Probably not the right forum for this, but what the fuck is up with those faggoty little scooters kids ride these days?

Back when I was a skater punk you'd go to the skatepark and it'd be mostly skateboarders, and then a few bmx riders and rollerbladers. Now you get mostly these ridiculous little faggots on scooters. As a former ripshit skater (and just getting back into it again a bit, after 6 years hiatus) I have never had the slightest little bit of respect for those faggoty little things, the faggots who ride them, or the faggoty 'tricks' they do. They're a fucking kids toy and nothing more.

Back in my day rollerbladers were considered the faggots of the skate scene, but these scooter fags make rollerbladers look like the most hardcore breed to ever exist. To see adults spinning their faggot little scooters around and doing their faggoty tricks makes me wanna cry. If you ride one of those things after you turn 12 or so, then you really should just die.

Anyway, of course nobody here gives a fuck. Maybe someone could do a tally of how many thymes I said 'faggot' or 'faggoty' in this thread.