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Thread: Atlantis and Khem (Egypt)

  1. #76
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    The Bermuda Triangle thing is just for entertainment - its entertaining to talk about these things in KTL - saying that they are a portal to another dimension makes us feel intelligent - connecting these finds with other smarty pants sayings makes us say "WOW, that sounds nice" - we find these things in books or websites and we automatically believe that these things are indeed real/fact and we hold onto these things tight so that when we put them into words at a gathering of people who may have never heard of these things before, we feel special - why you wanna take away someones special feelings huggah ?

    Have planes/ships been reported missing after going into or around the bermuda Triangle ?
    if the answer is Yes, where did they go ?

    you want facts ?

    go look for them if what was said here on the surface confuses you
    look for documents stating that these ships/planes/people went missing after moving somewhere in or around the bernmuda triangle - how many times has this happened ?
    who is doing the reporting ?
    can the reporters be trusted ?
    is all of this really impossible ?
    do you really care about all of this ?

    1. Have planes/ships been reported missing after going into or around the bermuda Triangle ?
    if the answer is Yes, where did they go ?

    a. Yes, they sunk/crashed/drown

    b. Yes, but i don't really know

    c. Yes, They're inhaled by an interdimensional portal that leads to lost worlds on the other half of the galaxy

    d. Yes, all of the above


  2. #77
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humanface Huggah View Post
    thanks sunny that exactly proves my point. instead of saying, "yes it's strange but we can't reach any solid conclusions about the nature of the disappearances at this time." UJ goes ahead and says that it's "no doubt" an interdimensional portal. wtf? is that what passes for "knowledge" in here? i think it is...
    yes pride and arrogance is a problem here
    here and out there in the world
    the self righteous attitude is something we all suffer at some level

    some like to think of themselves as warriors/angels of God/Allah who need to whip its human subordinates into shape by telling them that they themselves have a knowledge from and of "God" that humans need in order to escape from Gods wrath -

    then they tell the humans that they (humans) are not ready to understand this knowledge from "god" -

    Most of us are too proud to ask questions or say "i don't know"

    we are all seeing a world that has been here long before we were all thought about - we are all trying to figure stuff out - we get scared, we want attention, and we fight - the theories/subjects posted here are entertainment - for some its actual fact -

    it is possible that the bermuda triangle is a portal to another dimension - it is possible that God exist on a planet far away as a ghost who sits on a throne waiting for the right time to make humans pay for their crimes - its possible that there are 9 rocket ships located under the sphinx that will be used at a time when certain stars line up with the planet -

    all of this is possible - why find answers to these things before finding answers to self ?
    why not gain an understanding of self and the people around you first -

  3. #78
    FRESH FISH Heavy-Mental's Avatar
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    The pyramids were not built by primitive man, the bermuda triangle is obviously something 2 speak on. Its something that the common man cant phantom. Theres no fuss about discussing it here and going beyond 360 degrees of the topic.

    now u wanna know something thats fake, the WWF.

    My eyes the vision, memory is the film.."

  4. #79
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humanface Huggah View Post
    "primitive man" is a eurocentric concept. ask egyptologists who built the pyramids and the answer will invariably be "egyptians." mind you, these people have far more knowledge pertaining to the pyramids and egyptian history than you do.

    yes, by all means let's open a serious investigation into some of the mysterious disappearances that have occurred in the area of the bermuda triangle. but i'm telling you, the "intergalactic wormhole" theory is a tough sell to people with a high school understanding of physics.
    Egyptologists are usually Eurocentric scientists that devote all their time trying to destroy and deface any other culture that isn't their own to feel complete- because their own culture lacks any tangible connection with nature.

    Your iPod blazing in your ear, your school text books, and pretty white tennis shoes slapping against the concrete is the reason your so disconnected.

    Don't walk on the grass.
    That fence was put up to keep you out.
    That book was written to keep you from asking the right questions.

    We don't all believe in alien creation, portals to other dimensions, or spirits detached from the body.


    Some here actually have basic understanding to certain degrees of the concepts beings discussed.


    Instead of criticizing everyone, why not ask more questions to see what peoples sources are and where they're getting their information. If you don't like the sources than the information isn't for you.

    Knowledge can't help everything in life.

    For everything else there's Mastercard.

