first off, don't take offense to the shit I say. If you do you'll be angry by yourself I don't indulge in useless arguments.
next, is this a fansite? if so, cool that's ok I put the whole WU thing up in the top five easy, but that's not what I'm looking for./
Where's the emcees? I saw a couple things about text and vocals but that looked like it might be just internet emcees. I need to know if there's anybody on this website that does this shit offline. I need to find the beatmakers, the emcees and the true lovers of harsh ugly heart wrenchin' stripped down street grit that make you spit solid blocks of fire.
please don't tell me this place is just full of wu-clones.
a wu-clone? oh thats some cat that bought 36 chambers and all of a sudden got a terrible addiction to sayin son, and started reppin shaolin, and couldn't even name the borough the slang names. there's bound to be a few here, I just need to know that it's more to this site than just a bunch o over-imaginative fans who think that by postin here they gone be Mef BFF. dem dummies don't like my kinda way o' being...
so look, I'm a explore the site and shit, I aint here to start no shit, but I also aint here to waste any fuckin time. that said, the site looks deep wit lots a shit to occupy my free time. I should be up in the forums often. I came here for networkin wit the like-minded I might find here, so If thats you, hit me up...

dass all...