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Thread: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

  1. #136
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ironman Starks
    if someone wants to be communist let them be communist if you dont like that cat for it w.e ya know not all communists think like josef stalin or Kim jong of fuckin North Korea waht about Karl Marx and Jesus lol Jesus would be an awesome communist

    on a side note: in todays societies, and by todays political ideologies - Jesus would have been classed as a Socialist by definition. quite the irony considering that these so-called Christians hold nothing but Conservative views.
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  2. #137
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by bushido
    is ThaShaolinAssassin a douche?
    yes! and he's most probably just your average little rich bod that's never been poor enough to experience state oppression.
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  3. #138
    I'll Fuck You Up TeknicelStylez's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    You guys are arguing with an 85, its pointless gawds. Just relax and breath lol.

    I doubt he's rich hes probably just middle class somewhere around there, most black people aren't rich, and if they are rich, THEY ARENT "WEALTHY". Wealthy is an important word. Black people could be rich but they will never obtain a place of power in the U.S. where they could manipulate anything other than by getting a large movement of people for their cause, and even than the U.S. is just compromising.

    You speak about all these, how this countries like this blablabla... sound like my mom (shes cuban). I agree its terrible what other countries go through. But if you got 6 rotten apples and 1's less rotten does it make it not rotten? Wouldn't you like to eat a good apple ???
    Besides half those other countries go through that shit BECAUSE of the U.S. Do you think columbia and south america would have such an extensive cocaine market if it weren't for the U.S. buying off of them. Africa, would warlords be cutting off kids arms and destroying towns and having people operate diamond mines for a penny a day, if America didn't glorify diamonds and, the american people didn't by them so much. Iraq, would Iraq be such a bad place if America didn't supply that area with all the weapons they did in the 80's along with the russians, they gave guns to the Israelites who in turn, used them to opress other middle eastern countries. Why you think these people are pissed at us? You think they just like crashing their planes into us and shit? Decapitate ppl on T.V. for fun..? I could go on forever how america dicked over almost every country on the planet and fucked up something there, but I'ma stop.

    Peace 85.

  4. #139
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by soul controller

    korea is as free as it likes to be
    after all rumsfield working for ABB sold nuclear technology to them in 99
    thats how the u.s know they have nuclear weapons
    PLEASE show me evidence to this claim, read our embargo papers on them at the time and turn off your micheal moore DVD.

  5. #140
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by soul controller
    ur a fucking muppet

    prescott bush
    funded the fucking 3rd right from wall street
    and from the city of london
    the u.s is the incarnation of evil on earth.
    if u cant see it. its coz u r evil also.

    u seriously need to look into history b4 u start to speak and spread such lies about the world.

    why did the us. drop nukes on japan.. when the war was already over.. ur pres at the time refused the treaty and offer of surrender by the japs and dropped the nukes a week later he accepted the exact fucking same treaty..
    why did he do that?
    you have to look at the world differantyl..what happened after world war 2?
    the fucking cold war.. and what was the fear of the cold war? to the west it was.. russia has nukes and we know what nukes CAN DO,. coz usa used them!!! so that was the fear.. and the dear in russia was.. fuck usa will nuke us.. as they did japan.. both countries population was scared an manipulated by the same forces..

    if u refuse to see that.. i seriously suggest joing the u;s
    as they are after mind dead clones

    and the topic of this thread. shows everyone how stupid u r


    1.America's the Incarnation of Evil on earth-No comment.

    2.Prescott Bush, was a business man in a FREE CAPITALIST ECONOMY, his business choices are his and his alone, i don't agree with him, but he's FREE to do as he wishes. It's funny how A SINGLE american on wall street who funded Hitler (in a way that im sure had little to no major impact) makes us the Incarnation of Evil on earth, but Hitler himself isn't? He helped the 3rd reich more then Prescott Bush ya know.

    3.Fucking Italy was on hitlers side, but we're eviler (not saying they are) cause prescott bush likes hitler, in a country where he's FREE to do so.

    4. The United States dropped Bombs on Japan after the World War, in order to end the Pacific war, a war that, due to Japans nationalistic bushido culture would have the Japanesse refuse to surrender until we literally killed them all. The STRICTLY believe in not being taken prisonner. If we had fought them face to face on the mainland it was predicted to be histories more bloody, devistating set of battles that would end in the total oblideration of the japanesse nation, and up to 1 million americans.

