well i read a thread by luke cage the other day. it was about things that he hated.

one thing he hated was "water splashing up on your butt while using a public restroom"
and it made me realize how stupid one person can be. how can you not fucking understand the simple "put toilet paper in the toilet before you shit" technique. this stupid fuck have splashed poo/pee water on his ass for his whole life, and he is probably 20+, what the fuck? cant you fucking do anything unless someone learn you first?

damn that faggot is fucking stupid and it made me realize that there are probably alot of ppl on this forum that dont know the most essential things in life. so i am gonna give you a few tips:

- before crossing a street, first look to your left and then to your right
- never drink the last drops from any beverage unless it yours, cuz its usually made of saliva/snot
- dont use the same clothes you used before you took a shower
- chew your food before you swallow it
- if you have a nose bleed you should lay down and keep some pressure on your nose until it stops
- you can clear the history (pages u have visited) in any browser
- meat that have been out in the sun becomes bad and should not be eaten
- dont eat yellow snow since theres a 99% chance it is urine
- wash your hands after visiting the WC
- having sex with family members is against the law

im gonna update this thread with more tips and you are more than welcome to help me