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Thread: Kemetic Origin of Martial Arts

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by SubtleEnergies View Post
    I agree with you Black Wisdom...and I have looked into alot of less popular sources.

    However, I still think for a peacful, long (very long) established society the Chinese gave us very little. I mean you get the lists of stuff....gunpowder, tooth brushes etc....but honestly...so what?

    Western Civilisation right now is the most advanced (technologically and intellectually at least - they may fuck up majorly on wisdom etc). ALSO I recognize alot of the science and thought we have is NOT western in origin. Maths, Science, Astronomy, Religion very much so (even though most western dogma subscribers will deny this till blue in the face) have all been developed largely by Arabs and North Africans.

    However, what in the pinacle of human development has its origins in China? Martial arts, maybe paper and a tooth brush...even to this day the martial arts SEVERELY lack the rational approach needed (and I say this is true of the I ching, which is not chinese in its very origin but was developed by them and eventually into a bunch of hocus pocus) because it was kept in the hands of the chinese. I mean look at the extremely unrational views on Chi as a large example...also little biological knowledge has been applied to training techniques which may well have improved them dramatically.

    The mind set Asians is different to westerners. They are less creative (this isn't my racist stereotype...there are text books on it). They tend alot more to identify with the society as a whole. In a book with the Dalai Lama and some scientists who did research they found alot of differences even with asians raised in western societies and even if raised by non-asian parents (adopted). They asked western youths who they were and they listed off integral qualities they thought they possessed eg. I am strong, I am emotional, I am kind etc. When they asked the same questions to asians they said much more external measures of who they were eg. I play tennis, I am such and suches kid, I am such and suches brother, I study this or that. They also found they express their emotions less and typically have lower self-esteem.

    Maybe this is due to some form of extreme right-mindedness, it would explain the technological stagnation and the lack of methodical approach. The same way, I believe westerns are generally too left-minded.

    If you believe metu neter then people with african blood have the best balance between left and right hemispheres. I think it is probably true. Hence the development of religion, science, maths etc....the intuitive used properly and guided by the intellect.

    Of course these would all be correlations not hard and fast rules.

    Also Africans have more of those sexual hormones (usually). I think the sex energy of a person definitely contributes to their over all creativity and energy levels. Asians have the least...and I wouldn't be the first person to think black people are charismatic and asians overly introverted.

    Well there is my racial rant on creativity and culture lol
    What do you say to the billions of Asians across India, China, Cambodia, Tibet, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.?

    What African films can you measure to the classic martial art genre?

  2. #17
    Walk Like a Warrior blackwisdom's Avatar
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    I understand where SubtleEnergies rant is trying to go. I just have one question. Holy Fool, what do movies have to do with the innovation of Martial Arts?

    The Chinese cornered that market the same way that the Koreans have cornered the market on the Black hair care industry. Just cause they made hundreds of movies doesn't mean that they are the sole masters of the Arts. Just like, just cause cowboy and indian movies make indians the villians don't mean that they were the villians in real life. Ya feel me?

    I posted this to open the dialog on the original arts that the Africans created.

    "Read everything, listen to everybody, don't trust anything unless you can prove it with your research." - William "Bill" Cooper
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  3. #18
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    I really do not agree with your assessment on the Chinese. Philosophically, they have been as innovative and creative as the Greeks. Just look at Confucious alone. The artwork from historical China is some of the most beautiful I have ever seen.

  4. #19
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    Confucius can suck my dick. He was a tool. He spat out exactly what the government wanted him to. He kept everyone in order - women submitting to men, children submitting to parents, and the people submitting to the rulers (the problem is the rigidity of this...people were expected to keep these loyalties unquestioningly). Infact, he is a very good EXAMPLE of what I was talking about.

    Why do you think Taoists make fun of him so much?

    Now as for Taoism: The I Ching is not Chinese in origin. But like I said, the Chinese did develop it. However, as a result we also ended up with some ignorant ideas...like hanging a pakua on your door for good luck, or using the i ching symbols to predict the sex of a child, the result of a marriage. At its worst we see 'religious taoism' which is basically an amalgamation of different superstitions. That does not mean there were no good Chinese Taoists...there obviously were..but also you should read the 'Gospel of Phillip' then the Tao Teh Ching and then the Jesus Sutras. It seems Jesus and Taoism may be interlinked.....

    Anyway, in conclusion Taoism (apart from confucianism which hardly interests me) is the most chinese philosophy. That is ONE good system of philosophy, which may not be chinese in origin anyway, that they have out of the hundreds that were developed.

    The Chinese haven't developed any of the major religions. Even Buddhism is Indian/tibetan (whereever Buddha was from). THEN Tamo had to come and sort it out later on coz the Chinese had messed Buddhism up.

    As for Chinese, and infact asian artwork in general, I am not really convinced it is that great.

    But as for everything I said, there will always be exceptions to the general rules anyway.

