Corrupted by greed, our arts are being used by the larger percents as a springboard into the masses' consciousness. They poison the seeds with stereo-typical images, infect them with a lust for their fifteen minutes of nothing.
I don't have a cure. Extensive testing has shown that I can kill the virus one vector at a time with this...

data roams in the blackness of this bastard's handcrafted catacombs
I sadly draft a lastin opus to passin ghosts
this is Jack's lack of hope
elope with my foe's screams,
four rings,
soldiers compose focused beams of energy
grasped by claw-tipped gauntlets
columns of tall scripts get robbed by plottin bishops
knotted properly, fallen trees become the god's property for small fees
lost products of fiends cause problems in fatigues
don't bother me for thirty threes
I grandfathered killa beez perfectly
while u run from shots heard on the breeze
lettered shepherds turn flocks with degrees
guts bottomless, I feed on greed, lust, gluttony, and envy
sloth crawls across my watch's ticks
dodge depth-less charges, the arsonist
my particles drift with darts spinning righteous paths
the god's die were cast, the attack of pride and wrath
titans clash,
writers tap ashes on ate five passages
blank lines get cashed in
as expected, my anorexic battin average collapses crab legs from the Alps to Aspen
avalanche spit talentless blackSMITHS
my antennas are tapped in for action
after the blast shrap-pens re-enact ur lack of defenses
militant winds are conscripted against phantom menaces
ransoms are regimented
implemented by fiscally demented mental patients
physically dependent on pages
risen from a river of razors
Mr. Wizard figures the slimmer equations
sinister saviors deliver digital angels
winter's whistlin blade of ice awakens minds
agent designed mazes get infiltrated by mines
my diamonds shine as constricted blizzards of coal controlled solely
filthy souls filtered in a killer's grounds
off-kilter rounds,
Adolf Hitler triggers gorillas buildin bigger mounds
lyricist lounge niggaz, scissors and stitches given
niggaz in position bear witness to prepared crimson instruments
shells are never spared penance
in this rare instance seen,
Blair witch technique is paired with the flesh of kings
my messages connect with webbed wreckages onscreen
treacherous scenes get plots twisted
the evil doctor, revisited
shots licked by senior citizens sheet rocks and keep spinnin
easily taught, the hawk's discipline is art exhibited
all heart, part prison sentence
targeted princes part with forensic prints 4 a pittance