All spiritual teachings that are provided to the general public are veiled in symbolism.

In Qaballah cosmology there are four worlds. The lowest world, Assiah, comprises the physical and lower planes of the astral.

In esoteric Nation of Islam theology, Assiah was called "Asia." The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that "the whole world was once called Asia."

He referred, not to the continent, but to the physical and astral planes.

Master Masons

Islam, in America, is rooted in Moorish Science and the Nation of Islam (so-called Black Muslims). Moorish Science was the name given to the Islamic teachings of Noble Drew Ali.

The NOI was founded by Master Fard Muhammad and extended into an international movement by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Nation's current leader is Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Those men weren't ego tripping. They used those titles -- noble, master and honorable -- because they were masonic titles which they'd earned.

As masons, they'd taken vows of silence and couldn't speak publicly unless they used "twilight language," i.e., the language of symbolic code.

Man Means Mind

Asiatic Black Man means a "black" mind that's established in the astral plane.

Esoterically, "black" symbolizes the state of consciousness that comes about when all thought has ceased.

When Mr. Muhammad taught of Black Consciousness, he was referring to thought-free (trance) consciousness.

This is the "Asiatic Black Man" (astral plane thought-free mind) that was "the original man."

Yogis call that consciousness samadhi. Esoteric NOI theology places samadhi, then, as the original and natural state of man.

The Asiatic Black Man also refers to the subconscious mind. The subconscious generates the virtual reality world we inhabit. Thus, NOI theology says that the Asiatic Black Man is the "maker, the owner, the cream of the planet earth, god of the universe."

Elijah Muhammad Not a Racist

When we grasp that Black, White, Red and Yellow "men" were symbols of mental states and functions, we will see that Mr. Muhammad was never really a racist, though his words, to the uninitiated, may appear to be so.

New Islam

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad never intended for his followers to become Sunni Muslims or followers of any of the known sects. He said that a new Islam would be established that would correct the problems inherent in the Islamic world.

The new Islam's concepts are hidden beneath the symbolism of the "Black Nationalistic Islam" he taught.

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