Quote Originally Posted by BeautiFlyD View Post
"Zionist" is essentially a meaningless word that people use to describe jews they don't like. Is a zionist a militant Israeli, or is a zionist anybody who recognizes Israel's right to merely exist?

When I say I don't support the Israeli's or Palestinians, let it be known that on a micro level, I believe most Israeli's and Palestinians desire a peaceful two-state solution.

However, both the Israeli's and Palestinians elected militant parties that claim to want peace but do not show it in their actions.

In fact, Hamas's political ideology is that they will not be happy until Israel ceases to exist. And they were democratically elected. How do you negotiate with that?

Also, I don't know how you can claim that Ian Dallas is not anti-semitic.

Sufism has nothing to do with it. People claim that Christianity is based on universal love, but that doesn't mean people don't use it for violence and bigotry.
Israel helped the Hamas, they used the Hamas to get rid of the Fatah and of Yasser Arafat.
This is a really though situation. Because Israel was created because the European countries and the USA felt like the world had a debt toward the jewish people. And I agree that a jewish state is needed, but it was done the wrong way, it was imposed to Palestine, it was a situation that could only end up in a war, and they settled it by providing Israel with weapons, so they won the war but it could never lead to peace.
Because, as Abdalqadir as-Sufi said, its not a war between jews n muslims, its not a war about religion its a war about territory. I can't say for sure that he is not Anti-semitic, but right now its hard for me to see a Anti-semitic sufi, since its the most tolerant religion I know.
And Zionist is not meaningless, there is an agressive Zionism, represented by people like Netanyahu. But this word, as you said is used by people to only describe jews they dont like, but often because they simply don't like jews, and they use this word as racist politicians say "I aint racist, I just dont like immigrants who do crimes", its the same racism.