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Thread: List the positive of Islam

  1. #61
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    here's my thing

    OBVIOUSLY the teaches of islam aren't 'evil'
    OBVIOUSLY the counter productive ignorance violence and supression in the islamic world aren't done on purpose by islam

    but islam is STILL the direct cause. Though it didn't intend to build such societies, these are the negative results of the intense idealism of the religion.

    Everyone believes they're doing good for humanity. everyone. the worst and best ppl you know, hitler all of them, believe they're doing humanity good. No matter what they do there's always backlash thats most of the time out of their control or knowledge and their perspective based idea of good isn't good for everyone.

    therefore the most idealistic something is the most dangerous and islam noble or evil is still way more idealistic then any of the 3 major religions and this is the problem.

    Islam wasn't TRYING to oppress women, but a religion that tells ppl women do this this way, men do this is way over and over and over for every single aspect of life including washing you genitals is going to do 2 things

    1. emphasis the fact that there is a major difference between the genders
    2. trigger then natural human instinct to think "if these 2 things are different, which one is superior".

    and from there women become dog shit cause through out the islamic world men are flat out superior to women and this is emphasized more so then in other societies to a dangerous extent.

    this will keep women poor, abused, undereducated, overtly punished and made to feel inferior from birth.

    this is 1 example of what i mean. Islam isn't TRYING to be 'bad' but the result of its overt idealism and inflexibility, plus arabs, spells disaster.

  2. #62
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    One of the major ideologies of the Qur'an however is the idea of spreading the faith by military conquests. The Bible also has elements of this, but not as much.

    Whearas the Judiasm faith they both sprouted from talked about exclusivity and had no concern with spreading the word.

  3. #63
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    Before the way of Islam was shown in the middle east to the so called arab, women had it worst - daughters were buried as babies - the pagan arab culture has infiltrated true Islam - Islam is light given to the people - the people intake that light and it becomes fragmented and mistaken -

  4. #64
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    hmmm.......i dont kno about that one.

  5. #65
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    Before the way of Islam was shown in the middle east to the so called arab, women had it worst - daughters were buried as babies - the pagan arab culture has infiltrated true Islam - Islam is light given to the people - the people intake that light and it becomes fragmented and mistaken -
    heres the thing cause i hear this excuse too.

    if its from an all knowing god, when did he use islam to give women improved rights IN COMPARISON to those times? did he not know in 2009 women would be allow to dress as they wish? i dont buy into the 'you have to consider the time it was written' argument cause its supposedly from god

    and the very nature of the religion makes it totally inflexible to change, so your point even shows how ignit the shit is.

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    here's my thing

    OBVIOUSLY the teaches of islam aren't 'evil'
    OBVIOUSLY the counter productive ignorance violence and supression in the islamic world aren't done on purpose by islam

    but islam is STILL the direct cause. Though it didn't intend to build such societies, these are the negative results of the intense idealism of the religion.

    Everyone believes they're doing good for humanity. everyone. the worst and best ppl you know, hitler all of them, believe they're doing humanity good. No matter what they do there's always backlash thats most of the time out of their control or knowledge and their perspective based idea of good isn't good for everyone.

    therefore the most idealistic something is the most dangerous and islam noble or evil is still way more idealistic then any of the 3 major religions and this is the problem.

    Islam wasn't TRYING to oppress women, but a religion that tells ppl women do this this way, men do this is way over and over and over for every single aspect of life including washing you genitals is going to do 2 things

    1. emphasis the fact that there is a major difference between the genders
    2. trigger then natural human instinct to think "if these 2 things are different, which one is superior".

    and from there women become dog shit cause through out the islamic world men are flat out superior to women and this is emphasized more so then in other societies to a dangerous extent.

    this will keep women poor, abused, undereducated, overtly punished and made to feel inferior from birth.

    this is 1 example of what i mean. Islam isn't TRYING to be 'bad' but the result of its overt idealism and inflexibility, plus arabs, spells disaster.
    good post tissa

    But ultimatly the source and the teachings of islam are wicked and come from the enemy of mankinds soul also known as the devil...You can see that clearly from the way fundementalist muslims practice islam.

    Praise be to God always !!!!!!

    peace be with you !

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    heres the thing cause i hear this excuse too.

    if its from an all knowing god, when did he use islam to give women improved rights IN COMPARISON to those times? did he not know in 2009 women would be allow to dress as they wish? i dont buy into the 'you have to consider the time it was written' argument cause its supposedly from god

    and the very nature of the religion makes it totally inflexible to change, so your point even shows how ignit the shit is.

    You know what tsa...I have noticed that outta all the religions christianity seem to be the only one able to stay relevant throughout the ages..and what I mean by that is, with christainity you don`t have to live like your in the 1st century b.c to make it still relevant..the bible is still fresh today as it was 2000years ago and it`s teachings still ring clear today..where as in the other religions they all seem to have a need to take it back to the old days thousand of years ago..to somehow make their religion relevant in todays modern world.

  8. #68
    ...born of a future war Face of the Golden Falcon's Avatar
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    ^ yet you have to believe in a 2000 year old make believe man who was crucified to save the whole world (unless you don't believe in him) or burn for all eternity in a make believe place called hell?!?!

    Yeah...real relevant.


