You wanna see a video that really, really, really fuckin blows by every measureable aspect of cinematography

This video flat out blows.
the edit is shit.
the camera used is shit
outside of zoom and make shit crooked the camera effects are fisher price
everyone is wearing a sweater that isn't their size
the text on the bottoms are ass text
you can hardly see half of it (not done on purpose)
the zoom effect is over used

in every measureable aspect of making a good video this video blows ass, expecially for its time. it flat out sucks.

i wonder what ppl in other countries....maybe say..idk, random pick, cuban feel about grundgy wutang videos.

wait, what? that guy and his child were in total bliss even though the acting in these videos, the cinematography, and the directors were not producing what the white man yerns too see?

could it be that....this video.....i's like the cubans are the only ones that find bliss in such grundgy videos that would get you kick out of art's's like these brand of guerrilla videos are..idk, only for a select few's understanding and pleasure.... know what i mean...

 only those that..understand.... enjoy this videos.....

they were only built for ......cuban linx?....II