Quote Originally Posted by DickyTouch View Post
LA Noire was beautiful...the city was amazing. BUt you really dont interact with it at all.

THe best part of the game is the characters face, and the overall story is very good once you get into it.

I started it, put it down, then finished it up...pretty quickly too, its not a difficult game.

A good template for the future.
agree the city looked great, but looking good was its only trick you couldnt really do anything. i liked LA Noire but it was a bit repetitive. the homicide missions where interesting along with the final missions, which played into the main story.

As with Skyrim it does suffer from being heavily repetitive, the same problem you got with Oblivion. to be honest however much a great game it is, its no different from Oblivion. the Main quest was irrelevant and the final boss battle was straight forward, (better than oblivions final battle where you just watched and didnt do anything). the world is great you can do whatever you want. fighting dragons was epic at first but then just got too boring cause its the same shit over and over. one thing they can do is have the world develop along with the storyline, as in your the dragonborn well everyone should recognise that you are and not fuck with you.

the whole open world RPG thing GTA San Andreas got spot on, the story line was epic which involved a lot of different and grand missions. you had the whole RPG element in the game to. thats where GTA IV failed, it just didnt feel as epic and involving as SA.