    5. Japan's "Rape of Nanking" is reported as one of histories most disgusting war crimes. For those how don't know, Japans soldigers were given orders to rape and pillage anything they seen in china when the imperialistically invaded it because the chinese people were a worthless race on inferior beings in the eyes of Japanesse nationalism. This same ideology stated that all whites were destant to serve the japanesse as slaves, and blacks weren't human. But the U.S is the incarnation of evil on earth because Prescott Bush likes Hitler.

    6. I doubt you'll ever get pussy.

    7.The Cold war was a conflict in which the thawing of imperialism saw a growing popularity for communism. Russia also had a stake in Germany as well and the the Allies, and it was STALINS nuclear bluff that lead to the arms race. The struggle was a fight of ideologies with the USSR being even more guilty of "evil" deeds to its people and others then the US. It's politics, if Mongolia was in the same position it would do the same thing, if Rwanda, Sweden, Iraq, Jordan, Colombia, Bolivia ect. the same thing, so the US or USSR isn't evil for competing with each other.

    -If your gonna speak please use logic, im not very tolerant of half thought out comments and please believe me i know what im talking about in this topic.

  6. #141
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by connor
    maybe he says it because america has got a cheek to call themselves the land of the free i meen they even rigged the fuckin election america is the worlds biggest dictatorship kidding everybody they are a democracy
    Bigger then N.Korea?

  7. #142
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThaShaolinAssassin
    PLEASE show me evidence to this claim, read our embargo papers on them at the time and turn off your micheal moore DVD.
    Micheal Moore's a douche.
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  8. #143
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by TeknicelStylez
    You guys are arguing with an 85, its pointless gawds. Just relax and breath lol.

    I doubt he's rich hes probably just middle class somewhere around there, most black people aren't rich, and if they are rich, THEY ARENT "WEALTHY". Wealthy is an important word. Black people could be rich but they will never obtain a place of power in the U.S. where they could manipulate anything other than by getting a large movement of people for their cause, and even than the U.S. is just compromising.

    You speak about all these, how this countries like this blablabla... sound like my mom (shes cuban). I agree its terrible what other countries go through. But if you got 6 rotten apples and 1's less rotten does it make it not rotten? Wouldn't you like to eat a good apple ???
    Besides half those other countries go through that shit BECAUSE of the U.S. Do you think columbia and south america would have such an extensive cocaine market if it weren't for the U.S. buying off of them. Africa, would warlords be cutting off kids arms and destroying towns and having people operate diamond mines for a penny a day, if America didn't glorify diamonds and, the american people didn't by them so much. Iraq, would Iraq be such a bad place if America didn't supply that area with all the weapons they did in the 80's along with the russians, they gave guns to the Israelites who in turn, used them to opress other middle eastern countries. Why you think these people are pissed at us? You think they just like crashing their planes into us and shit? Decapitate ppl on T.V. for fun..? I could go on forever how america dicked over almost every country on the planet and fucked up something there, but I'ma stop.

    Peace 85.

    -Actually Nigerians are among the wealthiest minorities in the country, and are ranked the most educated(they're black)
    -why yes, yes i am middle class
    -Your not 5% kid, just a fan.
    - Its not the U.S's fault we like diamonds. In Senegal that's the leading export, if we didn't buy them they would collapse and starve to death. Literally every country buys diamonds, every single one, but were the evil ones?
    -Wal Mart doesn't chop kids arms off, and that's how you proved my point
    -If it weren't for Cocain we wouldn't have ODB
    - If israel oppressed every country in the middle east(a bit far fetched) Israel is
    evil, The murderer is the criminal not the man that owns the gun store.
    -Iraq would be just as bad because Saddam was one of those guys the US didn't "Control" according to Tech, and he did what he did on his own. Once again my point it he did was he did and we didn't do what he did, but Tech is on his side.
    - I kinda wanna dick over your lips.

  9. #144
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaolinDarts
    ^^^Very well put. Its a democracy but theres no freedom of speach and the media and politicians control what the public see and read. Hahahaha its very funny how people are so easily led.
    So tell me when YOUr "freedom of speach" has been blocked by the gov.

