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Thread: Black Hebrews

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    Heisman Mic Tyson's Avatar
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    Default Black Hebrews

    The Hebrew People of the Bible What Color are They?
    By Chawviv ben Yisrael

    For years, people of the world have been led to believe that the people of the bible were white people, when in fact they were black. Hollywood, one of the many contributing factors to this cause, isn't innocent to this either, they take the front line for the ranks of deception. We the people of the world should not continue to let this occur because the ones to be affected by this will be the children of the future.

    Movies, television and some white people portray the people of the bible as white. What should it matter, if they are white or black. Should it matter, if they are white or black? If I were white, I'd say no, and if this was an ideal world and if all affluent people looked like me. But we are living in a world of lies and deception and when the children's minds develop off of the deception that is being told and taught, then the truth must be brought to the forefront. Also, I am not white and the more affluent doesn't look like me.

    People of color are more vulnerable and are more easily to believe what is being told to them, especially when their history has been erased from their minds, and it is constantly battered in their heads through their educational systems, television, and movie theaters. Well, the time has come for the truth to be told. And what is that truth? That the people of the bible are people of color.

    Before I can go forward, I need to go backwards into some history. Lets look at the people of the bible, who had who.

    Genesis 10:2-4, Japheth begot Gomer (*Galatians) (**Germany, Crimea, Cambria, Celts), Magog (*Scythians) (**Georgia, Scythians), Madai (*Medes), Javan (*Grecians), Tubal (*Iberes), Meshech (**Moscow), and Tiras. Gomer begot Ashkenaz (*Rheginians) (**Germany, Saxons, Scandavia), Riphath, and Togarmah. Javan begot Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim (**Cyprus) (Abraham ibn Ezra said the Romans were descended from Kittim), and Dodanim. (*denotes The Complete Works of Josephus. **denotes The table of the Nations off the Web)

    Genesis 10:6-18, Ham begot Cush (*Ethiopians), Mizraim (*Egypt), Phut (*Libya), and Canaan. Cush begot Nimrod, Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtechah. Raamah begot Sheba and Dedan. Mizraim begot Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim, Casluhim, and Caphtorim. Canaan begot Sidon, Heth, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgasites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites, and Hamathite.

    Genesis 10:22-29, Shem begot Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad (*Chaldeans), Lud, and Aram. Aram begot Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. Arphaxad begot Salah. Salah begot Eber. Eber begot Peleg (from here comes the family of Abraham) and Joktan. Joktan begot Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab
    And Noah and his wife created Japheth, Ham, and Shem.

    After the dispersion of the people by God at the tower of Babel, each went into their own region of the world. Japheth and his family went into Europe. Shem and Ham stayed in the area, so to say.

    Mizraim (Egypt) and some of his family went into a land now called Africa, but it wasn't called Africa then. Cush (Ethiopia) had a very large area which even went into what is now called Middle East. Remember, Nimrod was a Cushite and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

    Around 1913BCE, there was a famine in the land. And due to the famine, Abram (Abraham) and his wife Sarai journeyed to the land of Egypt. But before he entered the land of Egypt he said to Sarai, "Behold now, I know that you art a fair woman to look upon. And it will come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they will say: This is his wife; and they will kill me, but thee they will keep alive."

    Now the incident came to pass, but Rabbi Shelomoh Yitschaki, Solomon ben Isaac, also known as Rashi, said in his commentaries, reference behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman, "Knowing that you are beautiful, I realize that your beauty is now a source of danger, particularly since the Egyptians are dark-skinned and ugly." Besides this being a ridiculous comment, the point that I am trying to point out is the fact that the Rabbi has stated that the Egyptians were people of color. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines black as, "Having a dark skin . . . " and "a person belonging to a dark skinned race . .

    . " This may seem irrelevant now, but this quote by Rashi is going to back fire on him. Stick with me. Also at least they have finally admitted that the Egyptians were people of color.

    Next, Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob, from the twelve tribes of Israel, was sold to some Ishmaelites by his brothers out of anger. The Ishmaelites took Joseph into Egypt and sold him to the Egyptians. Later a famine had struck the land of Egypt and Canaan and according to the Bible all the lands and was very devastating. Jacob instructed several of his sons to go into Egypt and buy food because Egypt had enough to sell.

