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Thread: An Unknown [Bronze/Kevlaar] Assortment of Broken Down Lyrics..

  1. #31
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    "Rap smack, endless gray spoonful hat trick"

    He's comparing his rap to drugs (smack) because the shit is so dope and addictive. He has endless raps that keep the listener on a high like they had three (hat trick) hits of his stuff. The 'spoonful' just adds to the crazy imagery, as some drugs are placed in a spoon and heated before they're injected.

    The rest of the stuff has me scratching my head too. Sometimes Bronze and Kev sound like Ghost and Rae, where the verses are so dense, it sounds like their speaking a different language.

    One line that's been in my head for a few days is from Bronze off the Wisemen album.

    "And my city murder rate top 3/ So what the fuck you think I'ma do to an MC?"

    So simple, but so dope.

  2. #32
    king disguised as beggar. the silencer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noyz View Post
    "Rap smack, endless gray spoonful hat trick"

    He's comparing his rap to drugs (smack) because the shit is so dope and addictive. He has endless raps that keep the listener on a high like they had three (hat trick) hits of his stuff. The 'spoonful' just adds to the crazy imagery, as some drugs are placed in a spoon and heated before they're injected.
    good shit Noyz, i see that now...much props

    The rest of the stuff has me scratching my head too. Sometimes Bronze and Kev sound like Ghost and Rae, where the verses are so dense, it sounds like their speaking a different language.
    word...their style reminds me of the Ghost/Rae/Cappa type style alot too....

  3. #33
    DIE AGELESS Kevlaar 7's Avatar
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    PEACE silencer! got that DAYLIGHT breakdown coming real soon when i get a little bit more time; meantime

    "Detroit Taliban

    "The camera's a crutch, my image is unseen
    Visible only when God agrees"

    Basically the camera is a crutch, or a tool to help capture an image; That may be the only thing you have left of a person is a photo. You can't capture the life of a man when they're dead (mentally or physically) you're unseen, you're only living (seen) if God allows it. Equating myself with some mentally dead behaviors i have of my own and shit. We all have flaws, feel me?

  4. #34
    king disguised as beggar. the silencer's Avatar
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    deep shit...thanks for comin thru

  5. #35
    Hello, everybody! DR. NICK RIVIERA's Avatar
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    Thanks, Kevlaar, yet again!
    bring back begongo!!

  6. #36
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    The first time I heard the School For The Blindman sampler, the one line that immediately jumped out at me (dont know the song name) was:

    "Lincoln didnt free the slaves, it was a tactic of war"

    Being from Canada, I'm not really up on my American history. The one thing that everyone associates with 'Honest' Abe is that he ended slavery. Now that I've researched it a bit, thats a load of crap. In one speech, Lincoln said:

    "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery."

    And in another speech:

    "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race"

    Lincoln wanted to stop slavery from expanding, and had no intention of ending it in the states where it already existed. When the Civil War began, he was reluctant to free slaves from territories the Union captured from the Confederacy, and only did so under the demands of his generals. The Emancipation Proclamation helped turn the tide of the war as it only freed slaves in Confederate regions where Lincoln did not have power. This took away the main source of money from these areas, and with no money, you cant fight a war and expect to win.

    Peace to Bronze for dropping that gem. Wu-Tang gives us knowledge, but I never wanted to dance! Cant wait for the album to drop.

  7. #37
    king disguised as beggar. the silencer's Avatar
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    DAMN sun...

    that line struck me too, nice build on that shit...

    i love this music so fuckin much, shit is just filled with gems and litte "food for thought" bits that keep you ponderin the lyrics (whether it's a crazy metaphor, wordplay, a sick double meaning squeezed into a Bronze aphorism, or a mothafuckin JEWEL like the one above me) for infinity..

    this is what replay value is all about...lyrics that are thick, well-thought out with lots of depth..

  8. #38
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    Been listening to 'Honor's Promise' a lot today (my favorite track off the Wisemen album), and I really dig one line from Bronze.

    "My life is a square with all left turns"

    I think he's using 'left' is a metaphor for 'wrong' (opposite of right). If you keep making left turns in a square, eventually you're going to end up right back where you started. He's trying to do what's best, but he keeps getting caught in the cycle of doing wrong. A square with all left turns is the same as a square with all right turns, but you're just heading in the wrong direction. So he's saying he wants to get back on the right track.

