This was like a supplement to the other concert i went to in January, excluding the fact that method man wasn't there to get everyone hyped, this show was just as good if not better than the one i paid 50 dollars for, and this one was free. no rza, gza, or method man, so others really shone. of course ghost was dope, they opened with be easy and did mighty healthy and a few others, masta killa was fucking sick, they did the pass the bone remix which was ill, raekwon was on point, especially when they did incarcerated scarfaces and ice cream and criminology, but inspectah deck fucking took control and led everybody which was sick cause usually he loses his voice early and is all fucked up when performing, but this time he came into the crowd and everything. even cappadonna was sick. they did a good selection from enter the wu tang; protect ya neck, method man, aint nothin ta fuck wit, can it be all so simple, da mystery of chessboxin, shame on a nigga, c.r.e.a.m.. they did triumph too, and shimmy shimmy ya. but fucking nerdy harvard kids didn't know any of the words, i was screaming everything at the top of my lungs and when they stopped rapping so the crowd could finish the line or whatever it was pretty much only me haha. but they played for like over an hour which was sick. it was for harvard students only, so earlier everyone got kicked out cause no one had harvard i.d.'s, but then me and the 3 kids i was with went in again and just chilled by one of the gates until the show started. we could see fine and hear it so it wasn't bad, then a cop let some kids in but wouldn't let us in. so for like 20 minutes we were outside of it, but then i saw them letting kids in on the other side so i ran over and was like, you got room for a few more? and the cop was like, yeah go ahead, so my friends who didn't even realize this came running over and we got in.
also, cause it was harvard and full of rich people, there was like a buffet of grilled food so we got tons of burgers and hot dogs and chips and soda all free when wu tang stopped.

sorry for the quality of my cell phone pictures