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Thread: Father killed daughter for not wearing hijab, her friends say

  1. #16
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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  2. #17


    god bless her soul , but i wanna fuk her face

  3. #18
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    ^ahahah yeah,

    watch muslim girls be the finest ones on the planet and nobody knows cause of that damn hijab.

    anyone notice how Free_HeyZeus became more angry on the day that i got guuda'd up, new suita'd up and timbaland boot'd up?

  4. #19


    I am trying to keep the black man down. Quote me on this.

  5. #20
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    that shit is fucked up, but i dont know if i should believe anything thast comes from the american media outlet...but if her father did kill her for the sake of jus a hijab, then hes just a mentally disturbed person
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  6. #21
    Cymatic Woe Trumpet V4D3R's Avatar
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    ^This is a Canadian news story I posted in KTL where it belongs ...hours before.
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  7. #22
    Cymatic Woe Trumpet V4D3R's Avatar
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    Default Canadian Muslim girl not killed over hijab: report


    OTTAWA (AFP) - A Canadian Muslim girl murdered this week by her father was not killed for refusing to wear a hijab, her second family said, according to a National Post report Saturday.

    Lubna Tahir, at whose house 16 year old Aqsa Parvez was staying after leaving her own home in Toronto's Mississauga suburb, branded as "rumors" news stories that Parvez's father killed her for not wearing the Muslim headscarf. Tahir insisted that Parvez was religiously observant but mainly had wanted to be more independent and "to get more out of life," and so had asked to move in with the Tahirs in the same neighborhood.
    "She was satisfied, she was relaxed that somehow her parents understood that this is what she wanted to do, and they didn't push her to come home," Tahir told the National Post.
    Pakistan-native cab driver Muhammad Parvez, 57, was arrested at his home Monday where Aqsa was found by emergency workers near death.
    According to Tahir, an immigration consultant who also immigrated from Pakistan, Parvez had gone back home to pick up some clothes.
    Police said in a statement they received an emergency call at 7:55 am local time from "a man who indicated that he had just killed his daughter."
    The girl later died in the hospital, and an autopsy determined that the cause of death was "neck compression."
    In the days after her death, friends of the girl told media that Parvez frequently clashed with her estranged family over her reluctance to wear a hijab.
    "She would tell us how her dad would always yell at her and how he wanted her to be someone else," her friend Natalie Rance, 14, told the daily Toronto Star.
    But Tahir insisted that the girl's four older sisters were also not forced to wear the hijab all the time at home.
    She also rejected reports that Parvez had a secret boyfriend.
    Even so, it was not the first time she had left home, according to the National Post. It said Parvez ran away from home in September, when she fled to a women's shelter.
    Break fast is served

  8. #23
    Prince Rai


    wtf? thats some crazy shit right there.

    he "just" killed her, and then called the police to confirm that.

    the world is crazy.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    he took that shit way too far

    i can understand that he didn't want his daughter to become an american whore showing everyone her ass and tits

    but to kill the girl is sick
    he could have just sent her to a foster home or something
    at 16 years old, she is old enough to make up her own mind about what she wants to wear.
    likewise, if she wants to "become an american whore showing everyone her ass and tits", it's her choice.
    no one, including her father, has the right to tell her otherwise.

    for the record, a whore is a woman who performs sexual favours in return for money, not a woman who chooses to dress in a way someone else (who should mind their own fuckin business) may disapprove of.

    this story is sickening, a young girl's life has been taken from her, and for what?
    because of her father's religious beliefs.
    religious beliefs that it seems she didn't share.

  10. #25
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    Iranian women are tired of covering their hair — and they’re taking extreme measures to bare their heads.

    The Independent reports that a growing number of women in Iran are chopping off their hair and even dressing up as men to foil the “morality police,” who can enforce penalties on ladies who go out in public without the requisite hijab, or head scarf, required of them by law. And these rebels are even sharing their shorn locks on social media, in flagrant protest.

    The news comes a week after eight Iranian women, one of whom is a professional model, were arrested for posting bare-headed selfies on Instagram. And it’s evident of a larger trend of Muslim women taking to social media to push back against sartorial laws dictating what parts of their body they can — and can’t — show, notably in Saudi Arabia, where a debate’s raging over whether Islamic law requires women to cover their faces in photos posted to Twitter and Facebook.

    The situation in Iran is particularly poignant, and not only because it involves cross-dressing, long a symbol of transgression — see George Sand, Shakespeare, Barbra Streisand’s “Yentl” — but because one’s coiffure has long been a particularly hairy subject in terms of politics, power and identity.

    In Ancient Greece, long hair on men was a symbol of wealth and power, while short hair was for slaves. In the Old Testament, Samson’s long locks gave him his strength and virility, and when the authorities wanted to strip away his power, they persuaded his love to cut his hair. In 17th- and 18th-century France, powdering one’s wig white was a sign of extreme wealth — and was at the height of fashion until the Revolution brought more modest, unmanicured short hairstyles into vogue.

    Skinheads in the UK shaved their hair to align themselves with the disgruntled white working class in the 1970s and ’80s, while the Black Panthers upset much of white America with their big bold Afros. Even today, hair has the power to disturb and shock: Recently, the US military banned cornrows, and several religious groups, from Hasidic Jews to more conservative Muslims to the Amish, require women to cover their long, seductive locks in the name of modesty.

    The Iranian women now refusing to cover their heads no doubt recognize the power of their hair as a tool for civil disobedience and political agency. The fact that they’re letting journalists capture their disguises in photographs posted to Facebook, or taking video of themselves walking through public spaces without a scarf, or even posting shorn-haired selfies on private Instagram accounts shows that they’re not looking to hide: They’re looking to provoke, and perhaps even change the law.

    As Masih Alinejad, an Iranian journalist and activist, told the Independent: “For women, their hair is their identity, and making it short to just avoid the morality police is really heartbreaking, but in a way it’s brave . . . It shows that although the government arrests women who post their photos without head scarves, women are not afraid, and they are following their own lifestyle.” Even if that means shedding the very thing they’re working so hard to have the right to show.


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