    When the brothers of Joseph, the sons of Jacob had entered the land of Egypt, they were told to see a particular person. Not knowing oh the individual was they were going to see, when they faced him, they didn't recognize him, but Joseph recognized them. If Joseph is supposed to be a white person, and he was in the mist of black people, don't you think his brothers would have recognized him immediately. Why didn't his brothers recognize him immediately? Could it have been due to him being black amongst black people and he blended in? A white person definitely would have been able to be pointed out if he was amongst black slaves during slavery time. Don't you think?

    Next, while the Israelites were living in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh had commanded for all the Israelite males to be exterminated. Now during this time, a couple from the Israelite people had borne a son, and they had hid him for three months. When they couldn't hide him no longer, she put the child into a basket and placed it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile. The daughter of Pharaoh, wanting to bathe in the Nile, went to the banks and saw the basket among the reeds and when she opened the basket she saw a baby in it. Being that the baby was very young, she instructed a Hebrew family, coincidently the baby's mother, to nurse the child until he was weaned. Once he was weaned, she brought the boy to her father and asked if she could keep the child, and her father said yes. Also, the baby was named Moses.

    Remembering that the Egyptians were black, if Moses was white and knowing that Pharaoh had issued a decree to kill all the Hebrew males, wouldn't he have killed Moses immediately when she brought this supposedly white child into her father's house? Also, if he was white, do you think Pharaoh's daughter would have even let the child live when she found him by the Nile? Obviously we must say no.

    Finally, Moses lived amongst the Egyptians for years and one day when he saw an Egyptian abusing a Hebrew, he came to the aide of the Hebrew and killed the Egyptian. Knowing that the word would get out and back to Pharaoh, he fled Egypt and went to the land of Midian. Upon entering Midian he came to the aide of some women of the land and helped them. They were very grateful and ran back and told their father that an "Egyptian" saved them.

    Again, if he was mistaking for an Egyptian, and knowing that the Egyptians are supposedly dark-skinned and ugly, does this make Moses dark-skinned and ugly too? This is where people need to watch what they say. It may come back to haunt you.

    What I have presented here, which is merely speculation. The only proof that I have given where someone has said the Egyptians where black was by the Rabbi. So let me notegive more facts for you to think about.

    Herodotus (484? -425? BC) was one of the most widely traveled people of his time. His writings show his interest in both history and geography. Herodotus was born in Halicarnassus, a Greek colony in Asia Minor. He was a frequent visitor to Athens, he was a close friend of Sophocles. He also journeyed to the western shores of the Black Sea, to southern Italy and Egypt, and to the Asian cities of Tyre, Babylon, Ecbatana, Nineveh, and Susa, says the Compton's Interactive encyclopedia.

    During his travels, Herodotus kept a journal of his activities. The journal was later translated, and in one of his entries, he wrote the following about the Egyptians or to be more exact the natives:

    " ...it is certain that the natives of the country are black . . . ; there can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptians race . . . I made this inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them . . . My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair . . . "

    Now, what I have done here is give a positive identification of the Egyptians. And by me doing this and showing that the Israelites always got mistaken for them, prove that they both, the Egyptians and the Israelites were black people.

    You may still have your doubts and desire more evidence before you will acknowledge that the Bibilical Israelites were a black people. So, allow me to continue.
    Solomon Grayzel, a white Jewish historian, wrote in his book, A History of the Jews, in the ninth century CE (AD), a man appeared in north Africa among the Hebrews there, his name was Eldad from the tribe of Dan, he was a danite. They said he spoke a strange language and told them a weird story. He said the members of his tribe had escaped Israel after Sennacherib had conquered Israel, and other Hebrews from other tribes also live in the land from where he came from. He told the Hebrews in the northern part of Africa all the law that his people follow, which was given to his tribe by tradition from Moses successor Joshua ben Nun. The Hebrews of the northern part of Africa at first was in question about his story, but threw further examine by the Gaon, he assured the northern African Hebrews the story was legitimate.

    I have mentioned this story because Mr Grayzel went on to say, "Some modern scholars argue that Eldad was an Ethiopian Jew, a descendant of the ancient colony which, in the days of Ezra, lived on the southern border of Egypt . . . " If you know your history, and if you know what color the Ethiopian Jews are, then you have already come to the conclusion that Eldad the Danite, from the tribe of Dan, one of the twelve tribes of Israel was a black man.