    For UJ-

    If the Bermuda triangle serves as a portal--


    Meditation is the key-

    What are the physical aspects to opening these portals that people keep slipping through and becoming lost?


  5. #80
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humanface Huggah View Post
    i don't criticize everyone. but i do call people out when they post bullshit. i'm wu-corp's resident myth buster.

    the poster before me said egyptians were too primitive to have built the pyramids themselves. to some that might sound racist but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume he knows very little about pyramid construction. anyone who's devoted serious time into studying egyptian history would tell you that with their massive labor force and many centuries of accumulated architectural knowledge they were perfectly capable of constructing the pyramids without the help of ET.

    there is an industry out there that makes serious moola off of perpetuating myths like alien-built pyramids or the lost civilization of atlantis or the bermuda triangle star portal theory. yes there are actual mysteries behind a lot of this stuff but sensationalizing it to the point where it literally becomes an episode of duck tales doesn't do any good.

    remember: they sell this "knowledge" to dummies. don't be a dummy, that's all i'm saying...
    That's good.

    But unless your offering alternative information you aren't busting shit, your just being obnoxious.

    Hint: If you know something about building pyramids, share that information in depth.

  6. #81
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    Seriously these people throw around this alien/portal bullshit and call it "knowledge" because it's a "simple" explanation. That's called a gap theory and it's a logical fallacy.

    If you want to say that aliens built pyramids you have to answer a few of the following:

    1.) Prove that aliens have ever landed on earth. And no, ancient structures in themselves are not evidence. Do they have labels on them that say "hey, aliens built me"? No.

    2.) Why these aliens, after traveling lightyears to our planet, felt it was the most enlightened thing to make humans built big stone monuments for dead kings.

    3.) How the aliens, having probably arrived from a planet with a wildly different gravitational pull and having evolved differently, would have any better knowledge of manipulating big fucking earth stones than the supposed "primitive" earth people.

    If you apply Occam's Razor, it makes a whole lot more sense that Egyptians built them.

  7. #82
    FRESH FISH Heavy-Mental's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humanface Huggah View Post

    if you're truly interested in the subject then i'd recommend you read this book:


    that should answer most of your questions regarding the construction of the pyramids. if you don't have the time to read a 500 page book you could try this one:


    but i seriously doubt anyone here will read either of these books, which have both been praised by the egyptology community. people will ignore it and still believe ET built the pyramds because let's face it, saying aliens did it is a hell of a lot easier to understand than a rigorous explanation that would require many hours of reading.

    John Romer? Who the fuck is that sunn? Who in the hell would read and buy into this bullshit. This shit aint any different from your school textbooks.

    First of all these are all theories that we are discussing here and most of them stem from facts. You need to do the knowledge first then speak..don’t get your panties all tied up kicko.

    Theres plenty of common sense and evidence that support the theories we are talking about there. One is the Sumerians have tablets of records that show astronomical knowledge. They display space traveling and beings traveling through space. These things are depicted in their tablets and writings. There are also glyphs that show aircraft in ancient Egypt. The Pyramids, Sphinx are well over 10-20,000 years old. From the looks of the construction and complexes they had higher knowledge that helped them build their society. It might have been passed on, assisted or etc.

    AS far as your John Romer propaganda hoe does it explain the building of the limestone blocks? How were they transported and place into position? There is not evidence of ramps, ropes, man power and years of your massive labor force. Even the Dynastic Egyptians tried to recreate some pyramids and failed. You cannot rule out evidence of space craft throughout history. Your just ignoring it by default.


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  8. #83
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humanface Huggah View Post

    if you're truly interested in the subject then i'd recommend you read this book:


    that should answer most of your questions regarding the construction of the pyramids. if you don't have the time to read a 500 page book you could try this one:


    but i seriously doubt anyone here will read either of these books, which have both been praised by the egyptology community. people will ignore it and still believe ET built the pyramds because let's face it, saying aliens did it is a hell of a lot easier to understand than a rigorous explanation that would require many hours of reading.

    So your admitting you don't know how the pyramids were built-


    Your throwing us references from the Eurocentric scientists that you hold so dear.

    Huggah, Don't walk on the grass- it might turn your shoes green.

  9. #84
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humanface Huggah View Post
    the short answer is: ramps, manpower, and engineering ingenuity. if you want a more thorough explanation, then you'll find it in that book. and it has the references to source information that you'd need to verify his claims.

    and don't confuse "european" and "eurocentric." just because the author's white doesn't automatically make him a "devil" unless you're one of those bunker building, fearful and loatheful paranoid types.
    Just because the author's white doesn't automatically make him correct either.

