Quote Originally Posted by Olive Oil Goombah View Post
So what's your point?

They're all the same?

Basically they are.

I don't think if any of these four got elected there would be any major difference. Mainly because the President isn't the be all end all.

Which is why it's laughable at the fear Trump and your "emasculated white man" is instilling in minoritie and liberals.
your us of words like fear make more sense to me than the rest of the post which I didn't read.

The issue at hand is a large swath of America is authoritarian and Trump appeals to that in them. I've lived in a country with authoritarian rule and one thing people make the mistake of thinking is authoritarian = strength.

There's a desire for a he-man muscly candidate and Trump is playing the game needed to convince otherwise weak people that he is 'strong' and 'powerful'. I watched swaths of Americans fawn over frauds like Putin under the propoganda that he's a muscly man and that he's strong. People like this aren't strong and their weakness inevitably destroys them and the things they're given responsibility over. What we're facing is the fact that Americans haven't witnessed how horrible it is to give governing authority to someone who prides themselves in not being cooperative. Someone who because he or she can't learn how things work, find it easier to uproot what's on the ground and act as if it's a blank slate they can start over with. What you're witnessing isn't strength or power but weak people won't see this.

It's weakness. It looks like weakness to anyone with perspective. The same people that thought Putin was a bad ass ass kicker who kicks ass have something loud and entertaining to draw them in the process. Unfortunately there's a lot of these people.

I like Bernie. Bernie's a strong leader.