    And HoLY FOOL, as for the Malaysians, Tibetans etc...they are all often mixes of Chinese (who are also the Japaneses' ancestors) and darker indigenous peoples. As such, their mental qualities will also be a mix. I knew a Phillipino girl who was not asian, she was very dark, and her personality was quite different to most asians.

    I don't see why it is such a big deal. We are all different mentally. I don't think any of us are perfect. I mean asians may be less creative...but they kick ass on putting their heads' down and studying, hard work etc.

    Also, as for the martial art movies....I still do believe the chinese did develop martial arts alot, just not originated them. But they spent alot more time without guns than some nations and were colonized as a result.
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  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by blackwisdom View Post
    I understand where SubtleEnergies rant is trying to go. I just have one question. Holy Fool, what do movies have to do with the innovation of Martial Arts?
    Nothing at all. My question was based on SubtleEnergies comments asserting Asians to be an introverted people.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by SubtleEnergies View Post

    And HoLY FOOL, as for the Malaysians, Tibetans etc...they are all often mixes of Chinese (who are also the Japaneses' ancestors) and darker indigenous peoples. As such, their mental qualities will also be a mix. I knew a Phillipino girl who was not asian, she was very dark, and her personality was quite different to most asians.
    Also Africans have more of those sexual hormones (usually). I think the sex energy of a person definitely contributes to their over all creativity and energy levels. Asians have the least....
    You suggested ASIANS have the least ''sexual energy''. My question was based on that statement alone. What do you say to the billions of Asians across India, China, Cambodia, Tibet, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.?

    Also, as for the martial art movies....I still do believe the chinese did develop martial arts alot, just not originated them. But they spent alot more time without guns than some nations and were colonized as a result.
    You suggested ''Africans are more charismatic then Asians''.
    My question was based on this statement. I was appealing to the charisma factor found in Asian cinema, not to the historical development of martial arts.

    ...and I wouldn't be the first person to think black people are charismatic and asians overly introverted.
    Charisma comes from charis "grace, beauty, kindness," and is related to chairein "to rejoice at," from PIE base *gher- "to desire, like."

    To ask my question in a different way what African films can you measure to the charisma of the classic martial art genre?

  7. #22
    Walk Like a Warrior blackwisdom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holy Fool View Post
    To ask my question in a different way what African films can you measure to the charisma of the classic martial art genre?
    Superfly, Shaft, Leroy Brown, and Foxy Brown

    "Read everything, listen to everybody, don't trust anything unless you can prove it with your research." - William "Bill" Cooper
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  8. #23
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    What the hell happened to this topic?

  9. #24
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    The idea that there are ALOT of asians meaning they have a strong sex drive jumps to a huge conclusion. Look at things like the black plague that wiped out huge populations in Europe, famine in Africa. Asians have had reasonably stable, long lasting societies.

    There hormone thing (I think they are called pheremones?) is a fact (in general of course). Black people make the best body builders for this reason, and also coz there is some gene ACTN3 which allows people to grow big and something like 90% of arficans have it, 50% of white and like 20% of asians.....(not sure on exact figures but it was some huge differences like that). Our make ups are just different.

    LMAO ASIAN CINEMA! Don't get me started. It is a joke....isn't it's budget like bigger than Hollywood? Jackie Chans last movie I saw left me and the guy I watching it with just shocked...the story line, character development etc. And this isn't a one off....MOST kung fu movies are rubbish!!!!!!!

    They are popular for the unique fighting styles, not the stroy lines, character development etc. See like 36 Chambers....that was cool....but most have these odd jokes, weird stories that go no where and a heap of stupid slap stick comedy.

    Also, I didn't want an etymological break down of the word charisma, I meant its general usage. But if you must...I shall call it "personal magnetism and personality." Muhammed Ali...now that is magnetism, a strong personality. I actually can't think of a single asian who strikes me with that same charisma....I am sure there are....but I think coz of biological make up, and partly coz of society, they would appear alot less often amongst asians. Actually, one of my exes was pretty extroverted....she had a pretty strong personality and she was from Hong Kong...

    Like all topics in know the ledge it has become tainted by racial discussion, Nicky. LOL...no I just think people are different...and that relates to the cultures a people develop. I find it weird when people point to cultural differences as the reason for peoples' behaviour. Like all those slave owner's were just following culture....? That fails to take into account that a culture is the result of the collective views of the people who made it. I think biological differences are partly responsible for cultural differences in the world today.
    Wisdom is better than rubies and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by blackwisdom View Post
    Superfly, Shaft, Leroy Brown, and Foxy Brown
    Pay close attention. Subtle Energies had mentioned Africans, with no implication given that he was speaking of Africans in the diaspora. But as far as comparing these exploitation films with those of the classic kung fu genre there is no comparison. One shows an original people expounding abundantly on philosephy, discipline, righteousness, purity, mental physical and spiritual training, and the other on worldliness.

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by SubtleEnergies View Post
    The idea that there are ALOT of asians
    ''alot'' is an undersatement

    meaning they have a strong sex drive jumps to a huge conclusion. Look at things like the black plague that wiped out huge populations in Europe, famine in Africa. Asians have had reasonably stable, long lasting societies.
    hmmm. I don't think so....