    Another interpretation that I got from it today is that in the supreme alphabet, L stands for love, hell or right, while a square stands for truth. So he has love for people but he's trapped in the hells of the ghetto ('my heart is steel mine stiff, diamond cave rich'). He wants to be doing right (opposite of left turns) so he can be dealing with positivity, or the truth.

  9. #39
    king disguised as beggar. the silencer's Avatar
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    Bronze spoke a little about that line in the Chambermusik radio interview he did when his album dropped in '06...

    here's a link to that if u never heard it:

    what kind of annoys me about the interview is how he mentions he's got like 1,000 beats in his vaults....LET'S HEAR THAT SHIT!! or at least some of it.....damn....i'll pay whatever price

  10. #40
    penalty boxed user Maccabee Ridah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the silencer View Post
    Bronze spoke a little about that line in the Chambermusik radio interview he did when his album dropped in '06...

    here's a link to that if u never heard it:

    what kind of annoys me about the interview is how he mentions he's got like 1,000 beats in his vaults....LET'S HEAR THAT SHIT!! or at least some of it.....damn....i'll pay whatever price
    Propz silencer...

    Pretty dope interview... And I agree.... He really needs to bless us with these beatz.......


  11. #41
    king disguised as beggar. the silencer's Avatar
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    re-up so this shit doesn't sink too far...

    I'll hit up a new song tomorrow hopefully....

  12. #42
    Hello, everybody! DR. NICK RIVIERA's Avatar
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    ^^new song? by whom?
    bring back begongo!!

  13. #43
    king disguised as beggar. the silencer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wera View Post
    ^^new song? by whom?
    not really "new" i guess...

    just somethin fresh.....maybe that Chambers of Four joint but it might be a little too esoteric, way too many questions on that one..

  14. #44
    king disguised as beggar. the silencer's Avatar
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    Default Bronze darts on Mic Ammo (Remix)

    seeing that this thread has close to 8,500 views and I haven't contributed anything in a while, now seems like a good time to dig into a few Bronze verses...

    for the current task I'm choosing a tougher one, an energetic dart-launching session from an exclusive bangin track that appeared on the "Wisemen Arrived" promo mixtape--it's a remix of Royal Fam's Mic Ammo with a sick Bronze beat and Bronze verse added in...(unfortunately I don't have an mp3 link at the moment cuz I'm not on my main computer but I will add one on when I get the chance)..

    this verse is mostly just ridiculously metaphorical descriptions of shit, and actually reminds me alot of U-God's style on Wu-Tang Forever..

    as usual, I probably don't have all the lyrics right but i'll do my best..

    Royal Fam-Mic Ammo (Bronze remix)

    It only takes one mic to send you to the steeple
    guns from Detroit streets, axe (ask?) Desert Eagle

    stayin with the theme of the song and it's chorus which keeps repeating "Fuck a 5 mic, fucka fucka 5 mic; it only takes 1 mic for you to take a loss" (this just occurred to me that this is a harder, grimey-er version of the Nas song One Mic) Bronze begins that it only takes one mic to lyrically murder you..

    Fire lancer, blade dancer, bayonet swivel

    a lancer was a soldier who fought in a cavalry back in the Middle Ages with his main weapon being a lance, a weapon similar to a spear...but Bronze is coming at u this way with fire instead..
    "blade dancer" brings to mind some crazy Zorro type shit where he's so skilled with blades, swords, whatever that he can dance around and slice the shit outta u while making it look easily..."Bayonet swivel" conjures up the image of stabbing someone with a bayonet (the knife/dagger that was attached to the front of guns in the old days) and wiggling it around in their flesh to make sure they get cut up enough to die..

    but also that whole sentence could just be the description of some elaborately imaginative slicing machine/weapon that's supposed to a be a metaphor for the approach Bronze is using in the verse..

    punch you with the Louis fist, tongue-twister missile

    Louis is most likely referring to Joe Louis, one of the greatest heavyweight boxers ever (who has an arena named after him in Detroit) and for point of emphasis, Ring Magazine recently had him #1 on a list of the 100 greatest punchers of all time...
    so what I THINK is being said is that Bronze is using this crazy bayonet from the previous line and smashing with the force of a Joe Louis punch...but now if u put it all together, the previous line and this one including "tongue-twister missile" it's really like he's describing some crazy ridiculous comicbook-esque device that launches lyrical missiles at the listener's ear..

