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Thread: HHhhhhmmmmmmm

  1. #136
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    how a person can make several paragraphs of nothing but emotional comments while calling another person's reasonable questions emotional - is far beyond me
    but you're the best at it danny boy i'll give you that, i bet you'd sound convincing to a person of less intellect

  2. #137
    Irondan 2: Curly's Gold Wu-Tang Forum Internet Poster's Avatar
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    I just spit nothing but facts and reasonable answers to snide questions that YOU asked me, and personal insults you sent in my direction, unprovoked.

    And then you responded by insulting me again and calling cold hard facts "emotional".

    Textbook wu-corp defense mode. You follow me around tossing weak insults, obviously upset, and then when I respond every third post, you call "emotion".

    Keep up the good work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tectrus Moa View Post
    I'm sorry? Negro English? I think you mean Ebonics.

  3. #138
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    dan, you're more of a waste of time than prof
    and even more lost, when i thought it wasn't possible
    i dont know if you completely forget what you type directly after you post or just ignore it like it never happened
    at least prof is 10 times more logical, reasonable and un-butthurt than you are when i debate him

    you made a comment in a thread that i have dozens of posts in, talking directly to what ive been doing, and i responded
    if that counts as "following" someone and "being upset" then I guess I don't know the meanings

  4. #139
    Irondan 2: Curly's Gold Wu-Tang Forum Internet Poster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    dan, you're more of a waste of time than prof
    and even more lost, when i thought it wasn't possible
    i dont know if you completely forget what you type directly after you post or just ignore it like it never happened
    at least prof is 10 times more logical, reasonable and un-butthurt than you are when i debate him

    you made a comment in a thread that i have dozens of posts in, talking directly to what ive been doing, and i responded
    if that counts as "following" someone and "being upset" then I guess I don't know the meanings
    This is ridiculously ironic. Do you live in some kind of magical elf fairlyland or some shit?

    I wasn't even talking about you specifically. I never even mentioned your name. THere was a whole group of people talking about Proof and belittling his faith. I mentioned what I deemed to be hyprocrisy, because I found it interesting and a valid point.

    Am I not allowed to post in a thread in which you have posted? How is that feelings? It was an honest opinion on a topic. You post shit just to attack me. I only post against you when I disagree with your views.

    Do you really think I'm stupid, or is that your emotions speaking? Do you really not understand where I'm coming from, or do you have personal internet "beef" with me that clouds your interpretation or hinders your ability to really consider my views??

    Quote Originally Posted by Tectrus Moa View Post
    I'm sorry? Negro English? I think you mean Ebonics.

  5. #140
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalAsiaticBlackDan View Post

    I wasn't even talking about you specifically. I never even mentioned your name. THere was a whole group of people talking about Proof and belittling his faith. I mentioned what I deemed to be hyprocrisy, because I found it interesting and a valid point.

    Am I not allowed to post in a thread in which you have posted? How is that feelings? It was an honest opinion on a topic. You post shit just to attack me. I only post against you when I disagree with your views.
    um, do you forget or not understand my posts as well?
    you made a comment in a thread that i have dozens of posts in, talking directly to what ive been doing, and i responded
    talking directly to what ive been doing, dan
    i never said you spoke directly to me, dan
    then i questioned your hypocrisy of it, and then you flew off the handle

    but your emotional disposition viewed it as some kind of attack somehow ??
    Do you really think I'm stupid, or is that your emotions speaking? Do you really not understand where I'm coming from, or do you have personal internet "beef" with me that clouds your interpretation or hinders your ability to really consider my views??
    it's the first option to be quite honest (and I think the rest applies to you IMO), and it's not my emotions speaking because ive trained myself the last several years to put those in check at will - i have no problem in that area

    well maybe not stupid, just emotional

    i don't know if you have esteem issues or what but all you ever seem to be able to do is view things as direct attacks on you and you in turn you feel the need to respond with emotional insults to make up for it

    i gots work to do anyway, be back later

  6. #141
    Irondan 2: Curly's Gold Wu-Tang Forum Internet Poster's Avatar
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    This is the most inane, "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-i" conversation in the history of wu-tang related internet message boards.

    Forget I said anything and continue to ride my dick, be upset, and call me emotional like nothing happened.

    I am no longer going to waste godly knowledge on you when you try to get my attention. Instead, I will rely on the time-tested tradition of stating the obvious:

    a)You are short and, b)you look like Harry Potter(but shorter)

    I look forward to such enthralling future exchanges, but I believe that this thread has run its course.

    Shem Hetep.


    Quote Originally Posted by Tectrus Moa View Post
    I'm sorry? Negro English? I think you mean Ebonics.

  7. #142
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalAsiaticBlackDan View Post
    It is going to be difficult to find an eye-witness account that specifically says "There were no explosions".

    That would be like someone, unprompted, saying "THere were no giant dinosaurs",

    How about the vast majority of eye-witness accounts that mention nothing about explosions?
    It was you that said they were out there though. (eye-witness accounts that serve as contradiction)

    But a bunch of people say there were explosions. Proof that they're all full of shit is other people there that didn't mention explosions? That doesn't seem very logical as an explosion doesn't take long to happen. Skin hanging off of bodies doesn't (and didn't) happen by sonic booms though. That one I can assure you of.

