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Thread: spiderman or wolverine?

  1. #31
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    Quote Originally Posted by born invincible
    in a battle.... who would win, Spiderman or Wolverine?

    think about it.... take into consideration each ones strengths and weaknesses!!

    who would win?
    wolverine, because he's practically invincible and a total badass. Not like that pussy, Peter Parker.

    Plus, Logaan isn't scared to show his face.

  2. #32
    Metal Gear Wu-Tality's Avatar
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    would be stupid to show his face, cause otherwise he wouldnt get some of the information he needs.

  3. #33
    // Never Defeated // born invincible's Avatar
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    i would agree with skale.. the enviroment would play a role in whoever would claim defeat i think! from my comic reading experiences... i think the only person who came the closest to fuckin wolvie seriously was magneto... he use his shit to rip the adamantium out of his body!! or some shit like that... other than that tho.. hes pretty much undefeatable!!
    i had a tactic tho spidey could employ... perhaps use his webs to sling his arms up so wolverine cant use them. then somehow spin his whole body up like a real spider does to insects.. then simply toss his ass into a lake or river or whatever to just suffocate him!! suffocation would have to be the way....

    personally i like wolverine way way more... but thats just an idea.

  4. #34
    Take It Personal Razorsharp's Avatar
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    spiderman would... he would outsmart wolverine... wolverine is careless and reckless spidey uses his brain... hell yeah

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  5. #35
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    Damn DJ Dime ur sig gun thing is "Bangin"
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    Cass Corridor as well punk


  6. #36
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    Ok let's break it down- boths characters aren't allowed to have any "extras" - so wolverine would have to fight without his metallic skeleton- and spider man would have to leave the web shooters at home- then put these mother fuckers in a cage match-

    wolverine would still win out of sheer killer instinct- no doubt spider man's strong- but it would come down to who is the better fighter- but then there's the theory that spider just needs to land one hard punch to knock wolvie unconsiouss -so it would be good match up- but i'll still gotta give it to wolverine

  7. #37

    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    I think Wolfster
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  8. #38
    Take It Personal Razorsharp's Avatar
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    Quote Originally Posted by Charging_Soldier
    Ok let's break it down- boths characters aren't allowed to have any "extras" - so wolverine would have to fight without his metallic skeleton- and spider man would have to leave the web shooters at home- then put these mother fuckers in a cage match-

    wolverine would still win out of sheer killer instinct- no doubt spider man's strong- but it would come down to who is the better fighter- but then there's the theory that spider just needs to land one hard punch to knock wolvie unconsiouss -so it would be good match up- but i'll still gotta give it to wolverine
    why n0 extras, then they would jus be regular joes, thats what their powers are for duh...

    Throw Ya W's Up!
    Propz To Sean For Kickin' The God A Siggy

  9. #39
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    Quote Originally Posted by DaRazorsharp1
    why n0 extras, then they would jus be regular joes, thats what their powers are for duh...
    no i'm saying like they don't have there man made shit- wolverines metal skelton was put into him in the weapon x project-he still has claws that are bone and has healing factor plus his berzerk rage- he's still a bad ass without it

    Spiderman built his web slingers in the comics- he still has super agility/strenth and spidey sense plus he can stick to walls

  10. #40
    Take It Personal Razorsharp's Avatar
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    Default Re: spiderman or wolverine?

    nah...let em g0 all out...LMAO

    Throw Ya W's Up!
    Propz To Sean For Kickin' The God A Siggy

  11. #41
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorsharp View Post
    spiderman would... he would outsmart wolverine... wolverine is careless and reckless spidey uses his brain... hell yeah

    You don't read wolverine comics do you?

    The villians wolverine takes down are way more brutal with similar or stronger powers and he always ends up outsmarting them.