    Req Em Ab

  9. #69
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prof zooruka View Post
    You know what tsa...I have noticed that outta all the religions christianity seem to be the only one able to stay relevant throughout the ages..and what I mean by that is, with christainity you don`t have to live like your in the 1st century b.c to make it still relevant..the bible is still fresh today as it was 2000years ago and it`s teachings still ring clear today..where as in the other religions they all seem to have a need to take it back to the old days thousand of years ago..to somehow make their religion relevant in todays modern world.
    you dont even/ have never even studied any religion but your own, so you wouldn't know either way
    and like mr face said
    praying to a god in the sky, and waiting for all your spiritual rewards to come after you DIE sounds pretty "1st century" to me

    and christianity DOES have to make their religion relevant in today's world...ie christmas and all the other materialistic (EMOTIONAL) "holidays" in order to keep people (emotionally) attached to a religion that takes them nowhere

  10. #70
    PRODIGAL SUN killafifth's Avatar
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    Islam means peace in arabic islam is a very beautiful way of life but you have spiritual wickedness in high places distorting the image islam is universal but people get islam mixed up with arab culture all muslims aren't arabs for example alex hailey made the movie roots about slavery but what a lot of people didn't catch is that all of those slaves were muslim kunta kente's father held him to the sky as an infant and asked ALLAH for a name the first person to ever call the muslim prayer was a black ethiopian slave named Balile ..and the prophet muhammad had said that he could here Baliles footsteps enter through the gates of heaven before his own ...islam saves people it makes them fighters for freedom justice and equality its very powerful because its not a religion. But as with anything pure people come to turn GoDZ work into somthing Else christianity on the other hand iz a religion and its the most correupt religion known on the planet it had to get its represntitive after he died because jesus wasn't about what christianity iz

  11. #71


    Page last updated at 02:59 GMT, Saturday, 2 January 2010
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    Danish police shoot intruder at cartoonist's home

    Kurt Westergaard has had a price on his head since 2006

    Danish police have shot and wounded a man at the home of Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad sparked an international row.
    Mr Westergaard was at home in the western town of Aarhus when a man broke in. He pressed a panic button, then police entered and shot the man.
    Danish officials said the intruder was a 28-year-old Somali linked to the radical Islamist al-Shabab militia.
    The cartoon, printed in 2005, prompted violent protests the following year.

    By Malcolm Brabant, BBC News
    This attack will force the Danish secret service Pet to review whether their protection is adequate.
    Mr Westergaard's house was supposed to have been turned into a fortress. The windows were supposed to be blast proof, and yet a determined individual came within a whisker of killing a man regarded by Muslims as a pariah, but by his supporters, as one of the bravest defenders of free expression.

    One of 12 cartoons published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, it depicted the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban.
    In 2006 the paper apologised for the cartoons, but other European media reprinted them.
    Danish embassies were then attacked by Muslims around the world and dozens killed in riots.
    Mr Westergaard went into hiding amid threats to his life, but emerged last year saying he wanted to live as normal a life as possible.
    His house has been heavily fortified and is under close police protection.
    Police said the man had entered Mr Westergaard's house armed with a knife and had shouted in broken English that he wanted to kill him.
    The cartoons prompted anti-Danish outrage across the Muslim world

    He said he had grabbed his five-year-old granddaughter and run to a specially designed panic room where he raised the alarm.
    Mr Westergaard told Jyllands Posten he was shocked that his granddaughter had witnessed the attack.
    He has now been taken to a safe location, but said defiantly that he would be back, the newspaper reported.
    Jakob Scharf, who heads the Danish intelligence service Pet, said the attack was "terror related" and that the suspected assailant has close contacts to Somalia's al-Shabab group.
    He had been under surveillance for activities unrelated to Mr Westergaard, Mr Scharf said.
    Police said he was shot in the knee and the shoulder after threatening officers who tried to arrest him. Preben Nielsen of Aarhus police, said the man was seriously hurt but his life was not in danger.
    The BBC's Malcolm Brabant, who interviewed Mr Westergaard when he emerged from hiding, says the incident will raise questions about security measures put in place by the Danish secret service to protect the artist.
    Islamic militants have placed a $1m price on Mr Westergaard's head.
    Although he is one of 12 cartoonists whose drawings of the Prophet were published in Jyllands-Posten, he has the highest profile, our correspondent says.

  12. #72
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slang Gargoyle View Post
    LOL even I dont own any ecko clothing. Looks like Mumma Ra can take the wiggsta torch.
    yeah that was 3 years ago when i was a 21yr old alcoholic
    though i still own ecko clothes, wooden wu-tang medallions and the women still love me
    lost that hat though

  13. #73


    The positives of islam !!!!!!!!!!

    Peace be with you !

  14. #74
    PRODIGAL SUN killafifth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickyTooch View Post
    well, if you fought in a war, maybe you would take things alittle more serious. I fought so you could eat for free and debate liberal policies in a state funded classroom.

    your welcome
    No disrepect to you ..but I get tired of hearing people say that they are fighting for our freedom that's not true the reality is america isn't at war because we are not fighting on usa soil america wages war that's why you got sent. To where you were as far. As terorist. Are concerned. The goverment are the real terrorist those dudes bomb the building for 911 its so obviouse like who sits around and decides I'm going to bomb the towers on 911 cause that means emergency lol all litral smoke and mirrors

  15. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by killafifth View Post
    No disrepect to you ..but I get tired of hearing people say that they are fighting for our freedom that's not true the reality is america isn't at war because we are not fighting on usa soil america wages war that's why you got sent. To where you were as far. As terorist. Are concerned. The goverment are the real terrorist those dudes bomb the building for 911 its so obviouse like who sits around and decides I'm going to bomb the towers on 911 cause that means emergency lol all litral smoke and mirrors

    al aqaeda
    Last edited by zooruka; 01-02-2010 at 03:48 AM.


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