This album is fuckin incredible.

I know i am in the minority here, but i didnt really like The Fix, bar a few songs like (the classic) My Block, it just came across to me as a bit over produced and a bit too 'nice' and 'sweet' sounding with some of the VERY accessible beats and the overdone hooks.

But this seems to be the correct balance. Yes there is a lot of singing, and yes its pretty accessible stuff but it is not overdone, the beats are toned down a little to be a bit more smooth and gospel like, plus there are a few harder sounding tracks in there too. And Scarface is just at the top of his game. THIS is how a rapper should age. I am still aborbing what he is saying but his voice and flow are just ON POINT.

Third time in a row listening to it. First album from this year that is dope from the first listen.