Below are relevant fragments of a very recent email exchange I had with Eric Jon Phelps in which I asked him what it means for someone to be Jesuit trained (my questions are in blue, Eric's response is in green):

I would like to know from you what it means for someone to be Jesuit-trained. Does the Jesuit Order keep (close) contact with its pupil for the entire duration of the pupil's life? Do the Jesuits openly manipulate their pupils after their education, steering them into certain directions beneficial to the Order on the excuse of merely 'advising' them? Or do they perhaps do that more stealthily and cunningly, by subtly providing their pupils with information at which the pupil then decides ostensibly by his or hers own volition the course in life ideally never suspecting that the Order is subtly steering them into their preferred direction? How does it pay off to have a Jesuit education? Are Temporal Coadjutors Jesuit-trained by definition?

The Order's Temporal Coadjutors may or may not be Jesuit trained. Those students who are trained by the Jesuits have the greatest possibility of finding a job after graduation. Their education is first, their placement is second and the reason for which the Order trained them. Their grads are found in every profession and walk of life. It is in these vocations that they become the most dangerous, men like Tim Russert and Chris Matthews of the Order's CFR-controlled Press. Many coajdutors are Yale and Harvard Grads. The Order has a Jesuit House at Harvard---the alma mater of Coadjutor Bill O'Reilly. If the Order puts you in political office, it expects you to submit to their advisor, men like Jesuit priest John McLaughlin, the man who wrote Nixon's speeches. If you jettison the Order that put you in office, then you will be punished or killed.

Also I can understand that a person such as Bill Clinton, being a Georgetown graduate, has the opportunity to build up a Jesuitical network from which he and the Order may mutually benefit later in life.


However, when it comes to, for instance, a person such as Fidel Castro or Joseph Stalin who were trained at a very early age, I am more at a loss of imagining how the Order maintains control of their pupils.

By sheer power of the machine put them in power. The CIA put Castro in power and has kept him in that power since 1960. The British SIS put Stalin in power and with the CIA, kept him there until he was poisoned for resisting the Order. He arrested his Jesuit advisor Alexander Poskrebyshev in late 1952. He was poisoned in March of 1953 and AP lived to a ripe old age dying in about 1965.

Therefore, could you please explain to me, in your opinion and knowledge, how the Order keeps on manipulating the lives of their pupils especially regarding those who were trained at a very young age?

The Order rewards their minions with money, power, women and anything necessary to keep these slaves happy. The tools also know that to resist this huge monlithic monster will be suicide as he is reminded of the JFK assassination.