Condemned souls metamorphosed homicidal villains
Obscene bloodthirst driven like rusty nails thru dreams
Savage desires torch diabolic resurrections in hellfires
Impaled violent cravings penetrate iniquitous scales
Colombian tie blind with no light perception in eyes
Crude descendants of unrestrained ghastly ferocities
Voraciously pilgrimages of objectionable brutalities
Squared-circle pallbearers bestow ophidian terrors
Vulture feast ambiance basks with merciless beasts
Foursquare revulsion glares, arctic reptilian stares
Crawlers of indecency, cave-dweller vile barbarity
Hateful seeds, spawns of evil primordial savagery
Raised by lack of sympathy priesthood of hostility
Compassion vague, besieged couriers of plagues
Sweet science pestilence messengers of violence
Ill will in pupils, skeletons scattered in cold gravel
Mercy abandoned forlorn, veil of civilization torn
Fortitudes trekked thru valleys of serrated thorns
Hyena clans, brutish beasts of barren wastelands
Feral awake to bloodshed over frozen landscapes
Golden Boy templars of insanity eager to destroy
Ire of Stone Age, angry rebels of unbounded rage
In terra firma warfare trenches swingin’ for fences
While enshrouded in all Red like Johnny’s benches
Hazardous elements threat to rule of government
Explosive bricks, shrapnel grenades of Gaza Strips
Atmospheric blasts equal to ten Hiroshima bombs
Combustion equivalent to 600 kilotons of napalm
Theatre of war co-starring Latin warfare warriors
El Terminador de Argentina Y Latter-Day Gladiator
Fisticuffs at O.K. Corral known as Stub Hub Center
MGM shots fired, punches would liquefy barb-wire
Cali chrome like thoroughbreds at Kentucky Derby
Fury fistic, Tyson animalistic not that big mouth Brit
Pugilistic phenomenon in out-doors of Carson City
Packin’ Power like BLH ruffnek out in Southern Cali
Lucas wants Molina beside him if called to holy war
ESPN classic combat, thunderbolts wielded like Thor
Sunless reign of violence under blood-stained skies
In blink of eye lycanthropic fangs gore till veins dry
Full moon luminosity amends men to hombre-lobos
Sid vicious toe-to-toe at close range ruthless blows
Kraken titans head clashes, inundation from gashes
Harpoon lacerations the size of smoothbore wounds
Bloody battle like Kill Bill Two Pines wedding chapels
Non-Camacho macho men more savage than Randy
Stalwart determination in hideous face of adversity
Molina had height/reach but Lucas was fear slugger
Lord of Destruction, A Breed Apart like Rutger Hauer
Squared-circle solitary supremacy with Uranus power
Nomadic introvert on forebode paths of lonely roads
Molina sherpas landed an avalanche on top of Lucas
Matthyssee World Trade Center imploded to canvas
A guerilla turned ragin’ bull by modern-day LaMotta
Dismayed, guillotine Machine returned to ogre ways
Gangrenous green horror familiar role of executioner
In-fightin’ with shorter shots and heavy counter pops
Body blasts will leave white flags in casts at half-mast
Spewed blood stream after hullabaloo fists broke thru
Mexican pride didn’t allow to be washed out with tide
Cruel waves crashed against levee until it finally broke
Resist and rebellion was only dialect this soldier spoke
Allstate couldn’t protect him from malicious mayhem
Paul Bunyon lesions size of Grand Canyon indentations
Mug in a mess, stain like Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress
9 th rd. brutal, Lucas added uppercuts/hooks to arsenal
John Molina was on path of unleashed merciless wrath
Meteor showers reduced willpower to wet gunpowder
In 10 th deluge of strikes folded him to a prayer posture
Survived but only to enter purgatory realms of torture
Psyche blown by Argentinean cyclone in the drop zone
The corner wouldn’t allow DrRck to check their boxer
By 11th the hollow man was dispatched to the gallows
Distorted perception followed by grotesque execution
Too deep in wicked blood for Holydiver to try a rescue
Jesus Christ couldn’t levitate this Lazaras from canvas
Awed victim of demise vacantly stared at faceless God
Reawakened only by visual memories of phlebotomies
Raucous flight of fancy dreams became silent movies
Strife-ridden state with no escape for acute headache
Lower tent pegs steamed like Jameis Winston crab legs
Brazen crimson fluid burial garment gunshot abrasions
Pugilist perils, thousand wounds bled above sea levels
Abomination of desolation after exposed to disillusion
John went from a Mora pretender to a real contender
Lucas from Inter-Cont. champ to piranha in guppy tank
In a fierce fight he’s never a Mr. Unreliable like Durant