I've read a few bits and bobs recently featuring the Flash and i think he's a really cool character. In fact, I've kinda always thought he was but never bought any comics for some reason.

Given how complicated the Marvel and DC universes are and how many different people have taken on each role, it can be a fucker to work out where to start reading.

Can anyone tell me where a good place to start with for The Flash would be? I'm a fan of 80s-90s artwork (and more recent stuff although I'm not a big fan of the very realistic computer art) and thought picking up after Barry Allen's death might be a good idea, but I couldn't even work out if there was a trade paper back that would allow me to do that or what.

I know a lot of people love Barry Allen over Wally West, so I thought I might start with 'The Flash Archives Vol.1' which seems to be the start of the Silver Age Barry Allen era.

Any suggestions?

Also, while I'm here, can anyone suggest the exact same thing for Doctor Strange? Where would you start for him?