    Another story that I want to tell you about is in a book entitled "The Hope of Israel," by Menasseh ben Israel which was published 1652. In it speaks of an incident that occurred with a traveler named Antonio de Montezinos. It says upon Montezinos return from the Americas, it is sufficient here to know that he has found the descendants of the lost ten tribes. At this point, I am going to quote the letter from Menasseh ben Israel to John Dury concerning what he said. The letter was dated 25 November 1649 and it reads, "Curiously enough, in the sixteenth century one Antonio Montesino of Lima stated, according to the writings of Luis Lopez, Bishop of Quito, that The Indians of the islands and mainland of the Indies . . . are Hebrews descended from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel'. And he did say further in his book, "that they keepe their true religion, as hoping to returne again into the Holy land in due time."

    People, if this isn't enough proof as to say what color the Hebrews were, then you are truly in a state of denial.

    Also, as for a pictorial concerning the children of Israel. In a documentary on the Art & Entertainment channel, titled In Search of The Ten Commandments, it showed an ancient hieroglyphic picture of the Israelites while they were slaves in Egypt, and they were black. They looked just like the Egyptians. So I can see why Moses was mistaken for an Egyptian, and why Joseph wasn't recognized by his brothers.

    Finally, I am going to list three passages from the bible identifying the color of the Israelites. They are:
    Lamentation 4:8, Their visage (face) is blacker than coal
    Lamentation 5:10, Our skin was black like an oven . . .
    ; And Job 30:30, My skin is black upon me . . .

    In this document, I have given enough information proving that the Hebrews are black people. But I say to you all, this isn't enough. Teach your children the truth!

  2. #2
    SiferBorn BornPower's Avatar
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    weep for lost babylon,
    the bleeding god, the forgotten sheep slaughtered in a forest of evil fog
    bordered by a sea of faults,
    fleeing mobs turn to see the holocaust and become kings and queens of salt
    screaming shots, police and chalk,
    wingless fallen demons walking among us as people...


  3. #3


    They were black.

    And the person that John spoke to in the first chapter of Revelation was light black (burnished bronze).
    Last edited by Trismegistos; 06-09-2008 at 11:32 PM.

  4. #4


    Black people have been brainwashed into thinking that somehow it is a source of pride that Hebrews "were black". The fact of the matter is they were not. All philosophies tied to claiming so are based on a lack of self esteem, and being opressed. I have had many face to face conversations with Black Hebrew Israelites and they are pseudo educated, meaning they ACT like they are educated, but in fact they are only filled with formulaic responses, nit picked verses, and overbearing rhetoric when supposedly having a conversation. They argue in groups of three or more, two reading verses and one spouting non-sensical rhetoric. When you point out facts they wash em out with "scripture"- they claim King James- the Scottish King of England- was black, and so was Shakespeare. These people are idiots...

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Trismegistos View Post
    They were black.

    And the person that John spoke to in the first chapter of Revelation was light black (burnished bronze).
    -Light black is not a color. Light black is grey. Burnished bronze is the color of ANYONE who lives in a desert climate. People spend too much time paying attention to colors, and too little time on substance...

  6. #6
    Don't Mess With It Koolish's Avatar
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    what we have to realize is that a group of people will be portrayed to look the same as the group that interprets them. in africa Jesus is a black man.

    the reason biblical figures are portrayed as white in the western world is because white people who only knew about white people had a hard time being ethnically accurate.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by WuLatino- MANGANI View Post
    -Light black is not a color. Light black is grey. Burnished bronze is the color of ANYONE who lives in a desert climate. People spend too much time paying attention to colors, and too little time on substance...
    Ok, that person has a skin tone similar to an african american yet it is a lighter tone than the darkest that I have seen.

    I've lived in a desert climate and my skin is not burnished bronze.

    I agree that people get too caught up in race though, it still does not eliminate the fact that a reference to skin tone was made.

  8. #8
    __SerVant__ Esquire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trismegistos View Post
    They were black.

    And the person that John spoke to in the first chapter of Revelation was light black (burnished bronze).
    It could have meant he had a "dark tan", you could'nt distinguish going by that alone.
    She thinks her brown body has no glory.
    If she could dance naked, under palm trees.
    And see her image in the river, she would know. But there are no palm trees, on the street. "The Holocaust / Warcloud"

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by WuLatino- MANGANI View Post
    Black people have been brainwashed into thinking that somehow it is a source of pride that Hebrews "were black". The fact of the matter is they were not. All philosophies tied to claiming so are based on a lack of self esteem, and being opressed. I have had many face to face conversations with Black Hebrew Israelites and they are pseudo educated, meaning they ACT like they are educated, but in fact they are only filled with formulaic responses, nit picked verses, and overbearing rhetoric when supposedly having a conversation. They argue in groups of three or more, two reading verses and one spouting non-sensical rhetoric. When you point out facts they wash em out with "scripture"- they claim King James- the Scottish King of England- was black, and so was Shakespeare. These people are idiots...
    I don't necessarily agree with your argument on that one. I am white and yet believe that the original Israelites were black.

