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Thread: ISLAM...some questions

  1. #16
    Heisman Mic Tyson's Avatar
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    and is jesus ever quoted as sayin he's god?

  2. #17
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    You seem to get a kick out of bashing Islam.

    Then you go and admit to following a book which is written by a Roman Emperor. Yep nice try.

  3. #18
    ...born of a future war Face of the Golden Falcon's Avatar
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    P.E.A.C.E and Blessings...

    3. So a man who looked like Jesus was sent to trial, caused an uproar amongst the Jewish community...got the Roman authorities involved and nobody detected this at the time? sorry...but...ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?! bro...it was a pretty tight nit community at the time...people are gona know if your posing as somebody else. So his guy that looked like Christ...even fooled his mother? Cause Mary was said to have been crying when this all took place...damn they musta looked identical.
    Interestingly enough the Gospel of Thomas suggests that Jesus had a twin brother...


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  4. #19
    Heisman Mic Tyson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAN View Post
    You seem to get a kick out of bashing Islam.

    Then you go and admit to following a book which is written by a Roman Emperor. Yep nice try.
    thats kinda what i was gettin at. i don't fuck wit any religions in general, but christianity is a shitty ass religion and someone that follows it really can't talk about anybody elses religion

  5. #20
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarr View Post
    Muslims main selling point seems to be that they have a personal relationship with God..and that Christians/other faiths don't (or not to Islamic extent).

    answer this please...then WHY did Mohammed speak to Angel Gabriel and not God directly? unlike the Christian prophets who spoke directly to God...(Moses, Jesus, Noah etc)...who was this angel that gave Mohamed the scriptures? was it his imagination? Holuscination? A demon?...heck,maybe it was Angel Gabriel..but how can we be sure?

    Question 2. Islam forbids pictures of prophets/saints...Because it replaces worshipping God with pictures of Men...but why can't we remember people who made an impact on humanity? its like saying i have to throw away all my photo's of my friends because i might turn stupid and start worshipping them? all im doing is remembering them...why isnt this ok?

    Question 3. Sorry...i have to come back to this one...the whole "If a woman is rebellious, part beds with her and then Beat her"...in the Quran. I cant get past it....it just sounds so wrong...How can Allah be so peaceful in some Surahs and then come across so blood thirsty in others?

    and my BIGGEST ONE

    We have certain testimony from Ancient historians that Jesus WAS crucified (in and outa the bible)...pagans, Romans, arabs and Jewish historians attest to this...many from the time. I could get names right now..but i cant be fucked. Josephus Flavious comes to mind...who was not Christian...but after actually seeing Jesus wrote something along the lines of "He was indeed, King of the Jews...and the Son Of God"....this was a professional Historian...not a religious man...he wrote in the Jewish Antiquities...not in the Bible.
    Anyway, so if we have all this testimony and evidence from Historians...why can Mohammed come around 540 years later and say "no, Jesus wasnt crucified in this manor". What gives him the right and knowledge to speak on events about 540 before his time? Cause he apparently spoke to an angel? again...who was this angel? i personally think Islam was a great way to unite the tribes in the Arab lands under one banner...Mohammed was a genious for this reason.
    Why did the Jews (the original christians)..the most monothestic people at the time...for some reason, all of a sudden after the crucifiction snap outa their depression (over Jesus dying - 12 apostles im talkin about) and go spread the word that Jesus had Risen? how was an entire religion spawned out of the hardline judaism faith? they MUST have seen something that was unexplainable - like a man Dying then rising again. How else would Jews alter their faith and spawn an entire new one? unless something big happened

    i typed this up in abut 5 min...so excuse the errors...if you muslims or whatever feel you can proove me wrong or answer these...be my guest..im curious to know your thoughts on the matter

