Suppose it's all true. The good and the bad. The Illuminati and Human Potential beyond our wildest dreams. What do you intend to do about it?? This place has been an aftethought for me lately simply because it seems that the only thing consistently going on is people constantly over-estimating their importance and mind power. Be that as it may, to each his own. All I ask is a simple, straight-forward answer. I don't care what words descended from where or where Jesus (pbuh) was for that 17-year gap in The Bible. Don't want to know about The Ten Sephiroth, The FEMA Camps, The Chakra system, The Pleadians, The Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, and for the love of everything that is worth being loved, save the cryptic, reverse-psychological questions and answers. None of you are sages and even in saying sage-worthy statements, your inherent arrogance completely corrupts the message.

All I want to know is, hypothetically, to make you skeptics feel better, what would you do? Would you wait until it was too late to say, "Holy s**t, it's all true!", or would you do some actual preparation? They say, "It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it."

Also, please don't answer a question with a question.