is work worthy of the ADL. It remains to be seen if
    they can ever fully deliver.

    ************************************************** *******************


    see also:

    The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), their student operatives – the Hillel Student Union, are for the purposes of this writing lumped in together as a result of their furtive and duplicitous actions. They are not above reproach or rebuke. The ADL, AJC and Hillel Student Union should be held up for analysis, examination and correction as all other groups and organizations.Of course they would not want to be judged or measured by the same barometer they use for others. If that were the case, then the ADL, given their well-documented history of spying on leaders and organizations, smear campaigns and character defamation, would be classified as anti-everything that is not Jewish, and in many cases, they are speaking out against other Jews who do not share their methods or views. The ADL’s thought policing policies are evident and typical of their extensive history of manipulation....They have become masters of cloaking their spying and mischief-making activities by masquerading as a civil rights and human rights organization. They are public affairs charlatans capitalizing on the insecurity, guilt and fear of others in order to establish and maintain control while simultaneously forcing their agenda and lobby disguised as legislation." -- Ashahed M. Muhammad --"Beyond the Mask - The ADL Spy Scandal"


    * Leaked ADL Memo: Internal Strategy for confronting Minister Farrakhan PDF (Secret ADL Strategy Document, 1994)

    * New Israeli spy probe has a 30-year history, insiders say (FCN, 09-14-2004)

    * Russell Simmons Responds to Abraham Foxman about the Millions More Movement (MMM, 05-09-2005)

    * Toward Black-Jewish Relations Outside AIPAC-ADL Construct (BEC, 06-19-2002)

    * Fire Abe Foxman! (Jude Wanniski, Polyconomics.com, 1998)


    listen hear:

    synagogue of satan:


  2. #2
    Prince Rai



    no disrespect but that is a lot of homework right there. could you tighten everything you posed into a few paragraphs which are legible to passer-bys who want to know more about this, like me.


  3. #3
    A Threat to the State Treazon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lord patch View Post
    after i read that i basically stopped paying attention to anything you said
    live and learn, dont be a bitch

  4. #4
    Veteran Member
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    Word. And there's nothing hushed up about the JDL. They're well known for their ridiculous political viewpoints that even the ADL condemns. I'd love to see the "connection" between those two competing organizations.

  5. #5


    What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think?

    uh, here's the site in question: Middle East conflict
    Last edited by AlexZello; 12-25-2007 at 09:07 PM.

  6. #6
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    ^You live in "israel", may i ask what are your views on the palestinian people? and was it right for them to be removed from their country in such a inhumane and appaling manner?

    seen as you live in "israel" your thoughts on this subject will be very informative for me

    Bank heist in Kathmandu, it was a slaughter
    The day Buddha was born it rained tea instead of water


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