    Last comment...the difference between the two

    In Australia there was this Turkish girl who made the news. She told her parents she converted to Christianity...the father literally tried to kill her...he pulled out a knife...and then the mother tried to wrestle it off him but she died instead of the daughter...and the astonishing part...the father was a DOCTOR! an educated man...yet something about his faith/upbringing/culture made him react this way
    Another muscian i know...from Uzbekistan (His name is Attila..the most amazing violin player ive heard ever) converted to Christianity...he and his wife had to leave their country and re-settle because their own cmmunity and family were trying to kill them...

    i know a girl (im dating her) she is Chillian and became a muslim about 5 years ago...when she became Muslim..her parents (christian) were dissapointed..but in the ened respected her choice and still love her. Do you see the difference here? Christians can turn Islamic and we eventually accept it...but when muslims turn Christian...the gota leave their entire lives behind outa fear

    thank you
    you don't ask these questions because you want to learn anything, you ask because you're looking for fault in the answers provided so that you can tell yourself the religion you follow is better. I could respond to your inquiries but that would be a pointless waste of time.

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  6. #21
    ...born of a future war Face of the Golden Falcon's Avatar
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    P.E.A.C.E and Blessings Visions...

    Quote Originally Posted by Visions Unseen View Post
    you don't ask these questions because you want to learn anything, you ask because you're looking for fault in the answers provided so that you can tell yourself the religion you follow is better. I could respond to your inquiries but that would be a pointless waste of time.
    Yeah, true. He is obviously stuggling with being a Christian at the moment and is trying to validate his emotional attachment to it by tryin to find the faults in other religions. Dunno, maybe he just found out that Santa Clause isn't real and that Christmas is actually a pagan holiday.


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  7. #22
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAN View Post
    You seem to get a kick out of bashing Islam.

    Then you go and admit to following a book which is written by a Roman Emperor. Yep nice try.
    cosign all day ..... for all you smart dumb cats
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  8. #23
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Face of the Golden Falcon View Post
    P.E.A.C.E and Blessings Visions...

    Yeah, true. He is obviously stuggling with being a Christian at the moment and is trying to validate his emotional attachment to it by tryin to find the faults in other religions. Dunno, maybe he just found out that Santa Clause isn't real and that Christmas is actually a pagan holiday.

    no doubt

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  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarr View Post
    1. I know they claim it was Gabriel...but you didnt answer my question...why couldnt Mohammed have a personal conversation with Allah like moses, Noah and Jesus did? why did Mohammed speak to Gabriel instead of God Himself? was it really gabriel? the Bible and Quran both say the Devil can take form as an angel...how do we not know that Mohammed spoke to a Demon? So if Muslims preach having a personal relationship with God...why couldnt their founder do the same?

    These questions you are asking should really be asked to God. Please reference the supposed "quote" of the Quran claiming that the devil can take the form of an angel!!!

    BTW, what is the "form of an angel"?

    Quote Originally Posted by sarr View Post
    2. Quran specifically states to "Beat" the wife if she is rebellious.
    I've already talked about this. Please read my first reply to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by sarr View Post
    ive heard of these...could you kindly get me the actual quote? From what i understand...the old testament said to not eat Pork..and its encouraged to not eat it for Christians...not demanded. Basically...The New Testament is our updated version of the old testament...there were parts of the Old testemant Christ Himself didnt agree with.

    Do you follow the ten commandments? It is in the old testament. If you follow it, why don't you also adhere to the verse in the old testament saying pork is "unclean"?

    Do you reject the ten commandments just cuz it is from the old testament? Or do you pick and choose what to adhere to according to your desire?

    Sarr, you seem to be struggling with hate or fear. Please seek help.

  10. #25


    sarr.........muhummad i believe was spoken to by a demon or even possesed by one himself....


    The bible (new testement) said that all foods are fit to be eaten ( just read acts ... where peter recievce a vison) also JESUS himself said its not what goes into the mouth that makes a person ritually unclean but rather what comes out of a person that makes them unclean ( in saying this JESUS was declaring all foods fit to be eaten)


    JESUS did say i have come not to change the law but to fufill it and thats what christianity is to a jew the fufillment of the law remember jews who accept christ arent changing there religion ... they are following the fufillment of the law of GOD (christianity is the next step)... the reason it seems that another religion was created was that gentiles (non jewish people) where not bound to follow judaism so they only follow the laws that christ gave...