    Shot off chips and shards, thoughts could strip cars
    ricochet off Jimmy's guitars and God's stars

    the impact of the blast from this lyrical missile/dart smashed debris all over the place...i don't exactly understand the placement of "thoughts could strip cars" right here even tho I do know what he means by it..
    it's similar to a line he used recently "Nazareth, a mind that lift cars" which is just like a mental ability so strong that it can manipulate physical objects like bending a spoon or something, like a psychokinetic ability along the lines of Professor X and Jean Grey...

    but the line doesn't really seem to fit here**...cuz he then he goes back to the debris that's being smashed and how it ricochets off things--"Jimmy's guitars" I assume is referring to Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin..

    this could be totally wrong but I see it as this missile smashes into your headphones and blasts debris that bounces off the Led Zeppelin poster a kid has in his room.....altho I'm not sure how many Wu fans listen to Led Zeppelin (I don't)

    **unless he's just saying this whole thing as one big metaphor for what his mind can do---like the bayonet-swivel thing that's launching missiles is just a manifestation of his mind....which would be crazy

    fell to the earth I caught 'em and threw 'em at you
    Blowgun javelins travelin' through ya statue

    the debris that smashed off from the impact he's pickin up and throwin it back at you...this seems like a fight scene from Hulk or something, just crazy shit..
    "Blowgun javelins" i think is referring to the same fire-lancer, blade-dancer, bayonet swivel that's throwin lyical spears at you and they're travelin' thru your body, your "statue"...i love this wordplay

    Circle the blocks like dust from the Trade Center

    CRAZY fuckin imagery in this line

    Words merge alloy, wreckin' ball, and Bronze chamber

    bronze is actually an alloy, a hard metal---and he's mergin that metal with a wrecking ball and "Bronze chamber" is that crazy obstacle-course hallway set up from the movie 18 Bronzemen..

    They can't remember the name of the calm stranger
    Hit the frigid flesh of the night like sky scraper

    my favorite line of the song...can be interpreted a couple of ways....

    the first line is making it as if Bronze silently, calmly came in and did something (ex: murdered a bunch of ppl, robbed a bank or blasted u with a lyrical missile) and did it so smoothly and blended in so perfect that none of the witnesses remembered him...

    the next line I interpret two ways: first is sorta obvious cuz he's already mentioned "lancer" and "javelins" so it's like he's throwing these huge spears that are sorta stabbing the night (poetically speaking) just like a skyscraper does...

    the other way I like to look at it is that it's a metaphor using a skyscraper image (i picture the Empire State Building) as that of a needle LIKE THE NEEDLE ON A RECORD PLAYER and he applies that needle to "the frigid flesh of the night" and what plays out of that is his music...the music of the dark streets at night..

    See Bronze face in ya dreams, ya alien beams

    "alien beams" i interpret as your eyes get wide open and your staring and scared shit..

    Laser-shot burn thru ya grandma's favorite pot

    kind of a weird one here, I think it could mean like your eyes are still WIDE open and your scared frozen walking around with these "alien beams" for eyes and you burn a whole thru your grandmas favorite pot, which withstands the blue flame of the stove and is obviously pretty resistant to heat..

    OR probably more likely it's laser beams coming from a sniper rifle? not totally sure...

    Voyage thru tentacles, shaded wood cylindrical
    mic ammo crack ya skull like an axe that's dull

    "Voyage thru tentacles" just sounds to me like the Great Migration type of reference, just goin thru the many trials of life and it's sticky web of snares...

    but the ending is perfect: "Shaded-wood cylindrical Mic Ammo" that's a vivid description of a bullet (makes me think of dum-dums or the rubber bullets they shoot at ppl in riots and shit) "crack ya skull like an axe that's dull" that is just some rugged grimey horror movie type shit..

    these cylindrical bullets are smashing at your skull leaving you dumbfounded at the lyrical verse, the 'Mic Ammo' you have just been hit with..

  15. #45
    Veteran Member Sleep Sinatra's Avatar
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    Hands down 1 of the Illest Lyricist 2 ever bless a mic, this cat and Kevlaar 7 are my MAIN inspirations in hip hop RIGHT NOW, these niggas is the truth and i hope they get the real shine they deserve (shouts 2 Kev on the boards im still in the belly of the beast g lol)


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