  12. #42
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Let's check the stats:


    Real Name
    James Howlett
    Logan, formerly Weapon Ten, Death, Mutate #9601, Jim Logan, Patch, Canucklehead, Emilio Garra, Weapon Chi, Weapon X, Experiment X, Agent Ten, Canada, Wildboy, Peter Richards, many others
    Secret, known to certain government agencies
    Adventurer, instructor, former bartender, bouncer, spy, government operative, mercenary, soldier, sailor, miner
    Canada, possible dual citizenship in Japan and/or Madripoor
    Place of Birth
    Alberta, Canada
    Known Relatives
    Unidentified grandfather (deceased), John Howlett Sr. (father, deceased), Elizabeth Howlett (mother, deceased), John Howlett Jr. (brother, deceased), Viper (Madame Hydra, ex-wife), Amiko Kobayashi (foster daughter), Erista (son), Laura Kinney (X-23, clone)
    Group Affiliation
    X-Men, Avengers, formerly Horsemen of Apocalypse, Fantastic Four, Secret Defenders, Clan Yashida, Department H, Alpha Flight, Department K, Team X, Team Weapon X, Devil's Brigade, Canadian Army
    Privately tutored as a child
    (Without Adamantium skeleton) 195 lbs., (with Adamantium skeleton) 300 lbs.
    Wolverine is a mutant who possesses the ability to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than that of an ordinary human. The speed at which this healing factor works varies in direct proportion with the severity of the damage Wolverine suffers. For example, he can fully recover from an ordinary gunshot wound in a non-vital area of his body within minutes, but it took him almost two months to fully recover from injuries sustained in a duel with Lord Shingen, which included one from a sword that went all the way through his trunk.
    Wolverine’s natural healing also affords him virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, as well as an enhanced resistance to diseases. For example, it is nearly impossible for him to become intoxicated from drinking alcohol. He also has a limited immunity to the fatigue poisons generated by bodily activity, and hence he has greater endurance than an ordinary human. His agility and reflexes are similarly enhanced.
    In addition, Wolverine’s healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process. Although over a century old, Wolverine is as healthy and physically fit as a man in his prime.
    Wolverine also possesses superhumanly acute senses, making him capable of seeing things at a maximum distance greater than a normal human’s. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, and he is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if that person or object is hidden. Wolverine can use these enhanced senses to track any creature with an impressive degree of success.
    Wolverine’s skeleton includes six retractable one-foot long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Wolverine can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin beneath the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but the blood loss is quickly halted by his healing factor. Wolverine can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he must keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws shoot from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are fully within his hands, and thus Wolverine can still bend his wrists. The claws are naturally sharp and tougher than that of normal human bone structure, allowing Wolverine to cut through most types of flesh and natural materials.
    Despite the extent of his healing factor, Wolverine is not immortal. If the injuries are extensive enough, especially if they result in the loss of vital organs, large amounts of blood, and/or loss of physical form, such as having flesh burned away by fire or acid, Wolverine can die.
    Due to his extensive training as a soldier, a C.I.A. operative, a samurai, a spy, and a member of the X-Men, Wolverine is an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant, having mastered virtually every fighting style on Earth. He is also a trained expert in multiple types of weapons, vehicles, computer systems, explosives, and assassination techniques. Wolverine is fluent in many languages, including Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Cheyenne, Lakota, and Spanish; he has some knowledge of French, Thai, and Vietnamese.
    Wolverine’s entire skeletal structure, including his claws, has been artificially bonded to the nearly indestructible metal Adamantium. As a result, Wolverine’s bones are virtually unbreakable, and his claws are capable of cutting through almost any substance depending on its thickness and the amount of force he can exert. Due to his healing factor, the presence of Adamantium in his body does not interfere with his bones’ normal function of generating blood corpuscles. The reinforcement of his skeleton enables Wolverine to withstand high levels of physical pressure, giving his muscles sufficient force to briefly lift/press several hundred pounds.
    Throughout his life, Wolverine has used a variety of bladed weapons, most frequently daggers and, at times, swords. He has also wielded many different types of firearms throughout his careers as a soldier, a mercenary, and a spy.


