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Thread: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

  1. #1

    Exclamation Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    I love and miss the 80’s era in Hip Hop, there was so many conscious MC’s such as Public Enemy, Poor Righteous Teachers, X-Clan, Brand Nubian’s, Kwame, King Sun and many more. I remember how we use to rock those leather Black Power or African medallions around our necks, I still have 2 left and one hangs from my car mirror to this day. I remember Flava Flav use to wear that damn clock around his neck and I went out and bought me one. The conscious organizations: Nation of Islam on the corners recruiting and selling their papers and pies. Dr. Yorks Ansaars in the streets selling his lies. The five percenters running around with book bags full of lessons teaching everyone they come in contact with. Conscious MC’s, Conscious music was the order of the day ! But what happened ? They are now replaced with rappers who are proud to be a nigga, proud to be a gangsta, proud to be promoters of black on black crime ! I listened to Capone n Noregas Album titled “ The War Report “ and these brothers talk all this Allah this and that and all these five percent lessons on this album and then on the same album they said: “ … gag her mouth so she can’t scream and start raping her… next day FedEx the tape next day in the mail “. Sometimes I wonder, do the listeners of this type of music ever stop and think and realize that these rappers are talking about killing another black man, selling drugs to another black man, raping a black woman ? Chew on that shit !
    It was Paris (east coast) who said it perfectly: “ Mindless music from the one that makes ya, think less of the one that hates ya “. Seriously, what kind of Conscious Intelligent person sits and listens to Lil’ Jon and the east side boyz or get crunk wit it ? This is filth they feed to the public as if they are human pigs ! But hey, you are what you eat , right ?
    What happened to Conscious music ? The end of the beginning of Conscious music started with Niggas with attitude and after them came Hoes with attitude. N.W.A. sold so many records rapping about murdering black people that these white folks said this is what we want, THIS WILL MAKE US FILTHY RICH !. But this is a designed plan bigger then A&R’s and record labels, this was bigger then the F.B.I. This was the C.riminals I.n A.ction doing. Out with this black conscious crap and lets rock the Niggers back to sleep. Next thing you know conscious rappers started dropping off like flies. Conscious rappers like Intelligent Hoodlum, changed his name to a gangsta name and started rapping about gangsta life.
    You got Wu-Tang in the beginning rapping about the everyday struggle in the community and dropping the Nation of Gods and Earths lessons and then they flipped the script and started rapping about sniffing coke and picking up Mafia names. Fool, you not no damn Italians ! Why would you pattern yourselves after some people that hate Black people ! Did you see The God Father when they said only sell and put the drugs in the black community because the niggas aint shit and will never be shit. This happened for real !!! Go back and watch the movie “ Panther “ ! While your eating popcorn, your missing the message Tobie ! Fiddler plays his damn violin while you buck dance and shuffle your feet for whitey ! Negroes please, you mind as well paint your face black and yell Mammy ! You fake as Five Percenters on the mic ! You know who you are, you Wu-Tang members ! On Wu-Tang forever Rza said the meaning of Wu-Tang is: “ W-whistle U-universe T- truth of A-Allahs N-nation of the G-gods. Did Rza tell Wu-Tang what happened to his ass at the Nation of Gods and Earths 1997 annual Show & Prove ? Of course not ! Remember before 1997 he use to wear a cross around his neck with diamonds in it. After we got a hold to his ass, we found out he didn’t know no lessons but claim to be the razor sharp of the Wu! After we got a hold to him, now look what he wears around his neck. An Iced out Universal Flag which is the Flag of the Gods and Earths. I bet he knows his lessons now. Raekwon, Gza, Ghostface, Method Man and the rest, I listen to your music and how you use our lessons. Built for Cuban links the chorus was : “ why is my niggas always selling that broke shit, lets get money son, why you want to smoke shit, chill god, yo the son don’t chill allah, what’s today’s mathematics, yo Knowledge god ! “ and on the same ablum ghost and rae said: “ you memorize the 1-40 ? I’m at the 19th degree, if the civilized man doesn’t perform his duty what shall be done?…” This is all Nation of Gods and Earths lessons ! In a Hotel lobby back in Chicago around 1995 or 96 Raekwon said we couldn’t come up and build with them, The God asked him can we have your phone number and Rae said do you know 120 degrees ? The god said no ! Raekwon looked at me and said do you know 120 and I said hell yeah ! And Raekwon gave his number to me instead. Earlier that day, when Wu-Tang entered the door of the concert, I walked up to Ol’ Dirty Bastard and said Peace God !! Can I kick it with you all back stage, he and Rza asked me did I know 120 degrees and I said true indeed God and they said come on. 120 degrees are 120 questions and answers required for those in the Nation of gods and earths to memorize verbatim word for word. My whole point for saying all of this is, simple and plain you used our lessons to put a conscious message out and yet you never donated or gave a dime back to us. Method Man wearing our flag and has a righteous Five Percent name and I don’t know wear the hell he got it from but he donated over $10,000 to the columbine high school but Allah School in Mecca ( 5eadquarters in New york) floor was about to fall in at that time and you want to give these crackers money because little billy shot up his fellow devils !?
