Today is laced with 85% of the population's indecision,
i'm cutting off circulation with scalpel incisions,
politics dividing the populus with devil division,
calculated movements thought-out in precision,
pivotal plays made like cutting for circumcision,
90% of the wealth is kept from our vision,
circulated through television is fear and disdain,
while most of us lost our true king names,
in the american cypher cycles never gain,
just continue our living in this reign of pain,
twelve jewels why isnt that taught in schools,
lowering test averages Ebonics masks the mules,
used like tools for leveredge and to carry the weight,
as our families are shocked and scraped shipped upstate,
contemplate our fate its a matter of time,
gray matter never matters if ya not willing to climb,
used that ladder in your mind and break those binds,
that litter our heads commiting garbage crimes,
living is now we must revolutionize these times,
I dont know about you but im willing to stake mine and CLIMB