I've told you several times I don't want kids. What's hard for you to understand about that? Why would I want kids when I can't keep a job? I'm sick of seeing so many retarded blacks with a bunch of kids and they can't take care of them. So many black kids grow up poor. When they become adults, they get into crime and hanging with bad people because they refuse to get a job. The black woman who's a club stripper that I've told ya'll about that I've been intimate with several times got 3 kids and she can't take care of them because she don't have a job. She gotta depend on social services for welfare and food stamps to take care of them. She told me last week that she hasn't gotten food stamps in a long time because she's having problems with her financial information being sent over to Maryland's social services from Washington DC's social services office. I don't know why she's having that issue because she lives in Washington DC. So she should be able to get food stamps from them instead of the office in Maryland.

Her bad situation is weird because I figured social services would help her out since she got 3 kids and no job. She told me she hasn't stripped at the club often because she goes when she feels like it LOL. The thing that's sad about her situation is that her 2 sons and daughter will be poor and unemployed when they become adults because she isn't preparing them for the real world. Her kids are in elementary school but i'm sure when they get to high school, their grades won't be good like most black kids hahahahahahahahahaha. So many black women that are in her situation and that's why I hate black women. Dumb bitches don't need to be having kids when they have no jobs and then they got the nerve to expect black men to buy them stuff and give them money LOL. They get mad when black men don't wanna do that LOL.