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Thread: If you know your 9/11 Conspiracy shit

  1. #166


    I'll take a wild guess and say it was for Money, and oil. >_>

  2. #167
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalAsiaticBlackDan View Post
    There are MORE eye-witness accounts that contradict everything said in the video!

    ok, then if its out there please present it. I'd love to see it.

    My entire point is, any time something happens, you can dig up "information" to support ANYTHING.

    ok, like you said you can dig up eye witness accounts that contradict what was presented in the video I asked you to comment on. Let's see it.

    Eye-witness accounts during a traumatic event are very unreliable forms of testimony.

    Somebody that goes to work every day in the WTC isn't going to say they were in the basement when the reality is they were on the 89th floor. Things might be a little fuzzy, they aren't that fuzzy.

    Panicked people do not process information well.

    some of those people were firemen. I think if anyone were to process information and not get panicked it would be the people that were used to being in pressure situations. I think a fireman would fit that bill.

    ALso, there are ways of asking quesitons to get the answers you want.

    that video for the most part wasn't really interviews, and besides its not like anyone in the national media was focused on trying to present you with anything other than the planes knocked down the towers. This isn't Alex Jones conducting anything here.

    We live in a time where it is increasingly difficult to hide information.

    The levels of conspiracy and secrecy required for this to be an "inside job" are ridiculous and unfathomable.

    Ok, say this is true. Please answer this question, do you think there were detonations in the basement of the WTC the day they came down?

    People have made up their mind and are only looking for "information" that supports what they already believe.
    ^I'll be here waiting for those contradicting eye-witness accounts.

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  3. #168
    ...born of a future war Face of the Golden Falcon's Avatar
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    We live in a time where it is increasingly difficult to hide information.

    The levels of conspiracy and secrecy required for this to be an "inside job" are ridiculous and unfathomable.
    The fact that it is increasingly difficult to hide information these days makes it easier for it to be an inside job. They don't have to be very secretive about it at all. Its all hidden in broad day light behind terms like "Conspiracy Theory", "Al-Qaeda", "Terrorism" etc.


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  4. #169
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulrock View Post
    You're still stalking? Give up. You lost. You can't answer 6 simple questions.

    How about one question, really simple....

    Why did we invade Iraq?
    People always roll out the tired idea that it was for oil.

    It was always more of a geopolitical maneuver than anything else, the rest is a bonus.

  5. #170


    Ok PatSean, so your explanation for the collapse of the towers was the direct result of planes crashing into them, right? Now explain building 7.

  6. #171
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    I don't know why you want to get into that once again.

    As when we "discussed" the events surrounding the entire situation earlier (not just building 7) whatever explanation i provide you rubbish and label as the result of brainwashing.

    I answered your question about Iraq, we've already been over 9/11 and it proved fruitless for the both of us.

    Pursue it with someone else.

  7. #172
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Bateman View Post
    People always roll out the tired idea that it was for oil.

    It was always more of a geopolitical maneuver than anything else, the rest is a bonus.
    Dude you really sound like such a conservative ignorant individual right now, and that's a surprise seen as I thought you were somewhat learned on the ways of the world.

    The term "geopolitical" is a meaningless fancy term, just like all political terminology is, there queer words used to cover a more sinister actions and developments.

    The entire Infrastructure of Iraq has been destroyed, and it will be replaced with the "democratic capitalism" the Americans are known for, there building mc D's there as we speak.

    I'm sickend that you would divert the suffering and mutilation of the innocent iraq people with words like "it was a bonus".

    Your taste in music is good pat, your taste in political motives and aspirations leaves somewhat to be desired.
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  8. #173
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    I think you have misinterpreted what i'm saying.

    The US opportunistically invaded Iraq, in my humblest of opinions, in order to bolster their influence in a region which is extremely important to them politically. In that sense, it is geopolitical more than anything else.

    People can choose to select oil as the primary reason for invasion, but this neglects the glaringly obvious US endeavour can gain leverage in the Middle East, which
    in the past has proved volatile consistently and therefore concerning for the US.

    You think i support this kind of shit?

    My personal political beliefs are far to the left of anyone who posts here, trust me.

    I despise any militaristic action, with very few exceptions.

    I find the slaughter of any civilians in such instances vile let alone the number that have been killed.

    At the time of the initial invasion i had countless heated and long arguments with my moderate right wing friends about it.

    If you still feel that way about me after my explanation, that's cool, but i think my phrasing in that initial post reflects a belief which i do not have.

    I've never been called conservative before by anyone, so that's a slight shock... maybe you're going off some things i said about Chavez and Ghadafi, i don't know. I don't dislike those individuals because they are socialist, i dislike them because they have systematically removed various aspects of the legislative and judiciary arms of their own countries in order to further their own selfish ambition, which is not always in the interest of their citizenry.

