1. Common, Talib Kweli, and Mos Def are all overrated. wackass jazzy backpack beats with their stupid conscious bullshit - I dont buy into that. resurrection was far too overrated, only good songs being resurrection and I used to love her. rest are wack cause of commons monotone delivery. they all need to write a book instead if you wanna express knowledge.

2. ATLiens is by far the most overrated album ever considered a classic.

3. Lupe Fiasco is the most overrated rapper ever since he entered the game.

4. Rakim is the most overrated rapper OF ALL-TIME. his monotone style puts me to sleep. no swag, no charisma. he gets a pass for being a pioneer but other than that, his style is straight up wacka nd puts me to sleep.

5. AZ shouldve retired after his 2nd album. he's done nothing after that, talkin about the same shit. his career is an epic failure.