    Personally I think the pyramids were built by men, but I don't think we understand the engineering ingenuity behind them yet either, which is why they're always under debate.

    Besides that thousands of years before the modern era, the ancient Egyptians knew the precise size, shape and density of the planet, the speed of its rotation, the length of its orbit around the sun, the 26,000-year cycle of the equinoxes, the acceleration of gravity and the speed of light. Recent research has revealed that they utilized highly technical mathematics, geometry and astronomy in order to create a precise calendar and design the Great Pyramid to reflect the fundamental dynamics of both the earth and its solar system.

    Be careful when you walk on the grass because you might step in dog shit.
    Last edited by Slippy The Pimp; 12-27-2007 at 03:18 PM.

  10. #85
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CS View Post
    Just because the author's white doesn't automatically make him correct either.

    Personally I think the pyramids were built by men, but I don't think we understand the engineering ingenuity behind them yet either, which is why they're always under debate.

    Besides that thousands of years before the modern era, the ancient Egyptians knew the precise size, shape and density of the planet, the speed of its rotation, the length of its orbit around the sun, the 26,000-year cycle of the equinoxes, the acceleration of gravity and the speed of light. Recent research has revealed that they utilized highly technical mathematics, geometry and astronomy in order to create a precise calendar and design the Great Pyramid to reflect the fundamental dynamics of both the earth and its solar system.
    sounds like the 1 to 20 to me lol

  11. #86
    FRESH FISH Heavy-Mental's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humanface Huggah View Post
    the fact that you believe the sphinx was built before the advent of agriculture is enough to let me know i shouldn't even bother with a serious response...

    the bottom line is if you're really curious about this subject and want to hear the most reasonable explanation of how the great pyramids were built then get romer's book.

    and just because my little cousin can draw pictures of unicorns doesn't mean they exist. the ancient drawings you see as evidence of spacecraft more likely symbolize something in the culture's mythology or have some other more "down to earth" explanation.
    your a joke kidd. Any scholar of ancient Egypt will tell you that the Sphinx was built b4 the pyramids. The Sphinx has evidence of that which is the corrosion on the side walls. You need to scoot your school textbook western tricknowledge somewhere else and stop suggesting it 2 me and others.

    Giza is highly interconnect with the universe and the solar system. The ancient Egyptians reflected their way of life towards the constellations, solar system/universe. People along those qualities didn’t build the pyramids alone with ramps and man force and hard labor. There is much more to the picture than that, take a step back and look at the grand view.

    There is no mythology related to those air craft depictions. What the fuck is mythological about helicopters and strange crafts.

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  12. #87
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    i think this is all a matter of ppl think that the further back in time you go, the dumb ppl are, which is not at all true.

    the world hasn't really ever changed, it just loops, if we can do it now, they could do it then with the exception of very few things.

    now i personally wouldn't trust a white scientist.

    because the objective of their lives to clown on black ppl

    which is all go so long as it's funny.

    and i don't care what you say, european scientific culture is waayyy to suspect to be trusted, even white ppl gotta admit.

  13. #88
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    ^ I would admit that

  14. #89
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    its said that the pyramid is a great conductor for electromagnetic energy -

    the pyramid shape itself i mean -

    its said that this energy covers the base of the pyramid and is known to be able to preserve ...... anything - in other words -if a rat crawled into a pyramid shaped...structure and stay there unmoved by outside forces, it will not decay -

    to take it a step higher its also said that the pyramid restores ....things/life

    if you were to take a rotten apple and place it into a pyramid shaped structure, it would eventually be restored -

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    its said that the pyramid is a great conductor for electromagnetic energy -

    the pyramid shape itself i mean -

    its said that this energy covers the base of the pyramid and is known to be able to preserve ...... anything - in other words -if a rat crawled into a pyramid shaped...structure and stay there unmoved by outside forces, it will not decay -

    to take it a step higher its also said that the pyramid restores ....things/life

    if you were to take a rotten apple and place it into a pyramid shaped structure, it would eventually be restored -
    Who says?

    If you are trying to account for mummification you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Since when does electromagnetic energy have anything to do with preserving things?


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