    Calling Chavez a pig is possibly over the top, but virtually any politician is a pig to me, much like any cop is a pig to some people. He's done some good things, but his gradual abolition of various aspects integral to the democratic system bother me.

    I have no qualms about calling Ghadafi a pig, and i guess we'll differ on that regardless.

  9. #174
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    Additionally, i can't help using idiotic terms like "geopolitical".

    I am a product of the education which i have received, and a university education in politics is designed to engender students with a catalog of gibberish and double speak in order to prepare them for a future of sloganeering within the public service.

  10. #175


    sean's gonna be a pig politician when he grows up

  11. #176
    SUN*KID ON THE ONE LoTec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulrock View Post
    Ok PatSean, so your explanation for the collapse of the towers was the direct result of planes crashing into them, right? Now explain building 7.

    Nobody wants to acknowledge Building 7 cuz its the biggest hole in the whole official conspiracy theory. Even the bullshit 911 comission ignored it. It was just last year or the year before that it was addressed and what did the NIST come up with it to explain the collapse? FIRE.............they dont really know how or why but it was fire. Nice, well case closed on that, I guess.

    Its always been funny to me how anyone wanting an explination for the many improbable and impossible aspects of what we are told happened that day are labled "conspiracy theorists".

    When the official story is that a secretive, clandestine, shadowy group is solely responsible for everything. Sounds sorta like conspiracy to me. And everything that had to go wrong within the USA infastructure for there cockamamy scheme to work did go wrong. And everything that had to go right on the "terrorist" part went right.

    All of that is as hard for me to believe as other more powerful, and resourcefull parties haveing a hand in what went down.
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  12. #177
    SUN*KID ON THE ONE LoTec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulrock View Post
    Ok PatSean, so your explanation for the collapse of the towers was the direct result of planes crashing into them, right? Now explain building 7.

    Nobody wants to acknowledge Building 7 cuz its the biggest hole in the whole official conspiracy theory. Even the bullshit 911 comission ignored it. It was just last year or the year before that it was addressed and what did the NIST come up with it to explain the collapse? FIRE.............they dont really know how or why but it was fire. Nice, well case closed on that, I guess.

    Its always been funny to me how anyone wanting an explination for the many improbable and impossible aspects of what we are told happened that day are labled "conspiracy theorists".

    When the official story is that a secretive, clandestine, shadowy group is solely responsible for everything. Sounds sorta like conspiracy to me. And everything that had to go wrong within the USA infastructure for there cockamamy scheme to work did go wrong. And everything that had to go right on the "terrorist" part went right.

    All of that is as hard for me to believe as other more powerful, and resourcefull parties haveing a hand in what went down.
    Impermanence on this plane of reality/where criminality, brutality freely dwell/ Truth is a casualty in this hell/ Karma reins with divine causality, then its swell--StrangeLoveSurreal

  13. #178
    Gen Chat Bully Uncle Steezo's Avatar
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    pat's geopolitical explaination is a bit on the shallow side.

    okay yes, they want a foothold in the ME. but why is the ME important?
    many parts of the world are unstable but yet america has kept out.
    africa comes to mind.

    could it be possible that oil is the reason? and geopolitics is the excuse? who really believes that we as americans really care about regional stability, when you consider the actions we have taken to destabilize nations?

  14. #179


    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Bateman View Post
    I don't know why you want to get into that once again.

    As when we "discussed" the events surrounding the entire situation earlier (not just building 7) whatever explanation i provide you rubbish and label as the result of brainwashing.

    I answered your question about Iraq, we've already been over 9/11 and it proved fruitless for the both of us.

    Pursue it with someone else.
    We never got into building 7 at all, and you have a convenient way of dodging things when you can't answer them. Maybe you don't understand that building 7 was 300 feet away from the towers and was never struck by falling debris. The NIST said that no explosions occurred at site 7 in their "official" report, which is a lie, and furthermore stated that the building was brought down because of fire, another lie.

  15. #180
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Crow ESQ View Post
    pat's geopolitical explaination is a bit on the shallow side.

    okay yes, they want a foothold in the ME. but why is the ME important?
    many parts of the world are unstable but yet america has kept out.
    africa comes to mind.

    could it be possible that oil is the reason? and geopolitics is the excuse? who really believes that we as americans really care about regional stability, when you consider the actions we have taken to destabilize nations?
    But i never said nor do i think that it was an attempt to restore stability in the Middle East.

    I said it was geopolitical in the sense that the US needs to be able to express influence within the Middle East for US stability.

    Yes, oil is a factor, but it isn't the only or most important factor.

    The United States under Bush was clearly determined to maintain US hegemony and Iraq is a reflection of this. It's about dominance not only economically but also politically.

    Hence, 9/11 provided the perfect opportunity for the US to increase it's presence within the Middle East quickly and without a great deal of meaningful opposition.


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