1. To take charge of this post and all Temple property in view.
This Order extends to more than just the physical "Temple" where we recognize Allah in a collective manner. A fuller meaning to this Order is that we are to be sure that the thoughts that we have or those that come to us are governed by a set of principles that allow us to be in charge, to the point of producing right thought.

2. To walk my post in a perfect manner, keeping always on the alert.
Today, one's post is himself and the relationship that he has with Truth--which will enable them to move in a perfect manner. And that kind of activity is always on alert so as not to miss an opportunity to magnify the right that they are living.

3. To report all violations of Orders I am instructed to enforce.
This also applies to the Temple or structure of the Nation. However, at this modern day, the better meaning is that you discuss with like-thinking minds the process of Truth that you are expected to enforce on Self and kind.

4. To report all calls from post more distant from the Temple than my own.
This is to make known to like-thinking minds when a Member begins to think in the negative or on the side of anti-math -- meaning that he is drifting away from the proper thinking of the Oneness that must be produced.

5. To quit my post only when properly relieved..
This is very important in a Temple structure, however in this modern time finding out your post is the same as keeping your duty to your Lord until properly relieved -- meaning until death takes you over.

6. To receive, obey and pass on the sentinel who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and non-commissioned officers of the guard only..
To apply this order at this modern day means that one must recognize a higher knowledge than of his own, and submit to that higher knowledge so as to make him or her a more effective person in keeping their duty to their Lord -- and pass on to those of like-thinking that may need the same elevation as you have received. The knowledge itself is considered as "the officer", and the understanding of said knowledge is "the commander" and "non-commisioned officer" of said knowledge.

7. Talk to no one except in the line of duty.
This means waste no time conversing with the enemy of Truth, whether he be Black or White. And, if the situation or circumstances causes one to converse with them be sure that it is to your advantage.

8. In case of disorder give the alarm.
Give the one that is causing the disorder or disruption a warning, while at the same time keeping it in the open, causing the like-thinking minds to become aware or alarmed because of the disturbance.

9. To allow no one to commit a nuisance on or near my post.
This is very crucial in a Mosque or Temple structure, and even moreso to one's person. It is always a losing situation when one allows a nuisance or participates in being a nuisance to The Children of God or those that are at peace.

10. In any case not covered by instructions, call the guards.
Whenever you are in a situation of confusion seek diligently for clarity and understanding of said situation.

11. To salute all officers and standards not cased.
This means to show respect, regardless of whether you like or dislike the person or situation.

12. To be especially watchful at night during the time of meetings.
Because of impaired vision due to darkness one should sharpen all of his senses to be able to get the best reading of his surroundings for the purpose of safety and to maintain peace. Spiritually, this means to keep your spiritual eye open for The Author of the spiritual so as not to perpetuate the ill behavior of the darkness.