"Superb" .... not even I know who "Superb" is ... I never heard of the dude and why would I even care who ghostwrote supreme clientele? I mean honestly ... why would anyone care who featured ghostface on track no.5 on supreme clientele? everyone knows wu brings their cousins and cousin's cousins and cousin's cousin's friends and cousin's cousin's friend's best friends and stuff to their studios and rap on their albums, why would you bother remembering their names and they're fuckin penal record?

In the heat of the moment, you wrote this.

Do you regret that?

In all your anger and frustration that your e-crush was getting buried, you actually began ATTACKING posters on a WU TANG forum for being FANS of WU TANG.

You did that.

You are on a Wu Tang forum, and you got so mad that you started attacking people for liking or being interested in Wu Affiliates.


So really, just remember, YOURE IN A WU TANG FORUM.


If you dont like Wu Tang, find a gen chat in another forum, because guess what, most people come here because they like Wu Tang, and your gay.