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Thread: Hitler's Mustache

  1. #1

    Default Hitler's Mustache

    Sure. Bernie Sanders copied Hitler's socialist platform to try to get into power (Socialist German Workers' Party aka "NAZI" in German). Hitler wasn't truly a socialist, but he knew that the people were dumb cunts who would vote for free socialist shit. Same bullshit platform Sanders uses. Everything is FREE FREE FREE. Replace "Jews" with "The 1%" and the same old formula works on dumb people. Then they get into power and you find out shit ain't really for free and anyone who still wants free shit gets the Night Of Long Knives. Look it up. Hitler rose to power on socialist platform then purged the socialists soon thereafter, murdering the socialists over the course of 48 hours.

    ^Just because this dumb fuck doesn't comb his hair doesn't mean he's Albert Einstein. He's a loud mouth yelling dumbfuck moron.

    Sure. Everyone you disagree with you call Hitler or a "fascist" because that's easier than actually explaining what you think you believe in. Most people shouting "fascist" in America in the 21st century have no fucking idea what fascism actually is and are they themselves the ones acting in a fascist manner. For example, racist black lives matter marxist cunts demanding you give a "salute" (fist in air) or they violently attack you. Who's the fucking fascist in that scenario? BLM is.

    Sure. Hitler tried conquering Europe and allied with the Palestinians to burn Judaic Jews just like the modern DemoKKKrats ally with Palestinians and want to destroy Israel/Judaic Jews. Obama and Biden were meeting with Muslim Brotherhood almost weekly to plot against Jews. Hussein Allah Akbar Obama even meddled in Israel's elections.
    “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they'll all come here.’ ‘So what should I do with them?’ he asked. He said, ‘Burn them.’" Netanyahu said the Mufti of Jerusalem had “a central role in fomenting the Final Solution.”
    But what really makes me mad is that no one since the 1940's has been able to wear a toothbrush mustache since this cunt died. 85 fucking years and you can't shave your mustache on the sides still because of this ancient dead bastard.

    I say we work up the courage to face the inevitable backlash and bring back the toothbrush mustache. Who has the moral courage to stand with me and take back the 'stache?

    Hitler does not OWN this style of mustache. It should be LIBERATED and set free for all of us to rock with style and dignity, free of backlash and mockery and cruelty.

    I mean for fuck sakes. What if Hitler KEPT his handle bar mustache that he wore during WWI? Would handlebar mustaches have become taboo for the next 100 fucking years? All he did was shave the sides off.

    Don't be a fucking coward bowing to political correctness. Join me and bring back the ToothBrush mustache as we take a giant shit on political correctness and all the faggots who already call everyone they disagree with Hitler anyways. Or are you too pussy and scared someone is going to call you a Nazi? Are you scared of the confrontation? All the demoKKKrat Mask Nazis already confront you if you don't obey and put on a fucking mask for no medical reason since the virus does not kill people under 65 who are healthy and don't have 3 fucking commorbidities. Why do you always cower in submission?

    People try to weaponize associations often for political gain. For example, Hitler loved dogs. Does that mean you are a Nazi if you have a dog? No! Then why associate the toothbrush mustache with nazism?

  2. #2


    Michael Jordan made a half-ass attempt but failed.

    Also, false accounts of history tell us that Adolf Hitler was a shitty artist. But I actually like some of his paintings:

    Looks like a water color. Well done.

  3. #3

  4. #4
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    Jun 2006
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    Hitler? Sense, you're getting way too comfortable.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  5. #5


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    november 3rd: The return


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