Psycho? Just a little bit, disclaimed by my ancestry/
Darkness draws like a moth and only the light can answer me//
Bullets flying from the mouth, like the climax from Matrix Revolutions/
Beat impossible odds, King David’s Evolution//
The pure rage intoxicates my conscious behavior/
Zombie-like, bubonic plague shit, I’m no savior//
I fight back against the storm, step in the middle of a cyclone/
My rise is a story forlorn, shadow hounds ripping me bone by bone//
God’s light has left me blinded, early comprehension of my potency/
You had me in the dust grinded, paying your pension by my fiery tendency//
I’m never coming back, that’s already evident/
Once I reach those halls I’ll destroy your residence//
Offer no reverence; fuck this fake hierarchy/
Get off me so I can escape this earthly lethargy//

Descent? Happened a long time ago, I won’t pretend//
I wear these battle scars proudly, the devilish dancer,
God’s time is over, I’m that underworld cancer//
