okay I am thinking about uploading the WHOLE DC Crisis series(trust me it is a shit load of books)....give me a minute this is the line up

Crisis On Infinite Earths + Tie Ins (1st Major Crisis)
Death Of Superman
Emerald Twilight (GL)
New Dawn (GL)
Knightfall (Batman)
Zero Hour (2nd Major Crisis)
Prodigal/Troika (Batman)
Final Night
Day Of Judgement
Identity Crisis (Lead Into Infinite Crisis)
Rebirth (GL)
Villains United
Day Of Vengeance
OMAC Project
Rann-Thanagar War
Infinite Crisis (3rd Major Crisis)
Battle For Bludhaven
1 Year Later
Countdown + Tie Ins (yes there are a sh*tload)
Sinestro Corps War
Final Crisis (4th Crisis)

and trust me it is a shitload