I'm not going to lie; I don't know a lot about all of the details in the question that I'm asking. Here's a dialog I had with a friend today. I'll lay it out for you:

What ethnicity do you claim?
That's what I thought you would say.
What do you mean.
How come american (northern, central, southern) aboriginal people call theirselves "Spanish?"
You know what I never thought of that.
I was just thinking today that these Native Americans were here for thousands of years and all of a sudden Imperialistic Spaniards came and changed the language and added to Native Cultures; and all of a sudden you're all Hispanic. Where did that come from.
I don't know... (and the conversation went on about her Great Grand Parents being born in Mexico City and all. We just built a little bit after that, and I opened some questions for her. I told her some things about the pyramids and native technology.)

My question to you guys is;

How has the Black and Brown people gotten to the state where we identify ourselves according to Imperialistic ideologies to the point where we're forgotten our own? I know about Jim Crow and all, but how has this process become so encompassing on every aspect of our very identities that we lost our own? This is very serious and deep. Even with my understanding that it's in the imperialists' nature to do so, I'm still in awe.

Hit this up folks, and lets try to build positively. Lets not focus soo much on stop hating on white people and focus on historical fact.

Peace be unto you