Quote Originally Posted by Urban_Journalz View Post
^^Thank you.

I'm sure most of you have forgotten all about when Eninem came out with the 'N' word about a chick he used to date, didn't you? Meaning, if you can forget about that, which, to me, is way worse, because there was no kind of saving grace for him except that he was mad, then this is child's play.

You put up the remark about the Congoese soldiers as being highly racist?? lol. Seriously?? Read it again o.k.? All he's saying is, "These fuckers don't know how this shit works! Hell, they don't know how their OWN shit works! So WTF?!" As for the rest, they've already been broken down into where Che was in life when he spoke like this. It would do you well to read some NON ANTI-CHE literature to try and get the real deal on the man, but this is way beyond your present capabilities.

I bet you'd have a real attitude if someone started a thread on how racist Malcolm X's comments could be at times and the FIRST thing that would come out of every mouth is, "That was before he went to Mecca!! He changed when he made that trip!!" Exactly. So, don't try to make Che out to be a fuckin' Klansman when you know good and well we did great things. Things that are admired, respected and loved to this very day. This little petty attempt at defamation? Come on, people have gotten up on National Television, created entire websites, trying to bring this man's image to the dust. If all that hasn't worked, where do you think this little shit thread stands??

So it doesn't matter that he killed, raped, massacred the innocent and ulitmately made people's lives worse? You just think he's cool because he rebelled?