    I do not have low self-esteem due to my colour, nor have I been oppressed, nor have I been exposed to being brainwashed into believing that the original Israelites were black.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Esquire View Post
    It could have meant he had a "dark tan", you could'nt distinguish going by that alone.
    A very dark tan!

    Agreed, there are other things to distinguish that person by. There were a number of other descriptions used to describe the same person. I also used the other elements to identify that person.

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    Mic Tyson, keep bringing the facts!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by WuLatino- MANGANI View Post
    Black people have been brainwashed into thinking that somehow it is a source of pride that Hebrews "were black". The fact of the matter is they were not.
    O.K., show some facts then (if u have any!).

    Quote Originally Posted by WuLatino- MANGANI View Post
    All philosophies tied to claiming so are based on a lack of self esteem, and being opressed.
    U do not know what u are talking about. The white man has for centuries lied about the black man's place in history. Black people are telling the world our tru place, origins, and contributions in history to replace the lies with truth. Do u believe in truth, or do u feel comfort in hearing and believing lies?

  13. #13
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mic Tyson View Post

    Remembering that the Egyptians were black, if Moses was white and knowing that Pharaoh had issued a decree to kill all the Hebrew males, wouldn't he have killed Moses immediately when she brought this supposedly white child into her father's house? Also, if he was white, do you think Pharaoh's daughter would have even let the child live when she found him by the Nile? Obviously we must say no.

    Exodus 4:6-7

    6 Then the LORD said, "Put your hand inside your cloak." So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was leprous, [a] like snow. 7 "Now put it back into your cloak," he said. So Moses put his hand back into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his flesh.

    Numbers 12-11

    9 The anger of the LORD burned against them, and he left them.
    10 When the cloud lifted from above the Tent, there stood Miriam—leprous, [a] like snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had leprosy; 11 and he said to Moses, "Please, my lord, do not hold against us the sin we have so foolishly committed.

    Leviticus 13:30
    the priest is to examine the sore, and if it appears to be more than skin deep and the hair in it is yellow and thin, the priest shall pronounce that person unclean; it is an itch, an infectious disease of the head or chin.
    Leviticus 13:29-31 (in Context) Leviticus 13 (Whole Chapter)

    Leviticus 13:32
    On the seventh day the priest is to examine the sore, and if the itch has not spread and there is no yellow hair in it and it does not appear to be more than skin deep,
    Leviticus 13:31-33 (in Context) Leviticus 13 (Whole Chapter)

    Leviticus 13:36
    the priest is to examine him, and if the itch has spread in the skin, the priest does not need to look for yellow hair; the person is unclean.
    Leviticus 13:35-37 (in Context) Leviticus 13 (Whole Chapter)

  14. #14
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    ill post something that i did in a different thread regarding to the many passages in the bible that prove who the real hebrews are

    * HIGH PRISON POPULATION. (Isaiah 42:22)
    * SCATTERED THROUGHOUT ALL NATIONS. (Deut 28:25, 64 - Luke 21:24)
    * NOT BEING ABLE TO STAND AGAINST THEIR ENEMIES. (Leviticus 26:37-38. Deut 28:25)

    If you don't think this is true, show me another race that the things above has happened to.

    Black people fit these prophecies the most out of any race and no race comes close to anything black people have. No race has had all of these things happen to them

  15. #15
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koolish View Post
    what we have to realize is that a group of people will be portrayed to look the same as the group that interprets them. in africa Jesus is a black man.

    the reason biblical figures are portrayed as white in the western world is because white people who only knew about white people had a hard time being ethnically accurate.

    ppl won't let it go. White people started a trend of race washing history and it's not gonna end cause it fills to good for those that needed it to fill person voids of not feeling personally important

    also, black thought and philosophy is trapped in a horrible, unproductive cycle of being race oriented, and finding meanings and importance in black people as opposed to being free from race and it's stupidity and instead focusing on humanity like confucious, buddah, aristole, socrates and countless philosophers with black skin prior to imperialism and slavery.

    you know the book The Prince. It's a copy of a document written by black africans, the essential idea that is. and the book wasn't focused on how to be a better black prince or how princes in every civilization was black, it was about being a good leader, and was so good that europeans later copied it and wrote their own.


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