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  8. #143
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    one thing i noticed before i leave
    i'm the only person to comment on dan's initial post that he's getting all emotional about, and somehow qualifies only me to be obsessed with him
    if that fact doesn't prove everything ive been saying about him i don't know what does.
    haha like i said i just like to debate people for the fun of it

  9. #144
    Prince Rai


    Quote Originally Posted by prof zooruka View Post
    yes he was there because he said what is written in the bible we have today.
    It is generally agreed that the Book of Matthew was the first Gospel written and that it was written between A.D. 50 and 75. Of the four Gospel's, John's is considered to have been the last one written, around A.D. 85. The Book of Acts, a historical account of the establishment of the early Christian church, is believed to have been written by one of the Apostle Paul's associates, around A.D. 62 (near the end of Paul's imprisonment in Rome). The Pauline Epistles (the Apostle Paul's letters to the early church) were authored between A.D. 50 - 67. The author of Hebrews is unknown, but the book is commonly thought to have been written around A.D. 70. The epistles of the other Apostles were written between A.D. 48 - 90. So hmm, it is slightly interesting how Jesus could have been there when he ought to have been dead (AD), but we must also consider that when the texts were actually compiled, they were put together at a much further date.


    the father , the son and the holy spirit = GOD ALMIGHTY

    but the father being the head of the trinity is GOD.

    so GOD was with and and he is also GOD.

    peace be with you !
    ahh, the three is one theory with one being the head figure yet still the other two are him.

  10. #145
    Irondan 2: Curly's Gold Wu-Tang Forum Internet Poster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visionz View Post
    It was you that said they were out there though. (eye-witness accounts that serve as contradiction)

    But a bunch of people say there were explosions. Proof that they're all full of shit is other people there that didn't mention explosions? That doesn't seem very logical as an explosion doesn't take long to happen. Skin hanging off of bodies doesn't (and didn't) happen by sonic booms though. That one I can assure you of.
    Well, there were fires that burned for weeks after.

    Couldn't collapsing buildings and electrical equipment and electrical systems and great impact cause fires and explosions?

    I'm sure you could find explanations on you tube or google, but I don't have that kind of time or motivation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tectrus Moa View Post
    I'm sorry? Negro English? I think you mean Ebonics.

  11. #146
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalAsiaticBlackDan View Post
    Well, there were fires that burned for weeks after.

    Couldn't collapsing buildings and electrical equipment and electrical systems and great impact cause fires and explosions?

    I'm sure you could find explanations on you tube or google, but I don't have that kind of time or motivation.
    All those thing I mentioned happened before the buildings collapsed. I'll dig up that video if you promise to actually watch it this time In it is a fireman (one of several actually) saying "Get away from the building, there's secondary devices going off everywhere in there. We had to pull everybody out. Get away from the building"---that's probably not exactly verbatim but its pretty fuckin close.

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  12. #147


    peace to my nigga dan.

    peace be with you !

  13. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Rai View Post
    It is generally agreed that the Book of Matthew was the first Gospel written and that it was written between A.D. 50 and 75. Of the four Gospel's, John's is considered to have been the last one written, around A.D. 85. The Book of Acts, a historical account of the establishment of the early Christian church, is believed to have been written by one of the Apostle Paul's associates, around A.D. 62 (near the end of Paul's imprisonment in Rome). The Pauline Epistles (the Apostle Paul's letters to the early church) were authored between A.D. 50 - 67. The author of Hebrews is unknown, but the book is commonly thought to have been written around A.D. 70. The epistles of the other Apostles were written between A.D. 48 - 90. So hmm, it is slightly interesting how Jesus could have been there when he ought to have been dead (AD), but we must also consider that when the texts were actually compiled, they were put together at a much further date..
    yes but they are his words so it doesnt matter when he died and left the earth they are his words that are written in the book we call the bible today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Rai View Post
    ahh, the three is one theory with one being the head figure yet still the other two are him.
    ahh yes the 3 in 1 theory...or as we christians like to call it the trinity...is 100% true and makes perfect sense but im not going to go into it because it will take to long !

    peace be with you !

  14. #149
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prof zooruka View Post
    yes but they are his words so it doesnt matter when he died and left the earth they are his words that are written in the book we call the bible today.

    what's your take on all the books that were left out that are also his words? Are they somehow less important?

    ahh yes the 3 in 1 theory...or as we christians like to call it the trinity...is 100% true and makes perfect sense but im not going to go into it because it will take to long !
    That 100% truth you claim could not be proven with sources independent of the bible. Jesus never said He was God and actually rejects the idea in the Bible itself. The trinity is a catholic idea rather than a christian one.

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  15. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by Visionz View Post
    Jesus never said He was God .
    (John 14-9)-“If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.”

    (John 8:58)- "before Abraham was, I Am"

    Once again, we must go back to context. In the Hebrew Scriptures, when Moses asked God his name at the burning bush, God answered, “I AM.” He was telling Moses that He is the only Creator, eternal and transcendent of time.
    Since the time of Moses, no practicing Jew would ever refer to himself or anyone else by “I AM.” As a result, Jesus’ “I AM” claims infuriated the Jewish leaders. One time, for example, some leaders explained to Jesus why they were trying to kill him: “Because you, a mere man,and you have made yourself God” (John 10:33)

    But the point here is not simply that such a phrase fumed the religious leaders. The point is that they knew exactly what he was saying—he was claiming to be God, the Creator of the universe. It is only this claim that would have brought the accusation of blasphemy and would incite the jews to want to kill him in the above text. To read into the text that Jesus claimed to be God is clearly warranted, not simply by his words, but also by their reaction to those words.

    Quote Originally Posted by Visionz View Post
    and actually rejects the idea in the Bible itself..
    (John 1:1)- " In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God "

    Quote Originally Posted by Visionz View Post
    The trinity is a catholic idea rather than a christian one.
    from the bible long before the catholic church and the nicean creed !!!!

    1 John 5:7 (NKJ) "For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word (jesus), and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one."

    Mat 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you."

    peace be with you !
    Last edited by zooruka; 10-14-2009 at 10:59 PM.


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