The lads are my favorite group next to Wu-Tang. I've been saying "Wu-Tang Killer Beatles" since like 1998. I read the Anthology, and it turns out they started out totally different than what they are seen as "the early Beatles". They were first big in Hamburg Germany. Wearing leather jackets and cowboy boots, in clubs with fights breaking out, chairs flying through the air, blood on the floor. Playing music they were hearing from America in the late 50's. Real Rhythm & Blues such as Fats Domino, and country rock like Buddy Holly and Carl Perkins. Also Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Elvis Presley. They combined different styles and made it their own. When they got signed in London to a major label, they were told to change their image and write "POPular songs". (Lennon even said they were an experiment in marketing.) Then Pete Best was replaced by Ringo Starr, for reasons still unknown fully. Ringo wasn't a lot better. Pete was the most popular with the girls. I don't feel like writing the whole history. Just, the Walrus was John, and Yoko did NOT break them up.