Lacey, of course i agree with you on all this shit, but...

some people believe there was a Q document. the Q document is a theoretical document that some scholars believe was a real document. they think that the gospels were copied from this Q document. and what they weren't able to get from this document, the rest was made up.

that's why in the gospels, they have similar stories, but they contradict themselves. one will say jesus was born in bethlehem because joseph had to register for a census, the other will say jesus was born there because they were hiding from king herod.

p.s. look up jesus being born in bethlehem and the book of micah. it's pretty interesting. some people believe that jesus wasn't born in bethlehem, but the writers of the gospel made it up to coincide with the book of micah's prophecy that the messiah would be born there.

there is actually no evidence that jesus was born there. jesus being born in bethlehem is never mentioned in john or mark's gospel, nor by paul.

also, in the gospel of john, the people questioned jesus on how he could claim to be the son of god when he was from galilee and not bethlehem like the old testament said.