Quote Originally Posted by Pattch82 View Post

Back to the album though, I'm still loving it, although I do think the beginning of the album is the weakest. I find myself skipping the first 3 joints and starting the album at 'Telegram'.
interesting....cuz i LOVE the opening 3 tracks (especially 2 and 3)
Favourite joints at the moment are...

Ambassadors (BEST SONG OF THE ALBUM, Seriously bangs HARD!!!)
forgot to mention that one, it's got the line that's currently popping up in my head the most when i think of this album---"I'm not normal, I study scriptures and watch porno" from Planet Asia

Quote Originally Posted by Pattch82 View Post
Alot of people were disappointed with Medicine Show #1, I dunno why, I think it's pretty good if you take it for what it is... a prelude to the proper Madlib & Guilty Simpson album - OJ SIMPSON!!!

Medicine Show #2 was dope too, but obviously not from a Hip-Hop perspective. I love Madlib's mixes, he seems to find the most obscure records all the time!

Medicine Show #3 is dropping in about 2 weeks time... Beat Konducta In Africa!!! Cant wait for that one, already got mine pre-ordered!!!

The one I'm looking forward to most though is the OJ SIMPSON album! It's due to drop on May 18th! The 'Coroner's Music' 12" vinyl that they released last year was fuckin' bangin' and there's been a couple of OJ tracks released through the Stones Throw website since then too, as well as Medicine Show #1: Before The Verdict. My hopes are very high for this album!!!

I dl'd and have been listening to "The Verdict" today....overall it's nothing amazing but I enjoy the beats overall and there's a few bright moments for Guilty...I'm new to him but I'm finding it hard to get used to his rhyme style, it makes my mind shut off and stop paying attention to what he's saying..

and there were so many samples on there that were used on the Madvillainy Remix album..