Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor View Post
Hey d00d, I said I thought u were a decent guy, but in teh photo was a different story.....but since you're catching 'e'feelings, I'll retract my statement.....cus not only do u LOOK like a bitch, u are posting like one now too......

Oh and me and Black are tight bruva, that's my girlie.....and PS, she thinks you're a bitch too....

a picture says a thousand wordz is how teh saying goes I think?........
Whos cathing E-feelings now!

Thats a joke pic i took, if you think i look like a bitch in it, i would like to know your definiton of bitch...its possibly quite disturbing.

LMAO at everyone coming up now, yeah iam tight with blackula, yeah i know her....all i said is that she knows iam taking the piss in gen chat, dont worry shes all yours doctor lmao

I will ask her directly if she thinks iam a bitch, geez you lot are mad