    I see Hell Razah, Killah Priest, 4th Disciple, Gza and more of these Pseudo-Conscious Wu-Tang members on Myspace and I ask them about doing a fundraiser here in Chicago so that I can raise money and start a community center to teach the youth about their culture and etc. and they take it as an insult. If I say, lets do a benefit concert to help the victims of September 11th or Hurricane Katrina you Negroes will break your neck for that. At least Arrested Development on Myspace is at least considering it and have not took it as a insult. Their down to earth and are not full of themselves, I respect them even if they decide and tell me no because they took the time to hear me out and see my legal paperwork.
    Wu members, I listen to your music on myspace, fool your not deep ! Your knowledge is a snack. Some of those Fischer Price lyrics you can take back to the Toys R Us. On return to the 36 chambers of Ol’ Dirty Bastards album, they couldn’t of said it no better: “ Coming in the name to proclaim your fame for protection, and you don’t know no fuckin lessons ! “ and Rza said on the same album: “ A Five Percent, but all he knew was 1-10, he love the Gods with his heart but his brain was full of sin… “. AFTER YOU READ THIS, YOU’LL PROBABLY PUT ON YOUR PAGE YOUR NOT A Five Percent, but let me do you a favor the only “ real “ members of the Nation of God’s & Earths that are Wu-Tang members that we as the N.G.E. acknowledge are: Rza, Allah Mathematics, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Poppa Wu, Allah Real and Masta Killah ! There maybe 2 more but anyone else is counterfeit and just use our lessons because without them their lyrics would be meaningless. Nas and Az, two more who use the terminology from our lessons. Nas said: “ as for today’s Mathematics we Allah’s children, and this goes on in every New York’s ghetto, kids listen as Five Percent says there’s pork in Jell-O “ and who remember Nas first album when him and Az said: “ We were beginners in the Hood as Five Percenters… “? and on another album Nas said: “ My movado says the God hour, that’s if you follow, tradition started at the school not far from the Apollo “ the five percent school is down the street from the Apollo theatre and the God hour means 7 o’ clock. All I’m saying is give back baby ! I shouldn’t have to ask you to come do a fundraiser, you should send money instead, for the cause that helped you sell records. Take the Five Percenter lessons away from Wu-Tangs album, Poor Righteous Teachers album, Brand Nubian Album what do you have ? Chew on that shit !
    Oh yeah, I haven’t forgot you groupies. A few low self esteem women hitting me up and saving me as a friend on Myspace, asking me to teach them the lessons and yet never call me so I can do my duty as an educator and the same day they suppose to call to build, I see them all over the Wu-Tang members comment book posting messages about thank you for listening to me on the phone and I shed tears when we were on the phone. Then I look at the date before that comment, they were just saved as a friend THE DAY BEFORE. Here it is a day later after you just met him, your on the phone crying to him. Groupie shit ! Wanting me to teach you the lessons but never call when you say because your doing your groupie thing on myspace. Another one says she doesn’t have a telephone yet but posting her groupie thing all in their guest book. I’m a busy Intellectual who don’t have time for people who should be riding that little yellow school bus. Do you actually think these are real rappers ? Do you think they just have time to be on the internet everyday with you ? You talk to them on the phone but is it really them or an obsessed groupie like you ? Hamm !
    Look, The Nation of Gods and Earths is not some hip hop fade. Just because Wu-Tang advocates it and unfortunately some of our lessons are in the Wu Tang manual, don’t mean its some hip hop stuff fans should study to be a wu-tang fan or groupie. This is what we teach our babies, our children, our women. This is what we live, this is our culture and everyday life. Wu-Tang got ya thinking that five percenters is all about smoking weed and stuff. Allah Jihad is a real estate investor and own properties, including the house I currently live in. I don’t smoke weed or don’t even take medications. I’m a vegetarian and live a righteous and productive life. I’m an author of a $35 book, that I have received over 12,000 e-mails to my website of people waiting to buy it. Do the math $35 x 12,00 = ? If my off the head calculation is correct, that’s $420,000 and I didn’t get on stage and profess to be something I’m not, promote genocide of my people and that’s just online customers. I’m successful and not a weed head, drug dealer nor do I act like something I’m not. You better go to www.immortalbirth.com and read “ about the author “. and on that note, I leave you as I greeted you in. . .

