Sluts have proven, VERY consistently to have a few basic personality traits that can be used to spot a slut before even knowing her phone number.

1. She talks too much- Women that talk an usual amount are extremely likely to be sluts. These are women that can hold down a 2 hr convo without you saying a damn word.

2. She lies too much- sluts usually tell a lot of self glorifying lies and are very comfortable doing it. When a slut meets you she wants you to value and treasure her, hence why she fucks you for no reason, but since she's either a bum, a douche, or an average josephine, she will lie to make herself look better. things to look out for.

  • Ppl in her stories, except her, have irrational behaviors that make 0 sense and whos origins are totally unknown. The person might start 'talking shit' for no reason, being rude for no reason, abusing her for no reason ext. The antagonist in whore stories usually neglects ration and origin in their actions.
  • She always prevails in her stories or is always a victim. Emphasis on always. ALWAYS. one or the other, no mix or inbetween. A slut always gets the upper hand in her lies.
  • Her stories go on for too long and are too 'interesting'. Nobody really has THAT much to say. a whore thinks she does and keeps blabbing about uninteresting stuff that you don't care about but she thinks you should care about cause she a hoe.

3. She has little to no female friends- Sluts avoid other girls because they will ridicule her for being a slut, and due to slut behaviors of being more two faced or more envious then the curb, she will eventually get in a fight with any female friend. Sluts will actually, very early on let you know that she doesn't get along with girls too much or she hates girls. A slut also often can be seen rolling to social events solo, very bizarre for a girl.

4. He hates gossip- Sluts will constantly emphasis how they hate when ppl are in her 'business' or 'talk shit'. This shit talking is normal for women and since she has more shit to be talked about it explains her lack of female friends.

5. She makes too much sense- She will usually be easy to get along with and seem 'cool' or make sense with her logic. This is an illusion, she knows that men think is cool in a girl and wants you to value her. she's a slut.

6. A slut is MORE OFTEN very intelligent- Don't believe the dumb hoe myth. A dumb hoe might seem to have lapses in logic, but this is cause her of whoremones and explosive sexual appetite not her intelligence. A girl that comes of a male-like intelligent is usually a huge slut. A lot of sluts speak very clearly and articulately, or have mature womanly cadence and vocal tone that further deceives a stiff sporting young sperm philanthropist to think she is cool.