    Real Name
    Peter Benjamin Parker
    Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, the Amazing Spider-Man, the Sensational Spider-Man, the Spectacular Spider-Man, "Tiger," Spidey, Webhead, Webslinger, Wall-crawler, "Little Man"; formerly "the Amazing Octo-Spidey", Bag-Man, "Bookworm," Captain Universe, Dusk, Hornet, Mad Dog #336, Man-Spider, Prodigy, "Puny Parker," Ricochet, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Hulk, Spider-Phoenix
    Publicly known
    Assistant high school coach; former freelance photographer, science teacher, scientific researcher
    Place of Birth
    Forest Hills, New York
    Known Relatives
    Richard Parker (father, deceased), Mary Parker (mother, deceased), Benjamin Parker (uncle, deceased), May Parker (aunt), Will Fitzpatrick (grandfather), Mary Jane Watson-Parker (wife), May Parker (daughter, deceased), Benjamin Reilly (Scarlet Spider, clone, deceased), Kaine (clone), other clones (deceased)
    Group Affiliation
    Avengers, formerly the Secret Defenders, "New Fantastic Four", the Outlaws
    College graduate (biophysics major), doctorate studies in biochemistry (incomplete)
    167 lbs.
    Peter can cling to most surfaces, has superhuman strength (now capable of lifting 20 tons optimally) and is roughly 18 times more agile than a regular human. The combination of his acrobatic leaps and web-slinging enables him to travel rapidly from place to place. His spider-sense provides an early warning detection system linked with his superhuman kinesthetics, enabling him the ability to evade most any injury, provided he doesn't cognitively override the autonomic reflexes. His powers have recently been enhanced after his transformation from the Queen to include a stronger psychic alignment with his environment, especially with other arachnids and insects. He can now create organic webs from his wrists, limited by his body's health and nutrition. Various glands within his arms can produce different types of webs - from drag lines, to sticky nets, to cocoons. Whereas his artifical webs typically decayed within 2 hours, his organic webs can be more persistent (depending on the thickness and type of web) such that web lines may last a week and web sacs may last for months or more. Recent new abilities resulting from his rebirth after battling Morlun include night vision, increased sensory awareness via vibratory patterns transmitted on his web lines, and twin retractable stingers within his forearms. He can use the hairs on his body to detect subtle changes in the wind. His skin's adhesive ability, previously concentrated mainly on his palms and soles of his feet, is now more greatly present throughout his body including his face (previously used to prevent undesirable mask removal) and back.
    Peter is an accomplished scientist, inventor and photographer.
    Spider-Man designed and constructed several devices that he traditionally carried as part of his full costume before obtaining his recent costume from Tony Stark. This included twin artificial web shooters (before being able to produce organic webbing) worn at the wrists, spare web cartridges attached to his belt, spider-tracer devices attuned to his spider-sense, the spider-signal light, and a compact camera. He has reconstructed his web shooters out of a high density plastic to avoid metal detectors, and has added modifications to detect low web-fluid levels, and propel spider-tracers.
    Spider-Man's new costume is equipped with filters in the mouth area to keep out toxins and allow him to breathe underwater, audio amplification, visual amplification (including vision in the infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths), a short-range GPS microwave communication system (with a built-in fire, police, and emergency scanner), and retractable webbing under his arms that allow short bursts of gliding. The costume is made of a material that can serve as a bulletproof jacket against small caliber bullets. For the first upgrade to the costume, Stark added three mechanical waldo arms, which can grab and move objects as well housing cameras which transmit images back to the costume's eyepiece. The waldoes can also be used offensively in combat. The costume is now built out of a liquid metal nanofiber material allowing it to quickly change in appearance upon mental command into anything from Spider-Man's civilian clothes to his former costumes, as well as providing camouflage by blending with the surrounding colors.

  13. #43
    frieza saga oDoUoSoKo's Avatar
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    wolverine would win after gettin whooped for a while....same way he beat his brother.

  14. #44
    El Don of this shit TAURO's Avatar
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    I recenty read a spidey comic where both Spidey and Wolverine, now both members of the new Avengers are having a training session. Both go at it and Wolverine "accidentally" stabs Spidey. Spidey gets pissed off and starts pounding on him to the point were Wolverine can't fight back.

    People forget that Spider-man has superhuman strength and agility.....Wolverine does not. Spidey can detect danger using his Spider-sense making it hard for people to creep up on him and he can avoid sneak attacks.

    Wolverine is obviously the better fighter and would have the stamina to go on for days thanks to his healing factor, but my bet is the fight would not be so one sided.

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  15. #45
    frieza saga oDoUoSoKo's Avatar
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    that being said, Wolvey would take it, after an intense, week-long battle.

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