    Allah Jihad
    1st. Born and elder of C-Medina(Chicago)
    Author of Immortal Birth of Allah: Rise of the Five Percenters
    Writer and reporter for the N.G.E. News (former nge power newspaper

    "Reciting a biblical verse before I make your melon burst like that nigga Jules from Pulp Fiction...my salvation is salivation, and diction crucifixion" - Ras Kass

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    shut the fuck up! who are you to speak? u speak all that with a naked woman with ya name Suntz, is that not expliotation and sexist towards the latino sisters?
    Forgotten Brotherhood

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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    don't kill the messenger ^^

  4. #4

    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    first off these are not my words, pay attention and actually read before you open your mouth

    and she is asian

    "Reciting a biblical verse before I make your melon burst like that nigga Jules from Pulp Fiction...my salvation is salivation, and diction crucifixion" - Ras Kass

    http://www.myspace.com/theblacksunn1 http://theblacksunn.blogspot.com

  5. #5
    Fuck Your Life
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    hahaha, This Uncle Tom is Maaad.

  6. #6
    I fuck you Johnny Dust's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    I think it's a pretty good article.

    But I never gave a fuck about that 5% Universal Nation Allah stuff.
    (No disrespect towards people who do give a fuck).

  7. #7

    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    well you listen to the music and idolize the people, why shouldn't you?

    "Reciting a biblical verse before I make your melon burst like that nigga Jules from Pulp Fiction...my salvation is salivation, and diction crucifixion" - Ras Kass

    http://www.myspace.com/theblacksunn1 http://theblacksunn.blogspot.com

  8. #8
    I fuck you Johnny Dust's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    Just because I love Wu-Tang doesn't mean I agree with everything they preach.

    This 5% Allah thing just never appealed to me.

  9. #9
    ISRAELITE THE W's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    i dont listen to wu for the 5% teachings so this has nothing to do with me or anyone who is not part of the nation for that matter.

    great article, props sun tzu,

    i think its kinda fucked up that wu-tang are frontin like that but this is a matter between wu-tang and the nation.

