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Thread: Watchmen Thread AKA Watchmen-- Who's Going To See It?

  1. #181
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    i enjoyed the movie though it was great. i never read the graphic novel/comics. so the end did not dissapoint me. was quite confusing though had to watch it a few times to fully understand it.
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  2. #182
    frieza saga oDoUoSoKo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hide1998 View Post
    For those that think the Black Freighter storyline isn't important (which was VERY faithfully done in its animated form) have really missed the point. The themes in that "comic within a graphic novel" tie directly to the storyline itself thematically.

    Higher lifeforms are generally giving it props however, which is refreshing in this age of rehashed film making.
    personally i dont think it works the same if its not spliced in the film itself, at the right moments, like in the GN...not the same, almost loses purpose.

  3. #183
    Movie Script Lyricist RA EL's Avatar
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    The movie was aight. I'm intrigued by Dr. Manhattan's abilities.
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  4. #184
    frieza saga oDoUoSoKo's Avatar
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    he means penis^^ lmao.

  5. #185
    aka The Chaotica SHEEPISH LORD OF CHAOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tecknowledgist View Post
    I saw it just now. It left somewhat of a bad taste in my mouth. I don't hate it, but something just isn't right about it. Here is my obsecenely long over-analysis.

    AND YES I'VE READ THE GRAPHIC NOVEL. It's my favorite book as a matter of fact. I felt the beginning was very well done. The movie was going very well, until about half-way through.

    Here's my random thoughts about the movie:

    I felt the action was overdone. The entire premise behind Watchmen was the de-hero-fication of superheroes. Making them seem like normal people. Their onscreen superstrength and agility made them look like actual superheroes which I felt worked against all the character development and humanization Alan Moore worked so hard to achieve.

    The way the The Black Freighter story intertwined with the Watchmen storyline was genius, but honestly, there is no way they could have fit it into the movie. I'm glad they didn't attempt it.

    The chapter where Jon goes over his background is one of my favorite parts of any book, ever. The way it was read really made you look at time itself in a different way. I think the movie could have done a better job with this part.

    The worst part of this movie for me though, was the acting. The acting was some of the stalest I've ever seen. It's hard to feel any connection with any of the characters when they're so bland. A lot of the dialogue was read too quickly without and emphasis, and important parts of the storyline were lost in Rorschach's incoherent garbling.

    Rorschach was bad-ass though. Got damn. He did a good job with his character. The only problem I have with it though, was like i said, some of the most important plot-points sounded like this: "ASJJFKJKAHFJAF" "No, Rorscach, it's all I know!" "SFHLASHFAHSF. Daniel, we need to zfafklasjfl"

    Edward Blake was well-portrayed.

    I wanted to see Rorschach kill the cigarette on the guy's eyeball. Not bite a chunk of his flesh off. Extremely minor complaint.

    The art direction was superb. Dave Gibbons should be proud.

    Laurie was hot as fuck. Shitty acting. Honestly, you guys liked the acting in this movie? It felt like they were reading a copy of Watchmen orally. Her especially. And her mother.

    A lot of people left the theatre half-way through. This is their own fault for having the attention span of a corn flake; but at the same time, if you haven't read the book, I don't know why you want to sit there and listen to the stories of people you couldn't care less about. Their terrible acting made it difficult.

    I can't blame them for everything. There was honestly way too much story to pack into three hours. They had to find a happy medium between pleasing fans of the novel, and pleasing the average movie-goer. The action scenes are probably what kept the average movie-goer there for the entirety of the movie.

    Dreiburg did a good job.

    Ozymandias is a bitch in this movie. I know that was the idea, but they could have made him a little more.....manly. It makes me think of that Rorschach line in his journal: "Possibly homosexual? Must remember to investigate further." hahaha

    I don't blame them for leaving the squid-thing out. That would have meant the inclusion of the missing-artist part or at the very least, another ten minutes of dialogue.

    A little too much dick. It doesn't really bother me personally, but the immature teenager/hambeast sitting in front of me couldn't help but giggle every time a blue knob was barely seen in the distance.

    I like how faithful they stayed to the novel in terms of dialogue. I was lip-syncing all of Rorschach's journal entries.

    If the acting was well-done, the majority of my long-winded nitpicking would be idle, because it would have worked out. But the acting killed it; I'm sorry.

    So, if you enjoyed the movie, I'm glad; but I personally thought it could have been so much more.
    i disagree yet agree with your point at the same time i thought it was doing very well because your point is what i felt about the 1st transformers movie but i loved the movie


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