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Thread: Slavoj Zizek: Capitalism and Crises

  1. #1

    Default Slavoj Zizek: Capitalism and Crises

    Last edited by communist cunt; 06-09-2016 at 04:41 PM.
    "I know that after my death a pile of rubbish
    will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of
    History will sooner or later sweep it away
    without mercy."
    - Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

  2. #2


    His speech impediment is impossible to listen to.

  3. #3
    Hungry Hyena From Medina SL33's Avatar
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    dude, did u know slovenia is probably the most succesful ex-commy country in europe and you're still posting this crap.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by SL33 View Post
    dude, did u know slovenia is probably the most succesful ex-commy country in europe and you're still posting this crap.
    Dude, you know this guy was an internal dissident against the Slovenian "communist" state, only to continue to be a communist after its fall.

    Hell yes I'm posting it. Watch it, you might find something you were overlooking.
    "I know that after my death a pile of rubbish
    will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of
    History will sooner or later sweep it away
    without mercy."
    - Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

  5. #5


    Zizek is always fun to read and listen to. I don't necessarily care about his overt politics, but his criticisms and analyses are always for interesting than the commonplace bullshit you hear, especially his critique of the traditional liberal left.

    True radicalism.

    Don't know if OP has seen this but you might be interested in it:

    And yes, his mannerisms are pretty repellent.

  6. #6


    Aye I've seen it. That's a good one too.
    "I know that after my death a pile of rubbish
    will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of
    History will sooner or later sweep it away
    without mercy."
    - Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

  7. #7
    Hungry Hyena From Medina SL33's Avatar
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    i can smell maoism.

  8. #8
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    These videos are pretty fucking long, i'll have to download them and watch them later.

    Thanks for the heads up though.

  9. #9


    Last edited by communist cunt; 06-09-2016 at 04:41 PM.
    "I know that after my death a pile of rubbish
    will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of
    History will sooner or later sweep it away
    without mercy."
    - Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

  10. #10


    I'll give this a chance. But i go into this with a pre-conceived bias that this is probably just another liberal junkie professor who's idea of the world is what he read out of textbooks in his cramped pig-sty office on campus. Hopefully I'm wrong.

    I'm about 20 minutes in. I'll post a review later.

  11. #11
    כהן גדול TheBoarzHeadBoy's Avatar
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    Ha I love his impediment. There's something awesome about a man of genius who can't speak properly. It's like Thomas Jefferson. He could write the declaration of independence and manage the country for eight years, but he only gave two speeches in his entire presidency because even though he could read, write, and speak six languages fluently he had a lisp in all of them...

    See I can respect him as a communist because he isn't ranting and raving about failed communist states and how we're taking advantage of the working class (even when we are the working class.) I think my issue isn't with communism as much as communists. I mean it's inevitable that our society will collapse, and while I don't think there will be a communist revolution in my lifetime in America if only because the average person won't go along with it. We'll slide towards fascism first as a response to the current shift toward socialism and then their will be a break point at which it all falls down and a legitimate left movement can emerge. But like every communist state it's going to run off the track and loop us back towards disaster.


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