    EDIT: on the other hand what is wrong with gaining knowledge? i dont think anyone should front like they're part of the NGE is they're not but if someone who isnt can bare witness to the knowledge of the NGE and apply it to his life than whats wrong with that?

    knowledge is free of charge and is everywhere. maybe other members of wu dont think they should be exclsusive to any religious organization.
    Christianity = White Supremacy

  10. #10
    separatin game from truth
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    I can't stand when people claim to be "intellectual" while their writing is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors - a lot of credibility is lost. I'm sure this guy is righteous and humble and all, but that sounds like it was written by someone who's anything but "intellectual" (what does that even mean anyway?).

    EDIT: No disrespect intended to the NGE nor their teachings - I was merely commenting on the writing.
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  11. #11
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    Nation of Gods and Earths is a heated pot of raw bullshit. How can Allah and arabic word stand for Arm Leg Leg Arm Head, english words. especially when the arabic cavemen that made the word had no clue of the existance of england or its lagnuage at the time. Women have 6 ounces of a brain and thus they're second to men. Well neandrathals and elephants have heavier brains then we do, so explain that fag. Plus they're not even real muslims, just some angry black people in a clut that will never make sense. Im strating to wonder why Wu's still in this shit. How are they living "righteous" and 5% are notorious for being involved in criminal activites. And white people are the devil? come on now my next door nieghbor is a skin 12 years old white kid with glasses and looks like he's had his ass kick 1 too many times and you mean to tell me this clown is satan? He wouldn't survive a week in highschool, let alone dictate hell. And this assholes mad cause Mth don't give them money. lol AND black were targeted in columbine, and no one would even know they'd exist if it wasn't for these rappers, thus they'd fad out quick.Im black and Wu's done more for me then these fags.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    Quote Originally Posted by Sun Tzu, Tha Soul Controllah
    You fake as Five Percenters on the mic ! You know who you are, you Wu-Tang members ! On Wu-Tang forever Rza said the meaning of Wu-Tang is: “ W-whistle U-universe T- truth of A-Allahs N-nation of the G-gods. Did Rza tell Wu-Tang what happened to his ass at the Nation of Gods and Earths 1997 annual Show & Prove ? Of course not ! Remember before 1997

    HUH? rza gave correnct wisdom at the nice seven rally

    i heard soem the audio black7. peace and a good read.

    So what's the black man's true religion, who should we follow?
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  13. #13
    Commando Ultra WU-KILLAH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    This dude ain't shit. he sign peace but he's only hating asking for ice ...

    Sometimes I wonder, do the listeners of this type of music ever stop and think and realize that these rappers are talking about killing another black man, selling drugs to another black man, raping a black woman ?
    like if Black on anything else crime was less bad....

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    Interesting read.....thx for that.

  15. #15
    Commando Ultra WU-KILLAH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message from the honorable Allah Jihad of the NGE addressing the Wu Tang Clan

    Quote Originally Posted by ThaShaolinAssassin
    Nation of Gods and Earths is a heated pot of raw bullshit. How can Allah and arabic word stand for Arm Leg Leg Arm Head, english words. especially when the arabic cavemen that made the word had no clue of the existance of england or its lagnuage at the time. Women have 6 ounces of a brain and thus they're second to men. Well neandrathals and elephants have heavier brains then we do, so explain that fag. Plus they're not even real muslims, just some angry black people in a clut that will never make sense. Im strating to wonder why Wu's still in this shit. How are they living "righteous" and 5% are notorious for being involved in criminal activites. And white people are the devil? come on now my next door nieghbor is a skin 12 years old white kid with glasses and looks like he's had his ass kick 1 too many times and you mean to tell me this clown is satan? He wouldn't survive a week in highschool, let alone dictate hell. And this assholes mad cause Mth don't give them money. lol AND black were targeted in columbine, and no one would even know they'd exist if it wasn't for these rappers, thus they'd fad out quick.Im black and Wu's done more for me then these fags.
    yea if this fag was logical with himself, he shoul pay the arabian people for using their words

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