  11. #26
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    to mic tyson...yea he is quoted as saying he was God...many times.

    good point about Christianity being th next step from judaism. It was the evolution...which is what makes me believe that these very monothestic, religious people (Jews) who were very devout...would all of a sudden start worshippin Jesus as God after his death...they must have seen something amazing

    And to everyone that thinks im struggling with my faith...far from it actually. The old testament is filled with outdated laws..this is why God found it necessary to manifest into a human...and update humanity on how they should act. Now while i say some parts of the old testament is outdated...obviously there are many parts that are still relevant.
    "Me and every other sane hip hop fan and critic knows that pac has no classics."

    yes,true retard.

  12. #27
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prof zooruka View Post
    sarr.........muhummad i believe was spoken to by a demon or even possesed by one himself....
    Quote Originally Posted by sarr View Post
    to mic tyson...yea he is quoted as saying he was God...many times.

    good point about Christianity being th next step from judaism. It was the evolution...which is what makes me believe that these very monothestic, religious people (Jews) who were very devout...would all of a sudden start worshippin Jesus as God after his death...they must have seen something amazing

    And to everyone that thinks im struggling with my faith...far from it actually. The old testament is filled with outdated laws..this is why God found it necessary to manifest into a human...and update humanity on how they should act. Now while i say some parts of the old testament is outdated...obviously there are many parts that are still relevant.
    So the Old Testament can become outdated but the New Testament couldn't become outdated because...........................?

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    The old testament became outdated because Christ came to earth and taught us a bunch of new shit...and told us what was right and what was wrong. If he comes back...then and only then would the storyline continue...think of it like the Terminator trilogy.

    and like i said..because the Bible was written by men...it can have some flaws...but your quran cant have any because it is the word of God...if one verseis wrong...the entire thing falls apart
    "Me and every other sane hip hop fan and critic knows that pac has no classics."

    yes,true retard.

  14. #29
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarr View Post
    The old testament became outdated because Christ came to earth and taught us a bunch of new shit...and told us what was right and what was wrong. If he comes back...then and only then would the storyline continue...think of it like the Terminator trilogy.

    and like i said..because the Bible was written by men...it can have some flaws...but your quran cant have any because it is the word of God...if one verseis wrong...the entire thing falls apart
    repeating yourself isn't the same thing as answering the question. What's to stop the New Testament from becoming outdated?

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  15. #30
    ...born of a future war Face of the Golden Falcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prof zooruka View Post
    sarr.........muhummad i believe was spoken to by a demon or even possesed by one himself....


    The bible (new testement) said that all foods are fit to be eaten ( just read acts ... where peter recievce a vison)
    So....Muhummad was spoken to by a demon yet Peter had some sort of divine vision? How is it you make up your mind who is visited by demons and who is getting wisdom from God?

    also JESUS himself said its not what goes into the mouth that makes a person ritually unclean but rather what comes out of a person that makes them unclean ( in saying this JESUS was declaring all foods fit to be eaten)
    Wow! So in that jewel from Jesus all you get from it is that he is (somehow) declaring all foods fit to be eaten? What constitutes a food? Are poison berries food and are also fit to be eaten?

    Jesus is saying that foods are not unclean because they are a sin against God, they are unclean because health of issues. He is saying that righteousness has nothing to do with rituals or traditions but in what we say and do, how we act morally.


    JESUS did say i have come not to change the law but to fufill it and thats what christianity is to a jew the fufillment of the law remember jews who accept christ arent changing there religion ... they are following the fufillment of the law of GOD (christianity is the next step)... the reason it seems that another religion was created was that gentiles (non jewish people) where not bound to follow judaism so they only follow the laws that christ gave...
    Jesus may have fulfilled the law, but christianity is not the teachings of Jesus. Please change your names to Paulites and be done with ...


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