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Thread: White N Dangerous $$$$Thread$$$$

  1. #571
    God Of WAr Mantra's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003
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    Stories of stores I robbed robbers can't touch the God
    Self defense against all odds scores evenly settled
    I turn up like treble trashing you ghetto trashy misfit's
    Get blicked bitch with a slug high pitched
    Mantra rich in wisdom wealthy off knowledge
    Dirty narc's out for my head reason narcotics
    And snitching fiends I hit with high beam and send them to the field of dreams

  2. #572
    LyRiCaL sHiNoBi Father N Dangerous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    Both yall killed it haha ill be back...
    My skills punish, you untill ya grills rubbish, make ya cry like peeled onions More electrifying. Then a eels touch is, got a girl thats real luscious Eat these rappers for real like sealed lunches More bad ass than a navy seals gun is
    More fly then everybody that wields luggage
    Im the beer clutchin career crushin fear nothin fierce one with...sheers cuttin blood spills gushin no need to worry bout the wounds cuz u wont heal from it

  3. #573
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Frank Lucas government witnesses
    Hang from bridges in Mitchell&Ness stitches
    Slim thugs with slugs not diamonds to their mugs
    Formidable foes turned John Does in Tijuana ghettos
    Anatomies made soft as Roy Hibbert in low blocks
    Vexed knuckles enter optic nerves like blind spots
    Steam turbine laser beams shed light to the unseen
    Revolver aim tears brains out their cranial frames
    Body parts disorganized like Iraqi campaigns
    Rivals’ mangled remains unrecognizable
    Opposition carbonized beyond recognition
    Muscle flexin’ pythons for asphyxiation
    High-velocity bullet reverberations shock waves
    Mascaras left with craters size of moon caves
    Crack heads adjacent, bury’em in basement
    One’s self-defense trounced by intense violence

  4. #574
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Gary L. Ridgway prolific killer
    Grim Reaper in Gail Devers sneakers
    Snoqualmie Valley family tragedies
    Lumber territories murder mysteries
    Combat capabilities unbridled cruelty
    Belligerent Soprano temperament
    Prosthetic devices Mt. Everest madness
    Billy the Kid outlaw legendary
    Ancestry traced back to Aztec savagery
    Renegade Native American tribes
    Vincent van Gogh tormented life
    Mind bears marks of lethal frontlines
    Nuclear ambitions unadorned isolation
    Manson prison-monitored conversations
    Havoc wreakin’ on civilian populations
    Cadaver hoarder attention deficit disorder

  5. #575
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Penitence penitentiary
    Acidic LSD how I’m ill terminally
    Wounded knee culprit of atrocities
    Emergency room gurneys grisly allegories
    Cut from the same fabric as anarchy
    Grim reap in wolf gear when I sleep with sheep
    Boston marathon finish line explosive crimes
    Pancho Villa revolutionized mind
    Still repressed regardless of million man marches
    Al Capone lawless underworld nefarious
    Semi-automatic weaponry force of gravity
    Dirty Harry revolvers squeezed incessantly
    Actions fatal as Deepwater Horizon explosions
    Hateful Eight bloodbath after coffee breaks
    Paid Jody to kill Minnie cause she hated Mexicans
    I'm mad as Max with lethal weapons of Mel Gibson

  6. #576
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Anthony Bourdain dark reality
    Jerry Springer’s freak-show lunacy
    Mentality unstable like 1920s Germany economy
    Impertinent psychological assessments
    Border patrol agent turned migrant
    White supremacist unsavory elements
    Detrimental disposition profound implications
    Ire in eyes is why I always root for the bad guy
    Taste for the morbid boundless barrels of acid
    Deadly judge to jury, enclaved fury
    Desolate battlefields oblivious overkill
    With zero fear in Roman gladiator gear
    Raised my sword from beneath thousand spears
    Scud missiles with heat-seekin’ guidance
    Guns of diablo violence intense turbulence
    Charles Bronson justified self-defense

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