- i was seen cool.... i loved this...

just like the feeling.. on yo booty... video... it wasn't popping... but it was there... i wish it.. would of been... me.. walking... just so i can see... how it looked.... i guess. it was dope.!.. a big .. ass trophy... it was .. winter.. winter..air... them.. nights.. were cool... what a way.... to be warm... the E .. i said... no Rave.... that was an ultimate.. day.. an ultimate.. night.. its.. like when the marine.. layer... kicks..in.... how .. the water.. refreshes... the marine.. layer.... when..somebody.. blazes.. .somebody.. is smoking..kush... almost.. drizzle... like the fog.. coming.. back.. from.. Tijuana... towards.. L. A. .. or the 3 counties... by the 15 and 215... casinos... i love the way it felt.. it was okay... i asked.. for... permission... i liked.. a trophy... i should of been.. employee.. of the year... student.. of the month... sick style.. this is.. for days... i got to say..hi... with the elite... not that high.... i would.. never.. trade.. this.... a sick.. ass time... damn.. i had to move my hand... just for a little bit..... how it felt... nobody.. can take that away... from me.. the present... Baraka's friendship.... Shang Tsung's ... yea right.. the best gift.. ever..... i hope.. it goes.. down.. in ... history..in the history of love stories.. Love man.. Mouser and Love.... i would hold from front or back... that day holding.. in front... just perfect... people.. passed by.... i wonder.. who knew... i wonder.. who cared.. i didn't see it coming.. i think..i 've had... dreams... seeing.. you.. in them.. too.. that wasn't a dream.. it came.. sick... damn.. just pop.... i think.. i squeezed.. just right.. i couldn't take it... i was loved... if i was drunk..i would get teary... what did you jock.. about me.... ? i was probably.. your ugliest.. boyfriend... rolling it up.. oh shit.. not the fool i dont know.. -