Quote Originally Posted by Energy Turtle View Post
How the fuck don't you get the logic? He titled it "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx part 2" so how the fuck don't you understand comparisons? Do you sit there and say "Nah son, can't compare Back to the Future part 2 with part 1, different time frames yo." I really don't get how people like YOU say "Nah, can't compare, there is nothing to correlate between the two." Yeah, not a thing except for the title.

Anyway, this album was hyped by Rae himself as the greatest thing of all time and all the delays because "I want this shit to be ready, yahhhauhahdhahaha" and then I listen to it and it's nothing more than a nice album. He released this ten years too later.

Exactly, this is a more mature version of Raekwon. Niggaz LIKE YOU compare Immobalarity with Cuban linx so i'm not tryna hear that shit. It's 2009, stop sobbing...