    There hormone thing (I think they are called pheremones?) is a fact (in general of course). Black people make the best body builders for this reason, and also coz there is some gene ACTN3 which allows people to grow big and something like 90% of arficans have it, 50% of white and like 20% of asians.....(not sure on exact figures but it was some huge differences like that). Our make ups are just different.
    there are more asians and asiatic in the world then anything else

    LMAO ASIAN CINEMA! Don't get me started. It is a joke....isn't it's budget like bigger than Hollywood?
    that it's a joke is your opinion. there would be no wutangcorp if asian cinema never existed

    Jackie Chans last movie I saw left me and the guy I watching it with just shocked...the story line, character development etc. And this isn't a one off....MOST kung fu movies are rubbish!!!!!!!
    you know i brought up classic kung fu cinema so why is it you bring up jackie chan

    you probably would'nt even be calling yourself ''subtle energies'' on a messageboard if not for the wu tang and the philosephy of the classic kung fu genre

    They are popular for the unique fighting styles, not the stroy lines, character development etc.
    in fact there is much humor to be found in the classics. what african films can you compare to them again.........that's what i thought

    in fact ''hero'' alone shits on anything you have to say about asian cinema

    See like 36 Chambers....that was cool....but most have these odd jokes, weird stories that go no where and a heap of stupid slap stick comedy.
    you must be a really young cat. tons of african americans and latinos over 25 would disagree with you. one of the best cult flix of all time ''the last dragon'' is based on asian cinema

    Also, I didn't want an etymological break down of the word charisma, I meant its general usage. But if you must...I shall call it "personal magnetism and personality." Muhammed Ali...
    bruce lee

    now that is magnetism, a strong personality. I actually can't think of a single asian who strikes me with that same charisma....I am sure there are....but I think coz of biological make up, and partly coz of society, they would appear alot less often amongst asians. Actually, one of my exes was pretty extroverted....she had a pretty strong personality and she was from Hong Kong...
    good for you. but we were talking about you asserting billions of asians being introverted. the worldwide popularity of asian cinema [not jackie chan lmao] proves your theory wrong.

  12. #27
    HANIF Urban_Journalz's Avatar
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    You can't measure someone's intellect, sex drive or physical prowess simply based on their nationality. There's 3 kinds of lies; Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics. Asia, Africa and "Latin America", to me, would be the places most directly responsible for the advancements of the entire world.

    Just taking things based on the last few hundred years is really an injustice all together. No matter which group you speak of.

    Martial Arts is still extremely important. After the guns have been fired and the missiles have been shot, the last victories usually depend on hand-to-hand combat of some kind.

    Also, don't forget that drugs, opium, since the topic is Asia, is a major tool in any and every major "government" to keep it's people on a not-so-subtle, but highly effective level of weakness.
    Mental, physical and eventually spiritual.

    The world isn't the way it used to be and neither are the people. There are enough distractions in any society to hinder people from reaching their full potential, so don't pretend like it's a DNA problem.
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  13. #28
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    I Don't Know If "martial Arts" Has Its Origin Specifically In Kmt, I Do Know That "martial Arts" Has It's Origin With Original People And The Earliest Revelation Of This Art Is Out Of What Is Now Called Africa. From What I've Learned The "art" Was Brought To The Continent Now Called Asia To The Various Temples And People By The People Of That Land Commonly Known Today As Africa.

  14. #29
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    There are many different kinds of people that inhabitant that land commonly known today as Africa. To lump Egyptian culture in with the other cultures of Africa is wrong. The Egyptians were far superior culturally and technologically than the other regions of Africa. Egypt itself was split until Menes unified it.
    Your way of seeing things is that if something was invented in Rome, than, because the Germanic barbarian tribes inhabited Europe at the time, then what Roman culture invented somehow would belong to Germanic tribes too.
    I don't agree with that logic.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickyTooch View Post
    There are many different kinds of people that inhabitant that land commonly known today as Africa. To lump Egyptian culture in with the other cultures of Africa is wrong. The Egyptians were far superior culturally and technologically than the other regions of Africa. Egypt itself was split until Menes unified it.
    Your way of seeing things is that if something was invented in Rome, than, because the Germanic barbarian tribes inhabited Europe at the time, then what Roman culture invented somehow would belong to Germanic tribes too.
    I don't agree with that logic.
    how things are "now" isn't how they always were in the past. the original inhabitants of that land (africa) among all other lands (the planet earth) were "black" people.

    it is correct to seperate egypt from all other civilizations that came before it for egypt is not the original nor did the original people call themselves egyptians nor did they refer to their land as egypt. egypt comes from a foreign people to that land.

    to say that egypt was superior (technology wise and culture wise) is incorrect. what is the comparison being made with?

    according to the "narmer pallette" and some egyptologist, menes did not unify anything especially egypt (for he did not rule "egypt")


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