  10. #145
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by akira kurosawa
    mind explaining to me exactly what you THINK a communist actually is?
    Communism is a system of governmental rule thought up by Karl Marx to spread his view of class struggle. This system leads to the gov. being overthrown by the prolitatiate(sp?) (working class, those being oppresses). when this is done a system is set up were the people on the bottom make it equal for everyone so long as there's no more captalism and things are distributed by need, and not by want. Basically everyone in the same class and the communist party controls this. and thats its flaw the communist party later became the exact thing the working class fought to overthrow, a concentration of power at the top that manipulates everything below. Since humans are humans and the communist party isn't made of perfect beings, they systematically begun to ignore peoples needs and it all became a messy power struggle. In this system it was also hard to produce enough goods for the people due to a complete abandonment of logical economy. That's communism.

  11. #146
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ironman Starks
    if someone wants to be communist let them be communist if you dont like that cat for it w.e ya know not all communists think like josef stalin or Kim jong of fuckin North Korea waht about Karl Marx and Jesus lol Jesus would be an awesome communist
    He CAN be a communist and that's my point. He should be greatful, or at least straight about it.

  12. #147
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    oh shit

    most of the answers u stated are correct on a level.. go deeper,
    and connect the dots

    oh and btw im married.. and i dont get pussy!
    not too mention in an open relationship

    michael moore.. didint even watch all of F11 but i did watch all of his 1st one.. whats michael got to do with this?
    but damn u made me wanan asnwer each question
    bah fuck u

    i aint got time so quicktime mode

    1: not just now check the shistory how it was created. and who controls it sure as fuck isnt no 'american's they are all rich aristrocats from eastern europe.. who ownz the federal resere.. far from federal or a reserve.. thats pvt owned european bank money.
    how was u created? the symbols that the people who run your country choose to display rub it n ur face. i aint even gone go into it.. reverse symbology its all around u
    check ur dolla. do u really want me to go into all the c'i'a funded terrorist attacks america has done on countless COUNTLESS countries from malaysia to nicaragua to afghanistan.. it not to mention israel( i know ur view on that.. lol they the good guys with u? )

    2: it wasnt only prescott bush but he was a major player, their where many sides who gave hitler ideas.. have u read his book vak kempf if many serves me right... i wont even go into him as he was just a puppet for the agenda along with chirchill and ur ' i promise u if u elect me.. the the sons of america will not go and fight in a war in europe'
    no fucking doubt. he already knew and cold bloodedly lied.. carry on supporting this

    3 i dont know why u have put numbers next to each point.. what can i see. ww2 was engineered for the people to want a change which happened.. the change was already envisioned prior to the war, in documents called propaganda in the next war.. (which u can find on any yahoo search) all sides knewinlghy played apart.. for? centralisation of power.. what happeend after the war when the people said,,. something must be done.. they got the u.n rofl and the e.u to stop wars .. im not even gonna tell u the amount of wars in europe since ww2... its all bollox. to manipulate how u think

    4 im a take ur qoute
    rread the fucking restrictions america put on japan prior to that.. its sick. not to mention qoute a pnac document again found on their OFFICIAL SITE this sept 99... we need another event like pearl harbour for us to launch a war in the middle east'
    u couldnt write this shit in a script,.,,again read history u get america's edit read the real.

    5.. get off bush and hitler.. porns in the overall game

    6: ive answered that elsewhere ... hmm i wonder if anyone can verify that for me on here? lol

    7: bigger picture. u dropped the nuke so both sides america and ussr peoples would be scared. and that happened in the process of the illuminati rapeing russia natural reserves and pvtsing

    8 im not saying what ur saying is wrong at all.. most is quite correct on A LEVEL

    peace to TeknicelStylez

    i just read ur post thats quiet correct

    if u want proove, i have plenty of SOLID documentaries.. get me on msn
    i might even hook u up with a gurlie if u come to england, get that limp dick of urs some action

    peace to one and all.

  13. #148
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    jesus this man dont stop

    props for ur commitment

  14. #149
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    karl marx was also another puppet used for this on going agenda

    connect the dots,. the dots are THE FINANCES

  15. #150
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Immortal Technique a douche?

    thanks. Congradulations of your points all relevent (unlike ShaolinDarts who literally has no friends) but the U.S.'s sins are out weigh by those Tech praises. And if those countries were in US's position of power please imagine the world then. US has(in tie with Ancient China, and Egypt) been histories most externally friendly power and the first nation to fully recognize the rule of law in protecting humans rights and that why im proud to be america, and so is Tech, he just won't realize it cause he's a douche, and that's my point.

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