Anyone go to this? I did, first time seeing a Wu member live so was pretty amped.

He got on stage like 12:30am, good mixture of newer shit and older shit. Was surprised how many people went crazy over his new shit like Back Like That but didn't know a fucking thing from Supreme Clientelle. Some did though and the crowd around me seemed pretty ill.

Props to Ghost cause there were A LOT of Wu classics all over his set.

some highlights:

4th Chamber.... GOD DAMN! When that beat dropped I went crazy, apologies to those cunts around me I jumped on.
Apollo Kids
Wu-Tang Clain Aint nuttin to fuck wit
All wu classsssics

But highlights for me was when I think it was DJ L-Love dropped Pharcyde passing me by cause i wasnt expecting it and the crazy bitch next to me went psycho as well. They also dropped T.R.O.Y for some reason, was dope, but iunno why.

Ghost also got shit thrown at him when Re-United was kicking in so he stopped the music to call dude a faggot. Then he called us faggots when people were screaming "Kiddie fiddler" during his moment of respect for Michael Jackson.

Heard some complaints after about the length he was on stage but iunno, i loved that shit, was ill.

side note: had been drinking since like 5:30pm, popped a flipper like 12:00ish and was pretty off my tits.