First of all, this thread isn't to bring you down or anything, because I really don't give a shit.

So it's some thyme now since the whole OUATIS thing happened, and it seems to have been pretty well forgotten by everybody. Which is to say nobody gives a shit anymore. It seems the only thing you achieved with this whole thing is a pretty nice paycheck. Good for you. I don't know if you have a family to support or whatever, but if so then you did well.

But on the other hand, if you had released this album normally, so that the fans actually could have experienced it, who knows what might have happened? If it's as good as you say it is, and as it certainly had the potential to be, then at the very least you would have caused a big stir among Wu fans. Potentially you might have generated a buzz among the wider hip hop community and achieved some very positive recognition for it. Maybe even put the Wu back in the spotlight to a degree.

Especially after the disappointment of ABT and 8D, this album might have ended up going down in Wu folk lore as the much longed for classic album we haven't heard in so, so many years.

Instead all you got is that paycheck. I guess you were trying to make a statement or whatever, but you failed in that. Nobody cares anymore.

Just wondering how you feel about the decisions you made with your album, in hindsight?